When there is no sense in names. Sergey Strelyaev

When there is no sense in names - Sergey Strelyaev

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hen there is no sense in names

      Sergey Strelyaev

      © Sergey Strelyaev, 2019

      ISBN 978-5-0050-2082-6

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      When there is no sense in names

      Having died, the engine sniffed, on a body of our “Scythian” ran a shiver.

      – Mother, mother. Interiors of the bus stopped, – naive babbling of the child did not cause either laughter, or smiles in passengers.

      People with obvious displeasure left the places, got out to a frost.

      – Poryadochek, cafe shines, – among us after all there was one happy person.

      – And you if only “to fill in plum”, – I answered, muffling in a scarf. – Here tell what we waited for? It was impossible to leave for a week earlier? Were stayed: on the train, aboard the plane there are no tickets.

      – It also is clear, – the sounded reproach remained unaddressed. – Where to take them the thirty first?

      By a proshkandybala, did not turn sour carrying out old year, children any more.

      – And here, check out “vertukha”.

      The killed trudging towards, “in smoke” the man, departing to snow, the first estimated reception of hand-to-hand fight.

      – Yes, so nothing, – having inclined over floundering in a snowdrift, the guy approved.

      …Failing during deep snow, I went after the rocking back Round whom occasionally called by Artyom. Was angry. Not only that missed all tickets, except the regular bus Oryol-Kharkiv, so also it was necessary to celebrate New year in roadside cafe on the suburb of Kursk. In festive night the winter pleased with snowfall and, as a result, the blocked highway.

      We were en route more than five hours, shivered in the chilled piece of iron. A peculiar way to leave the city of the first salute left to us if not sideways, then the aching fifth points, for certain. Even the hope glimmering in the beginning to see the country, the travel duration which somehow is brightening up, died. It remained with two crippled bodies of the cars flaunting on departure from Oryol about a post of GAI there. Further the woods, snow and ice-covered asphalt on which our transport “rushed” no more than 40 km/h stretched.

      Having creaked brakes, one more sufferer drove to a roadside. Caught up with us, left along the same route, only on an hour later, Ikarus.

      …At the opened door the high footboard was come off by the girl. “My interiors began to move”. The breeze played her lungs as down, hair and, also gently, as well as picked up, returned back on thin shoulders, threw below a belt. Slightly audible perfume aroma, naturally, accepted for its own, proceeding from a young body reached me, began to smell. Graceful, not on weather the dress emphasized symmetry of a figure.

      Regained consciousness from the fact that Round furiously shook my hand.

      – You what, fell asleep? – shouted directly in an ear, having lost any hope to revive me.

      Having guessed the reason of a sudden stupor, began to explain:

      – No, Brother. Such not for us.

      Probably, words were heard more loudly, than followed, and the girl turned back in our party. All its look showed discontent – the answer to our attempts to discuss and define to whom it suits and to whom is not present. Finally, having pricked with green eyes, passed by, disappeared in cafe.

      An hour later, travelers already guzhevat in a roadside snack bar. Among abundance of alcohol of worthy snack was not and there was not enough money for it.

      – We came to drink, – Artyom shone, overturning the next glass of smelly cognac in a throat, jammed a bread piece.

      – You though juice bought, – inattentively supporting a conversation, I furtively watched the stranger who settled behind the next little table.

      – Today juice from mine a sock! And still glass…

      So, increasing the pace, the people moved ahead till the nights ahead. Every minute at our table new people appeared. Soon it was necessary to shift two, and later, and three tables together.

      Despite “fair prices”, by ten o’clock money practically ran low. The enterprising friend “was afraid” Orthodox Christians from whom the scar from whom two, in case of refusal threatening to damn, ran out on the street and from time to time came back with a quarter-liter bottle of vodka of “a green serpent”.

      – In little shop is cheaper nearby. Let’s go, I will show.

      … – That, please, – hiccupping, Artyom ordered quite decent, on quality, vodka.

      Having wiped goods, the woman handed to already regular customer a bottle of “Pepper brandy”.

      …Someone imprudently bakhnut a full glass of this potion and with protruding eyes rushed off in a toilet.

      – But though with all the heart, – carried out unfortunate an amicable laughter.

      I did not react. Round found my look wandering on the beautiful little girl again.

      – Now we will make.

      Having jumped from a chair, flew on alcoholic couples directly to it. Took seat nearby, blurted out something, and the crash of a slap in the face muffled music.

      Having flashed, it promptly approached me.

      – Let’s go, we will dance!

      From the feasting brotherhood removed tables several meters, the bartender made radio more loudly…

      – You can put hands on a waist, – the people twitching around pushed it to me. – In general, the fact that you embraced, not a waist any more. Closely. We go on air.

      Having thrown with the first sheepskin coat, jumped out on a threshold. It was necessary to pass afterwards.

      – And to wipe! Here, correctly! – jumped out of shop Round. – On, take, – put to me in a hand the next bottle. – I quickly, now will carry “буэ” in the subsoil shining a whiteness, – and hid behind the cafe building.

      The dream stood to me in a half-turn. I saw the scarlet, touched by a smile lips. In the light of a hinged lamp they shone: and calling, it is also repellent at the same time. It seemed both an angel, and the demon, seemed something fantastic, illusive, unreal, very close and absolutely inaccessible.

      Wind, developing hair, hid her face, prevented to understand the hidden thoughts.

      – Well what you will tell?

      On eyelashes snow fell, thawed, forcing the person to sparkle.

      – Do not look to me in the face, – horrifying from where my own voice reached, nothing of that kind is resolute I was going to speak.

      – I will not look, – turning away, she laughed.

      – I know you.

      – Tell, – from the little girl, filling me with courage, readiness for rough protection flew.

      – … When kept for you our first appointment, having grabbed a hairbrush, ran away into the room. —

      With astonishment thin threads of eyebrows rose. The snowflake fell on eyelashes. The burning breath, blew off it away.

      – Thought you will not come. You will be afraid! – having quickly oriented, supported nonexistent memoirs.

      – Then, in a little rough, violently softened voice roofing felts the reproach, roofing felts joy was heard.

      – Rough?! Yes I that day caught a cold, – having turned back, slightly pushed me in a shoulder, – of course, rejoiced and afraid, and suddenly will not come.

      – I already then knew all your tenderness, felt force which is concealed inside.

      – And from where you knew it?

      – Felt.

      – And!

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