Snow Signs. Jennifer Seet
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Table of Contents
Snow Signs
Jennifer Seet
CCB Publishing
British Columbia, Canada
Snow Signs
Copyright ©2012 by Jennifer Seet
ISBN-13 978-1-927360-45-3
First Edition
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Seet, Jennifer, 1946-
Snow Signs / written by Jennifer Seet.
ISBN 978-1-927360-45-3
Also available in print format.
I. Title.
PS3619.E356S66 2008 813'.6 C2008-903464-3
Additional cataloguing data available from Library and Archives Canada
Snow Signs by Jennifer Seet has been registered with the United States Copyright Office.
Extreme care has been taken to ensure that all information presented in this book is accurate and up to date at the time of publishing. Neither the author nor the publisher can be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Additionally, neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express written permission of the publisher.
CCB Publishing
British Columbia, Canada
Dedicated to my daughter-in-law, Jen and my ‘sister’ Candace.
The women in this book have qualities I admire.
I see the same qualities in both of you!
My dear husband of forty years, Bob, gave me the idea for this book. He has been a staunch supporter of my writing for the time I’ve been at it full force.
I also want to thank my family for having faith in me. Without their love and patience, I couldn’t do it.
I decided to write about a deaf woman because of my experience in teaching at the Indiana School for the Deaf. During my thirty years there, I would write a Christmas story for my co-workers that always included a deaf theme. They seemed to enjoy them and encouraged me to continue doing so after retirement. This is my way of thanking them for their support too.
I would like to thank First Sgt. Brian Olehy for giving me invaluable information about the rankings, job responsibilities and inner workings of the Indiana State Police force.
I would also like to credit the deputies at my lake community for helping me understand the regulations of living on “Sweetwater”.
My first book, Borderland, took advantage of a paranormal interest I have had