Walking with Divine Intervention. B. Chuck Thomas
Divine Intervention
Inspirational Poetry
for the Heart Mind and Soul
B. Chuck Thomas
3G Publishing, Inc.
Loganville, Ga 30052
Phone: 1-888-442-9637
©2015 B. Chuck Thomas. All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.
First published by 3G Publishing, Inc. November, 2015
ISBN: 9781941247211
Printed in the United States of America
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Thank you to my family and friends for the continued support and inspirational words. Thank you to all of those who have opened their hearts and minds to the poetry. Thank you to my wife and daughter for the consistent walk with me and the Lord.
Thank you most of all Jesus Christ for the words and phrases.
The poems following were inspired through actual experiences, meditation and personal reflection. Some of the poems are filled with emotion that resulted from personal friends’ and relatives’ trials and struggles. Some poems offer a different insight on praise and worship. Some of the poetry strikes to the soul of the Christian as we attempt to fully live the Word. The divine intervention is evident with the strong spiritual references. As you read the poetry, I am confident that you will be internally blessed and forever changed. Enjoy!
The Call
We need to heed the Word! On our walk, we must be guided by the Light of Jesus Christ!
B. Chuck Thomas
Table of Contents
All Power10
Appointed Shepherd12
Blind Mind14
Careful Praying16
Clearer Me18
Create In Me20
Don’t Move22
Eye Opener24
God’s Petal26
High View28
Intention Good32
It’s Later Than You Think34
Jesus Would36
Jezebel Spirit38
Just not Understanding40
Keep Me42
Love Alone44
Mirror of Me46
More Being 48
New Seed50
New Walking52
No Much Cry54
No Shaky Walk56
Only One58
Open and Shut60
Open World62
Pledging Myself64
Poet’s Poem66
Praise and Worship68
Quench Please70
Simple Focus74
Small Word76
Teach Lord78
The Comforter80
Trying to Please82
Understand Me84
Weight Loss86
Who Calling88
Willing Plea90
Wrong Lead92
Your Time94
Walking with Divine Intervention
All Power
In the Palm of Your Hand
Within the Strength of Your Will
Resting in the Knowledge of Your Mercy
Being relaxed in Your Grace that I feel
I know You have formed my whole future
I know Your Will has been cast
I know You continue to love me
I know You have forgiven my past
I know Your Truth is unending
I know Your Word, time won’t outlast
I know You get me over temptation
I know I must pray when I fast
Yes love on me My Dear Savior
Shield my life, cover me with the Blood
Give to me Your Holy Understanding
In my soul let the Wisdom please flood
As I come to You on my knees
Give me courage to do what I say
My words pledge to be in Your Kingdom
Now Lord help me walk day to day
B. Chuck Thomas
Psalm 91:1
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Walking with Divine Intervention
Appointed Shepherd
Tell me something please Pastor
Tell me how to see God’s Face
Tell me how to hear direction
Tell me how to seek His Grace
Sir, I know there’re things in scripture
And I know some verse and book
But I still need clearer meaning
Can you tell me where to look
Pastor, can you solve my problem
I do want to know God’s Plan
Pastor you are my earthly leader
You can help me....yes you can
My dear brother I have heard you