The Trader's Pendulum. Samuels Jody

The Trader's Pendulum - Samuels Jody

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p>Jody Samuels

      The Trader's Pendulum

      The Trader's Pendulum

      The 10 Habits of Highly Successful Traders

      Jody Samuels

      The Wiley Trading series features books by traders who have survived the market's ever-changing temperament and have prospered – some by reinventing systems, others by getting back to basics. Whether a novice trader, professional, or somewhere in-between, these books will provide the advice and strategies needed to prosper today and well into the future. For more on this series, visit our website at

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      Copyright © 2015 by Jody Samuels. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

      Published simultaneously in Canada.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

      Samuels, Jody, 1957–

      The trader's pendulum + website: the 10 habits of highly successful traders / Jody Samuels.

      pages cm. – (The Wiley trading series)

      Includes bibliographical references and index.

      ISBN 978-1-118-99557-0 (paper/website) – ISBN 978-1-118-99644-7 (ePDF) – ISBN 978-1-118-99658-4 (ePub) 1. Investments. 2. Investment analysis. 3. Speculation. I. Title.

      HG4521.S3314 2015

      332.64 – dc23


      Cover Design: Wiley

      Cover Images: Newton's cradle ©;

      Foucault pendulum ©

This book is dedicated to my loving family: my husband, Malcolm, and daughters, Jackie and Rebecca


      The Trader's Pendulum – The Ten Habits of Highly Successful Traders is an honest, educational and most importantly, an enjoyable book to read. Jody Samuels' style makes concepts understandable. She writes as she speaks: with simplicity and clarity; this comes from her many years of experience turning willing traders into consummate professionals.

      I love reading books. The ones that have left a lasting impression on me have one thing in common: They grabbed me in the first chapter and held me to the final word. The Trader's Pendulum – The Ten Habits of Highly Successful Traders has done just that. That is why I strongly recommend this book for the complete novice; not only is it an enjoyable read, but it is written from an understanding of your perspective.

      The veteran trader should also read this book. You will find yourself enlightened by Jody's depth of understanding in specific areas. It will allow you to open your mind and stretch that little bit further. I know the commitment to being the best trader you can be comes with the understanding that learning never stops.

      Understanding that “engaging in a coach is an investment not an expense” is so meaningful to me because Jody stopped my journey from heading in the wrong direction.

      I have been fortunate enough to be one of Jody's coaching clients. I worked one-on-one with Jody as she showed me how to pave the way to my dream of becoming a full-time, million-dollar currency trader.

      As a child, I always knew I wanted to be self-employed, free of having a boss. I wanted to make good money based on my decisions, and I wanted freedom to travel and explore while I spent the money I made helping out where I could. Even as a child I always dreamt big.

      I spent years thinking, reading, and growing to better understand what I was looking for and how it could be most effectively expressed. My belief was if I knew exactly what I wanted, then planning the path to attain it would be more obvious. My search for understanding allowed me to find three little words that were simple, but extremely powerful.

      Autonomy, Purpose, and Mastery

      Autonomy: I wanted my decisions to have a positive impact on outcomes. I wanted to be accountable for how I thought and the actions I took. I didn't want to belong to a corporate structure where progress wasn't always based on merit.

      Purpose: I wanted to know that with financial independence I could contribute to something bigger than myself to help make our world a safer, happier, and cleaner place to live. That is truly empowering.

      Mastery: In our core we all want to master something. I believe this is why so many hours are dedicated to playing a musical instrument, learning to cook complex recipes, or improving our golf game. Mastering anything is frustrating and difficult, but it gives our souls absolute pleasure as we improve at our chosen task.

      Eventually, I knew what I wanted, but I was unsure as to the vehicle required to take me there. The day I placed my first trade I knew I had found my answer. I found something I loved to do and solved the question of how to find autonomy, purpose, and mastery all rolled into one.

      Trading became my passion. I could sit at home and make money. I could take holidays and still make money. My friends were envious. For me, trading is the perfect job, but with any job it takes time, patience, and experience to become proficient. During my struggles, I met Jody Samuels.

      Many times, I stumbled, but Jody never gave up. When I doubted myself and was confused and frustrated, Jody held strong. When I lost sight of the bigger picture, Jody did not. Jody brings understanding and compassion to her work.


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