Perfect Praying: 5 Simple Steps That Make Prayers Work. Jon William Lopez

Perfect Praying: 5 Simple Steps That Make Prayers Work - Jon William Lopez

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      Perfect Praying

       5 Simple Steps That Make Prayers Work

      Jon William Lopez, RScP


      Beatrice Elliott, RScP

      Perfect Praying: 5 simple steps that make prayers work

      Copyright © 2007 by Jon William Lopez with Beatrice Elliott

      ISBN-13 978-0-9784388-1-4

      First Edition

      Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

       Lopez, Jon William, 1952-

       Perfect Praying [electronic resource]: 5 simple steps that make prayers work / written by Jon William Lopez; with Beatrice Elliott. – 1st ed.

       Also available in print format.

       ISBN 978-0-9784388-1-4

      1. Prayer. I. Elliott, Beatrice, 1946- II. Title.

       BL560.L663 2007a 204'.3 C2007-905321-1

      All photos contained herein including cover image by Jon William Lopez.

      Extreme care has been taken to ensure that all information presented in this book is accurate and up to date at the time of publishing. Neither the author nor the publisher can be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Additionally, neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America and the United Kingdom.

      Publisher: CCB Publishing

      British Columbia, Canada

      This book is dedicated to my parents, Elaine and Cesar, as well as to my partner, Gray. Through them I know what unconditional love is. I also dedicate this book to my cousin Tina, who first introduced me to New Thought science, and to Reverend Helen Street, who sparked my spirit.

      Jon William Lopez, RScP

      I dedicate this book to my wonderful Mom, Bernice Austina Underdahl Elliott Jensen.

      Beatrice Elliott, RScP


      The power of prayer is more important in our world than ever before. We live in a time when the appearance that “faster and bigger” is better. This notion is compounded with a false belief system that we need to push and force life in order to survive and compete. However this craze and chaos is literally making us sick. All you have to do for a quick fix in your life nowadays is to turn on the tube, and you will find an answer to your woes in a fabricated commercial. “Just take the latest pill,” the handsome actors suggest, and you won’t be depressed, in pain, without ‘love’, addicted, fearful or sick ever again… and the list goes on and on.

      The truth is that these quick fixes are only a band-aid to someone’s well-being. This is where Jon William Lopez and Beatrice Elliott’s enlightened book Perfect Praying comes in.

      They write with simplicity and have carefully spelled out a prescription of “Perfect Prayer” that can easily be practiced every day.

      They give the reader a 5-step guide to empowering one’s self by practicing daily affirmations which can help many people seeking a way to understand and use “prayer” within their lives. They also show how to become more aware of the power of prayer and positive thought and its cause and effect.

      Each chapter is beautifully illustrated with a photograph of nature which reminds us all that we are connected with a simple order; allowing and trusting, for example, that the rose covered with snow in winter will bloom once again in the spring. If we allow ourselves to be nurtured and do the conscious work, then our lives can change dramatically. We can choose perfect health, we can choose to be grateful, we can change how we look at loss and we can choose kindness and forgiveness.

      Jon and Beatrice’s book gives us a well-thought-out roadmap to follow but in the end we must all do our own work to achieve what we want out of life. Jon William Lopez and I worked together for many years at the Glendale Church of Religious Science in Glendale, California, where I was Musical Director and he was the Sound Producer. I know prayer practitioner and co-author Beatrice Elliott from the North Hollywood Church of Religious Science in North Hollywood.

      As a successful cabaret singer, actress and coach to my daughter Katharine McPhee when she appeared on American Idol, using the 5 Steps outlined in this book has resulted in many positive demonstrations throughout my life and career.

      I personally have been practicing these principles for years and am thrilled that they have written this book.

      Inspiration is a beautiful gift!

      Blessings, and know that we all have courage to change.


      Peisha McPhee


      Many people have supported me throughout my life experience, contributing to the spiritual journey that has resulted in the publication of this book. I would like to acknowledge my cousins Coppelia, Dagmar, and Zulma, my sisters in Spirit; Reverend Jac Blackman, for his spiritual leadership; Keith Auger for his kindness, wisdom and mentorship; the congregation of the High Desert Center for Spiritual Living, who welcomed my partner and I with open arms; Reverend “Happy” Shaw, who advised me that there are no wrong choices; Marjorie Larragoite, who taught me well; Jacquaeline Hellman, whose prayers are lyric poetry; and Dr. Paul Daniel Payne, who I am convinced is an angel here on Earth.



      The word “God” means different things to different people.

      For some, it brings up an image of a comforting, humanlike, protective father figure. To others the term connotes a stern, arrogant, judgmental and punishing personality. And to still others, it means a genderless, unconditionally accepting, universal creative power, source of all Life. Whatever name most resonates with you regarding this Higher Power is fine. For simplicity’s sake, however, and for the purposes of this book, the term “Spirit” will be used, with a few exceptions here and there as deemed appropriate. I also refer to Spirit as “It”, since I believe the Creator to be genderless. As you read and use this book, feel free to use any name or gender you feel most comfortable with.

      I sometimes also use the term “Universe”, with a capital “U”, in the same way as “Spirit”, and sometimes “universe” as a physical place, rather than as an aspect of Spirit. This also applies to the use of the term “law”. When referring to spiritual “Law” or “Laws” I spell it with a capital “L”, while physical “law” or “laws” are spelled with a lowercase “l”.

      Go with the flow!





       1. The Power of Thought

       2. Affirmative Prayer

       4. Step 1: Recognition – “Spirit

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