The Positive Woman. Gael Lindenfield
The Positive Woman
Gael Lindenfield
With much love and admiration, I dedicate this book to
my daughter Susie who this year takes her first steps into the world as a positive woman.
Part 1: Laying the foundations
Chapter 2: Becoming positive in the quest for self-knowledge
Chapter 4: Kicking the negative thinking habit
Chapter 5: Kicking negative habits of feeling
Chapter 6: Kicking negative habits of behaviour
Chapter 7: Improving your physical well-being
Chapter 8: Improving your self-presentation
Chapter 9: Developing your skills and knowledge
Chapter 10: Revitalizing personal relationships
Chapter 11: Give your lifestyle a management boost
Chapter 12: Positive action strategy
Chapter 13: Relaxation, meditation and creative visualization
Chapter 14: Asserting yourself
The emotional story of my life