The Liar's Ball. Ward Vicky

The Liar's Ball - Ward Vicky

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p>Vicky Ward

      The Liar's Ball: The Extraordinary Saga of How One Building Broke the World's Toughest Tycoons

The Liar's BallThe Extraordinary Saga of How One Building Broke the World's Toughest Tycoons

      Vicky Ward

      Cover image: Mask ©; GM Building © PSL Images/Alamy

      Cover design: C. Wallace

      Copyright ©2014 by Vicky Ward. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

      ISBN 978-1-118-29531-1 (Cloth)

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      ISBN 978-1-118-42151-2 (ebk)

For Richard


      Every year, toward the end of January, around 2,000 members of the New York real estate industry gather in the Hilton Hotel to celebrate the Real Estate Board of New York's annual gala: an event affectionately known by its attendees as “the Liar's Ball.”

      The dress code is black tie, but that's the only nod to decorum.

      The senior U.S. senator for New York, Charles Schumer, is a regular, as are the presiding mayor and New York's archbishop, John Cardinal O'Connor. The dignitaries sit on the dais and, during dinner, one by one, they rise to make speeches, but they don't expect to be heard by an openly disdainful audience that is busily clinking glasses and shouting over and at each other, boasting about last year's profits and deals.

      The public figures are glad, for once, that there are no national TV crews on hand to record this ritualistic humiliation. Senator Schumer grins while he talks, trying to appear as if he is in on the joke. But there is no joke. The diners talk over him and the rest simply because they've got other priorities.

      Every year, for just one night, these wheelers-and-dealers come to make nice with competitors they cheerfully deride the rest of the year. They come to pick up a deal or maybe five. And although they often wish they could exist without their peers – their fellow pirates – this is an incestuous club, where connections to the right partners, lawyers, bankers, and brokers are key for deal flow.

      So they come to the Hilton to schmooze, to pretend, to shout. “It almost doesn't matter who the speakers are, because I've never seen – as much as I love my colleagues – a ruder group of people than at this banquet,” Peter Hauspurg, the chairman and CEO of Eastern Consolidated, told the New York Observer in 2012.

      To an outsider, the behavior seems bizarre. To witness a mob in tuxedos and tulle yelling over a U.S. senator? To hear someone whisper, “I can't stand this guy; I fired him a year ago,” before turning to monopolize his prey with a serpentine charm? To the cognoscenti at the Liar's Ball, dissembling is as natural and necessary as breathing.

      This party celebrates characteristics most of us condemn: brashness, mendacity, greed… On this one night the industry revels in who and what it really is and it does not care who sees.

      Welcome to the Liar's Ball. It's rough, it's vulgar, and it's a riveting show.

      Cast of Characters

       The Early Years

      Principal: William Magear “Boss” Tweed

      Principal: Judge P. Henry Dugro

      Principal: Harry S. Black

      Principal: Conrad Hilton

      Principal: William Zeckendorf

       The Rayne/Benattar Years

      Principal: Max Rayne

      Principal: Cecilia Benattar

      Principals' lawyers: Jesse Wolff, Martin Ginsberg

      Principals' spouses: Jack Benattar, Michael Schwartz (Benattar), Lady Jane Vane-Tempest-Stewart (Rayne)

      Principals' children: The Honorable Robert “Robbie” Rayne; Naomi, Simon, Jessica, and Judith Benattar

      Principals' tenants: Mary Wells Lawrence, Estée and Leonard Lauder, Ira Millstein, Harvey Miller, General Motors

      Principals' broker: Harry Macklowe

      Principals' architect: Edward Durrell Stone

      Principals' supporting cast: James Nagy, Geoffrey Wharton

       The Disque Deane Years

      Principal: Disque Deane

      Principal's wives: Anne Delafield, Marjorie Schlesinger, Carol Gram

      Principal's acknowledged children: Marjorie Deane, Kathryn Deane, Disque Deane Jr., Walter Deane, Anne Deane, and Carl Deane

      Principal's unacknowledged child: Hare Deane

      Principal's mentor: André Meyer

      Principal's senior executives: Hans Mautner, Jerry O'Connor, G. Martin Fell, Warren Hamer, Thomas Zacharias

      Principal's mistress; Barbara Koz

      Seller to Principal: Harry Macklowe

      Principal's supporting cast: Roderick Johnson

      Principal's business partners: Fred and Donald J. Trump

       The Simon/Trump/Hilbert Years

      Principal: Donald J. Trump

      Principal: Stephen Hilbert


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