Reimagining Work. Peter Maglathlin

Reimagining Work - Peter  Maglathlin

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p>Rob Biederman

      Reimagining Work

REIMAGINING WORKStrategies to Disrupt Talent, Lead Change, and Win with a Flexible WorkforceROB BIEDERMANPAT PETITTIPETER MAGLATHLIN

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From RobThree key groups have been indispensable to HourlyNerd/Catalant's success. To our incredible team, who has bet precious unrecoverable time chasing this dream with us, thank you. To our investors, for your irrational faith in us and in the idea, we are eternally grateful. And, to our experts and customers, who share our audacious belief in a future of work that allows people to live life by their own design, we are honored to be on this journey with youMom, Dad, and Brooke: each of you inspire me every dayFor all of the founders who've had doors slammed in their faces and been told by experts their ideas would never work: never, ever, ever, ever, ever give upFrom PatStarting a company is really, really hard and can't be done without an exceptionally supportive family willing to let you chase your dreams working long hours in the face of likely failure, incredible, dedicated and inspiring cofounders who push you to be your very best and pull you through the hard times, an amazing team that believes and perseveres when everything tells them not to, investors who give you the support to think big, make mistakes, and take bold risks, and users who push you to continually improve while understanding why things aren't always perfectWe have been so fortunate to have all of the above and more, and for that I am eternally gratefulFrom PeterI'd like to thank my mother and father, Laurie and Peter Maglathlin, my two sisters, Caroline and Phoebe Maglathlin, and my fiancee, Caitlin O'Malley, for their unwavering support and encouragement. I'd also like to thank the faculty, students, and alumni of Harvard Business School for providing us the opportunity and the platform to make our dream a reality. Lastly, I'd like to thank our investors for believing in our vision when few others did, and for partnering with us on this journey

      About Us

      Catalant connects companies to the world's best business talent, on demand. We believe that rapid advances in technology and remarkable changes in how professionals today are choosing to work has transformed the way companies and talent engage with each other. At Catalant, we have built a platform for these seekers and suppliers of talent to meet. Our global network includes 40,000+ independent professionals and subject matter experts who are available to work with enterprise customers on a range of business needs including research, strategy, marketing, finance, sales, and operations projects. There is a new way of working and Catalant is helping to drive the change. Based in Boston, Catalant serves hundreds of global clients, including more than 25 % of the Fortune 100. For more information, visit

      About the Authors


      Rob Biederman is the cofounder and co‐CEO of Catalant, where he is responsible for sales and key enterprise relationships, marketing, global partnerships and finance in addition to shared governance of the company.

      Prior to founding Catalant, Biederman was a private equity investor at Goldman Sachs and Bain Capital, where he focused on the health care and high‐tech industries. Biederman graduated from Princeton University and Harvard Business School.


      Patrick Petitti is the cofounder and co‐CEO of Catalant and is responsible for the technology and product development, software enterprise relationships, HR and shared governance for the company.

      Prior to founding Catalant, Petitti was a consultant at negotiation and conflict management consulting firm Vantage partners, and before that at Booz Allen Hamilton. Petitti received his BS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and MBA from the Harvard Business School. He is a born‐and‐raised Bostonian.


      Peter Maglathlin is the cofounder and former CFO of Catalant Technologies.

      Prior to founding Catalant Technologies, Peter worked at UBS Investment Bank in the Financial Institutions Group and Highbridge Capital Management in Corporate Development. Peter is also actively involved in the Big Brother Big Sister Organization of Massachusetts Bay. Originally from Connecticut, Peter is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Business School.

      Right people, right place, right time. Working with partners, not always permanent employees.

– A respondent at a Future of Work conference when asked, “What does the Future of Work Mean to You?”


      We're sure there have been worse presentations in the history of business. But our first effort to sell the idea for the company we now call Catalant was memorably weak.

      It was the winter of 2013, and we were halfway through our first year at Harvard Business School. HBS, as it is known in the vernacular, had only recently created a mandatory class aimed at giving every MBA student a taste of start‐up life. That January, the entire first‐year class of 900 broke into teams of six. The assignment: come up with a real‐life business idea and then spend the next few months proving its viability. The first big test came a few

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