Fit. Kennaugh Warren

Fit - Kennaugh Warren

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p>Warren Kennaugh


      Warren Kennaugh is one of Australia's elite coaches. I particularly admire the parallels he makes between business and sports coaching. Business and sport have a lot to learn from each other. Warren has a deep understanding of Hogan assessments which is accurately captured in this book. For anyone wanting some keen insights into what makes for a high performing team, this book is a must read.

– Peter Berry, Managing Director and Hogan Consultant,Peter Berry Consulting

      Most sports, and certainly the one I am involved with (rugby), include considerable physical mastery and significant technical skill. But of course, to be a true champion of your chosen profession, you have to know who you are and how you respond under pressure situations, be in control of yourself and know how you best operate. This book exposes the absolute importance of the performance mindset of the athlete and that as managers and coaches we simply cannot afford to ignore this critical area. To do so would be negligent! This book ‘fits' with me!

– Lyndon Bray, SANZAR Game Manager,former Test Match Rugby Referee

      For some time now I have struggled with the overly prescriptive view taken on talent and leadership. In Fit, Kennaugh sheds light on why and the inherent risk of adopting a one size fits all approach to high performance. What makes this piece eminently readable is the rich portfolio of experience that Kennaugh draws on to bring the theory of high performance to life; at all times backed up by a solid body of theory and research. Kennaugh clearly brings a deep passion for the field and it shows in Fit.

– Mark Busine, Managing Director, Australia,DDI-Asia/Pacific International, Ltd

      Thanks Warren, at last a simple approach that makes sense and cuts through high performance hype. Fit shows simply and impactfully how to put yourself in your own sweet spot of high performance.

– Leanne Christie, CEO,Ovation Speakers Bureau

      I can't remember the last time I was so excited about a book. It's frank, refreshing and just plain honest about what makes high performance. It has great real life examples, backed up by extensive research and cross referencing. Before reading any other book on performance, read Fit.

– Angela Howard, Chief Human Resource Officer, Metcash Ltd

      As in most businesses, the great challenge of high performance is managing and understanding what makes different people tick. In order to achieve consistency in this, you have to understand the complexities of human behaviour. In my role as the head coach of a professional cricket team, I spend most of my time managing people. In Fit, Warren Kennaugh is able to simplify man management; a concept which is often confusing, and always challenging. Fit is frank, refreshing and honest and an interesting guide to high performance.

– Justin Langer AM, Head Coach, Western Warriors and Perth Scorchers cricket teams

      Not only does Fit challenge conventional thinking about performance, it actually provides the formula about how YOU best fit. Once you start reading you won't be able to put it down as you begin to identify yourself within this book – well done Warren for cracking the high performance code.

– David Mathlin, Director and Senior Principal,Sinclair, Knight & Merz (Australia)

      Wow, what a magical piece of writing on the complexities of human performance. Frankly, from the moment I started to read Fit, I couldn't stop until the final page. Warren has clearly ‘tilted the lance at some sacred cows', but so what, this is exactly why this is a must-read for everyone and every team leader who wants to perform consistently better.

– Tony Pensabene, former CEO, Johnson & Johnson Medical,Taiwan and New Zealand

      Warren Kennaugh is more committed to enabling high performance in individuals and teams than any other person on the planet. His no-nonsense, at times humorous approach is reflected throughout this great book. Kennaugh makes it powerful yet simple to understand and provides direction for everyone to be a high performer in all aspects of life – if you're interested in exceptional performance then this book is for you.

– Brett Rumford, PGA Golfer,five times winner on the EPGA Tour

      Compelling. Fit challenges years of tightly held theory on talent which has left business poorer financially and culturally. Kennaugh provides an inspiring science-based solution presented in a humanistic way, an engaging must-read for anyone in business.

– Mark Smith, Group Executive, Perpetual Private

      This book is an interesting and informative read for anyone who is passionate and committed to improving their individual and team performance. There is something for everyone who wants to try and reach their potential because it focuses on the individual personality and challenges you to engage with the exercises, reflect and learn from the experience of Warren's work. Never hesitate at the price of a book, please think about the value that it can give you – and there is plenty of value in this one.

– Simon Taufel, ICC Umpire Performance & Training Manager,ICC Umpire of the Year 2004–2008

      It's like getting stock tips from Warren Buffett. Warren Kennaugh's experience and work in high performance is to be envied. He hasn't just studied high performance, the elite ask him to work with them. If you want to understand high performance learn from the best.

– Chris Webb, High Performance Manager, Australian Equestrian Team, former General Manager High Performance,Emirates Western Force and Rugby WA

      Warren Kennaugh has written the definitive book on high performance. His research, compelling case studies and experience share insights that are profoundly true. I recommend this to managers, leaders, and any individuals interested in performing at their highest levels.


      First published in 2016 by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd

      42 McDougall St, Milton Qld 4064

      Office also in Melbourne

      © WK Global Pty Ltd 2016

      The moral rights of the author have been asserted

      National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication data:

      All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968 (for example, a fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism or review), no part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission. All inquiries should be made to the publisher at the address above.

      Cover design by Wiley


      The material in this publication is of the nature of general comment only, and does not represent professional advice. It is not intended to provide specific guidance for particular circumstances and it should not be relied on as the basis for any decision to take action or not take action on any matter which it covers. Readers should obtain professional advice where appropriate, before making any such decision. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the author and publisher disclaim all responsibility and liability to any person, arising directly or indirectly from any person taking or not taking action based on the information in this publication.


      Warren is a behavioural strategist specialising in the coaching and development of elite performance. Harvard-trained

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