Hero, Raven, Rougue. Zargerion Sabter

Hero, Raven, Rougue - Zargerion Sabter

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p>Hero, Raven, Rougue

      Zargerion Sabter

      © Zargerion Sabter, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0062-6495-3

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Hero, Raven, Rouge

      Original is (in rus) «Герой ворон изгой» Hero, Raven, Rouge by Zargerion Subter. Author’s own translation.

      «Forgive me but I am not a professional translator, so there may be spelling, punctuation and logical errors of mild degree» by Author.

      This story revolves around a man destined to be a spawn of hell from birth but chooses a path divergent from his preordained fate. The dynamic shift in events starts with the ordinary tale of a guy who struggles to find happiness. Gradually, the plot becomes infused with mysticism, and the protagonist encounters things beyond his comprehension. The narrative intertwines fate, divine design, and elements of an old-school criminal thriller, crafting a gripping tale.


      – One evening, I was walking down a dark street, and I heard crying: «Waaah, waaah.» You were crying so loudly. I thought, «Well, this is unfortunate, but what can I, a homeless wanderer, do for this little one? I could use some help myself…» So, I continued walking, leaving you there, hoping that someone in this poor neighborhood would take you in as their own son. Sure, I could have taken you to the police, but then you would have ended up in a local orphanage, and finding a place worse than that is extremely difficult these days. I know from experience. With these thoughts, I walked until I realized that a young couple seemed to be walking behind me. You were crying so pitifully and loudly. I was sure that these people would somehow help you, but they just laughed and walked past, much like me. That’s when I realized that if I didn’t help you, no one else in this neighborhood would, so I decided to wait a bit longer for someone, anyone. I hid nearby and began to wait. After a while, a man passed by. He seemed fairly well-off, by the way, but this scoundrel pretended not to hear your cries and acted as if you weren’t there. «Alright!» I thought. «Sometimes you just need to wait a little longer.» And, as it turned out, I didn’t have to wait long. I heard the sound of a car approaching, and I realized it was time for me to take initiative. I ran onto the road and stood in its path. Honestly, the car’s headlights blinded me a bit, and I thought the car might not stop, but I was lucky. The car stopped right in front of me, barely touching me with its bumper, while you continued wailing loudly on the right side of the car. I heard a lot of swearing from the driver. He was heading somewhere with a girl or his wife, and he was quite well-dressed, and his car was very decent. Then I thought, «Here’s the jackpot.» «Honey, look, someone left this adorable creature here,» the girl in the car said. «Dear, stop it! Who knows if he’s sick or something. We have enough of our own problems, trust me,» the man-driver replied. «But we don’t have any,» argued the girl. «Then we need to fix that urgently!» the man laughed, and they drove off as if they hadn’t been there. Honestly, at that moment, I was once again deeply disappointed in people. If even well-off people behave like this, what can be said about the poor or the homeless, like me? Next came a group of young guys. At first, I thought about trying my luck again and hinting to them about the need to help you, but soon I realized that they were not just ordinary guys but a gang of local thugs. At that moment, I was really scared for you, Alex. I quickly ran out of hiding, picked you up, and hurried away from there, holding you in my arms. Who knows what they would have done to you if they had come across you on their way… Interestingly, when I picked you up, you immediately stopped crying and even smiled. Smiled at me… At that moment, I understood that I might be the only one who cares about you. I could have tried to move you to another place and wait again, hoping that someone would care for a crying baby, but I decided to abandon that idea after seeing what could await you, even if fate had something else in store for you. So, I brought you here! Honestly, the next day, when I realized I had nothing to blame myself for, I thought about taking you somewhere again, but soon I remembered my savings. In the end, I had to spend them all. But I don’t regret it at all, Alex, because I managed to raise an incredibly good boy,» said the old man, whom the boy considered his father, patting him on the head in a fatherly way.

      – Why didn’t they want to take me? – little Alex asked, sitting on the floor.

      – I’m afraid that some of them might have wanted to – at least some – but couldn’t. And some might have been able to but didn’t want to burden their lives. In general, I’ve lived quite a long time, but I still haven’t learned to fully understand people, – said the old man, appearing to be in his sixties, sitting on his mattress and sipping hot tea. He was entirely wrapped in an old, slightly frayed blanket, and only a worn-out white undershirt was visible, but this old faded shirt suited this smiling elderly man.

      – Well, I’m glad you took me, or even homeless dogs could have eaten me.

      – Oh, come on, they are kind! People are much scarier than dogs, believe me…

      – I saw dogs gnawing on a dead cat, – the boy shuddered.

      – That wasn’t a cat, – intentionally fibbing, the old man declared. – It just seemed that way to you. Someone threw them a big piece of meat – that’s what they were having for lunch.

      – No, Grandpa Remy, I saw it, it was a cat!

      – You’re just a daydreamer! – Remy replied. – The main thing with dogs is not to anger them, and they’ll never bother you. It’s especially important not to disturb them while they’re eating – that really irritates them… Otherwise, they’re harmless. Treat them well, and they’ll treat you well!

      The boy felt a bit uneasy that old man Remy didn’t believe him. He turned away, picked up a stick, and began to either play with it or just examine it.

      – Alright, if you ever want more stories, just ask, – Remy said with a smile. – I have plenty… And some are funny too! Like the time I went looking for breast milk for you – that’s a real laugh. But for now, go for a little walk; something doesn’t feel right for me today. I need some rest…

      Remy lay down on the mattress, covered himself with the blanket, and curled up into a ball underneath it.

      – Alright, if anything, I put the tea on that stand right next to your head, – said Alex and ran outside.

      – Alright, thank you! – replied old man Remy as the boy headed out.

      The boy was already dressed in what is commonly referred to as rags. What else could be expected from a boy living in the basement, abandoned by everyone except the elderly homeless wanderer? He wore an old brown leather jacket over a slightly torn dark-blue sweatshirt, and old, slightly oversized jeans with worn-out dirty sneakers.

      Alex approached the exit from the basement, where he and old man Remy had comfortably settled, enduring the cold seasons. He looked at the drizzling rain outside and then at Remy, seemingly wrapped in a warm blanket, lying on a mattress near the old boiler room that heated the basement. Next to the old man on the mattress was an iron mug emitting steam. This steam illuminated a small portable lantern with a dim flame in its core.

      «Get well soon, Remy,» whispered the boy, then pulled on his hood and stepped into the rain to witness the last glimmers of the setting sun breaking through the cloudy sky.

      The boy walked into the streets of the ghetto where he grew up. Here, he didn’t feel like a stranger. Not many people living here had lives significantly better. Before his eyes appeared those crimson sunbeams piercing through the gloomy sky. He took a deep breath, facing his face towards the sky. Feeling the drops swiftly falling on his cheeks, caressing his skin like a gift from the heavens. Yet, as he briefly savored these moments, the rain instantly intensified, and the clouds completely covered the celestial expanse.

      The boy sighed, adjusted his hood, and headed straight into the downpour. He walked through the impoverished neighborhood of the quite sizable city known as Detroit. It was already dark – in the autumn, the day plunges into night earlier than in summer. The boy observed what poverty and need

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