Tangible Intuition. Julie Farha

Tangible Intuition - Julie Farha

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      Tangible Intuition

      Clarity Through Body Insights

      Julie Farha

      Clear Insight Publishing

      Copyright © 2012 Clear Insight, LLC

      Published by Clear Insight, LLC

      6929 N. Hayden, Suite C4

      PMB 498

      Scottsdale, AZ 85250 USA

      Distributed by Lightning Source, Inc. US and International

      All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the author, except by a journalist who may quote a brief passage in a published review; nor may any part of this book be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, mechanical, photocopying, recording, electronic, except by e-book purchase, or other, without written permission by the author.

      Cover Design by Phillip McKeage, Creative Director Speks Creative www.SpeksCreative.com

      ISBN 978-0-9857684-0-9; 978-0-9857684-1-6

      Printed in the United States of America

      This book is dedicated to my father George Farha with deep gratitude.

      “It's a great life!”


      Many thanks and much love to…

      …Otto and Curt, for the inspiration and encouragement to write this book.

      …Sandra, friend and writer extraordinaire, for bringing order to my words and thoughts. That is no easy task and you did it masterfully. I couldn't have done this without you.

      …my family, for being a constant presence and support in my life.

      …all of my wonderful friends, for giving me a sense of community and providing endless hours of laughter.

      Table of Contents



       Understanding Your Body's Language

       Discovering How Your Body Speaks to You


       Deeper Insights

       About Julie

      “True insight comes from within.”



      When looking for advice or seeking an answer, where do you turn? Do you have a trusted ally, a respected colleague, or wise relative who gives you insight? Or do you look within?

      You have a magnificent tool at your disposal to help you make solid decisions and be more successful in all areas of your life. One that will help you find success and happiness, and know what is true at any given moment.

      That tool is your intuition.

      Intuition is something we all have, but don't always understand. The information your intuition provides is signaled through your body. This happens all the time. Perhaps it's happening right now as you read this. Did the hairs on your arm or neck stand on end? Did you feel a warmth in your heart or abdomen? Little signs like those occur regularly, and we typically tend to dismiss them. But they are subtle communications that are trying to guide and inform you. You simply need to know how to read the signs your intuition is sending, and how to better understand that language.

      Your body is the key to clarity. Clarity is a gift; it allows us to make confident decisions, create effective solutions, enjoy deeper experiences and rediscover our truest self. Clarity gives us the benefit of foresight rather than the lessons of hindsight. The source of this clarity is your intuition.

      Intuition has different names: inner guidance, God's voice and gut instinct, to name a few. You may call it something else. Perhaps you refer to it as “that little voice”. Regardless of the name, what you are feeling is you. Your body is giving you information, directions and answers. It is part of our primal instinct that, over time, we tuned out. It is truth. More importantly, it is your truth.

      We all want answers to the questions we have about our lives and a clearer understanding of our best choices. Whether we talk with friends, family or a therapist, visit a psychic or card reader, what we are seeking is a deeper perspective, and confirmation of what we believe. We want insight into our relationships and career; guidance for the challenges and changes we face. We seek advice from outside sources, and while these sources are valid, the clarity we desire is speaking to us all the time.

      As an intuitive, I have been fortunate to be aware of my heightened intuition for as long as I can remember. Even as a child, I had a deeper understanding of what was going on around me. I had no idea how I gained this understanding; I just knew, and that the “knowing” felt differently when it came through my physical body than when I sensed it through my emotions or in my mind. The words “intuition” or “inner voice” were unknown to me then, but that's what it was—intuition speaking through my body.

      As an adult, I learned about intuition, the different ways that it worked and how intuition communicated to me in a tangible way. Once I began my journey of personal growth, my intuition spoke more loudly and more clearly. I discovered how that inner voice would manifest physically, how my body would signal the information. I learned to read those intuitional signals and interpret their meanings.

      Now, I clearly understand the language of my inner voice and how I am best able to work with my intuition. I listen to my intuition daily and, as a result, I have more success, more happiness, and make choices that lead to more desired outcomes. Of course, there I times when I fail to listen; I am human, too. When I don't listen to the signals my intuition is sending, I can tell you I don't like the outcome nearly as much. Those experiences reinforce what I inherently know: It's always best to follow my instincts.

      Life is made up of a series of choices, and we make these choices minute-by-minute. Sometimes, those choices lead us to success. Other times, we may end up disappointed. The great thing is that, with our choices, we have the opportunity to learn what leads us to happier outcomes. We know it. We feel it. And by following the signals our bodies give us, we are guided to make better choices.

      It's understandable that we might be reluctant to follow our intuition. This reluctance may be due to the fear of the unknown. The unknown can be scary. It can be filled with what-ifs and worry. Going with what you know, staying with who you know, or remaining in the same place may feel safe, or at least it's predictable. To an extent, the familiar can make us feel like we are in control. Fear can be a strong motivator to keep you where you are, but that's not always in your best interest. It is important to let ourselves grow, change and evolve so our lives can expand, allowing us to reach our truest potential. Intuition may guide you to areas outside of your comfort zone—away from what you know—so you may prefer to ignore that inner voice. However, if you find the courage to listen and trust that guidance, opportunities will appear, goals will be attained, and your confidence will flourish.

      Following your intuition is like being handed a map that will show you the way to the most desirable path, because your intuition provides all the information and insight you need to make the choices that will lead you to success. Take a moment to

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