Bound to Please. Sarah K

Bound to Please - Sarah K

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       Title Page

       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

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      I have always thought there is something incredibly sexy about a man in a dinner jacket and bow tie, cummerbund, the whole evening suit thing; and the way Adam’s DJ fitted him – making the most of those broad shoulders, narrow waist and long legs – proved my point. His tie was undone now and draped around his muscular neck, his shirt undone a button or two to reveal a light tan and just the hint of a hairy chest. He had the nicest, bluest eyes I’ve ever seen, their colour accentuated by the black velvet mask he was wearing to cover the top half of his face. Not quite knowing who he was and what he looked like added another layer of excitement.

      â€˜Is that okay? Not too tight?’ he asked as he tied my wrists together with a wide, red, soft silk ribbon.

      â€˜Yes, thank you, Sir,’ I answered politely.

      He did a double take and then laughed. ‘Impressive,’ he said. ‘Are you always this well behaved?’

      I raised an eyebrow. ‘What do you think?’

      Adam, deadpan, said, ‘Maddie told me you and I would get on. I like a subbie with a bit of fight. You’re happy? And you’re okay with the safe word?’

      I nodded. ‘Yes,’ I said, well aware that Doms don’t take a nod for an answer.

      â€˜Good,’ he said. ‘You know you’re safe here with me, don’t you? If you call a halt, then that’s it. We stop.’

      â€˜Yes, Sir,’ I said.

      As our gaze met I could see the little flame of desire in Adam’s eyes and knew that it was echoed in mine. I could already feel myself responding to his delight at having a willing woman all tied up and ready for his pleasure – not to mention her own.

      In the centre of the room, suspended from the ceiling, was a length of stainless-steel chain with a hook on it that could be adjusted up or down depending on the height of the person being restrained. Adam led me over to it, took the chain and clipped the hook through the silk between my wrists and adjusted it so that my hands were above my head – not quite at full stretch but close to it.

      â€˜Comfortable?’ Adam asked as I adjusted my position.

      â€˜Yes, Sir,’ I said.

      â€˜Good,’ he said. ‘You look fabulous.’ He paused, holding my gaze so that there could be no misunderstanding. ‘And you’re happy?’

      I nodded. The truth was I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t happy, and while it might not suit everyone, this is my idea of having a good time. There was no obligation for me to play, and none at all for me to submit to Adam – it was my choice entirely and I was very happy with this particular evening’s decision.

      Adam walked around me slowly, taking his time, watching me, taking in every detail, as if I was an unexpected and very special present and he was considering where to begin the unwrapping process. Stepping closer, Adam pressed his lips into the angle of my neck and kissed me. The first touch ricocheted through my body, creating a wave of intense pleasure and expectation. And then he began nipping, licking and kissing, biting – tiny, searing red-hot bites – the brush of his mask providing an odd contrast to the sensation of his lips and tongue and teeth working down over my skin. I groaned and stretched up towards him, keen to enjoy each caress.

      Stopping for a moment, Adam leaned in closer. ‘Here, let me take your earrings off,’ he said, gently tipping my head to one side. ‘I’m worried I might catch them.’

      I smiled up at him. It was an intimate, caring thing to do, at odds with what most people would associate with Doms and subs and BDSM, but typical of my experience.

      â€˜That’s better. I’ll look after them for you, keep them safe,’ he said, slipping them into his jacket pocket. ‘Now, where were we?’

      Guessing that he was talking to himself, I didn’t reply. His lips returned to my neck, working busily up over my throat, nibbling at my ears, breathing me in, and then they worked lower, across my shoulders, down over my collarbones, each kiss, each breath building my expectation and excitement. Finally, Adam reached down and undid the zipper that fastened the corset I was wearing and freed my breasts. His mouth was there an instant behind his fingers.

      I gasped as he drew a hard dark nipple deep into his mouth, while his fingers worked at my other breast, nipping and twisting, sharp tiny pains, cupping the soft flesh in the palm of his hand, making me shiver and gasp at the heady mix of pleasure and pain. I could hear and feel his soft murmurs of delight reverberate through my skin as he bit down harder. Gasping at the intensity of the sensations, I pressed my body into his.

      It had been a while since I’d played with anyone. Max, my previous partner, had been an accomplished lover and Dom, introducing me to the mysteries and the magic of BDSM. Since we’d split up I had missed the intimacy of our relationship, both mental and physical. The relationship between Master and submissive is an intense, intoxicating mix of trust and emotion, exposing the deepest and most intimate desires of the people involved. Playing with Adam felt like rain after a long drought. I could feel my whole body responding hungrily to each caress, each touch igniting tiny glowing sparks of arousal.

      Adam closed his teeth, biting down onto my nipple, making me whimper and gasp, making me writhe with pleasure. He slid a hand between my legs, moving it rhythmically, stroking and pressing up into the crease of my sex under my panties, teasing, changing the pressure and the angle to breathtaking effect, his thumb brushing across my clitoris, his fingers separated from my moist, aching flesh by a triangle of soft leather. I moaned and moved with him, chasing his caress.

      His lips moved higher, nibbling my shoulders, gently biting my neck. I closed my eyes, relishing every touch.

      Adam pulled away and traced the outline of my mask with his fingertips. ‘You are beautiful,’ he murmured.

      â€˜Thank you,’ I whispered. ‘You too,’ I added with a smile.

      There is something empowering and exciting about living out your fantasies. There, right then, I truly felt beautiful, glamorous and mysterious, behind

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