How to See Fairies. Ramsey Dukes
How To See Fairies
Discover Your Psychic Powers In Six Weeks
Ramsey Dukes
First published 2011 by
Aeon Books Ltd
118 Finchley Road
London NW3 5HT
Copyright © Ramsey Dukes
The moral right of the author has been asserted.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the publisher.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A C.I.P. is available for this book from the British Library.
ISBN-13: 978-1-90465-837-5
Printed and bound in Great Britain.
I dedicate this book to Pete Carroll, Arcanorium College founder, and to the participants in my course whose enthusiasm and sharing made it such a delightful six-week journey.
Thank you.
Softening the Boundaries by Tuning the Senses
Devas, Auras - The Great Arcanum
Would you like to be clairvoyant? To have a sixth sense or psychic powers? To read the tarot? To dowse? To see fairies and auras?
If you've started on this book, the chances are that the answer is “yes”. Anyone who can already do all these things easily doesn't need this book—though they might find some of the exercises interesting and fun.
It's worth remembering, though, that human culture has been heavily influenced by religious and scientific ideas over many centuries, and that means there are plenty of people who do not want to be clairvoyant—either because they believe it to be something wicked and ungodly, or because they believe it to be a load of rubbish and, if they did start seeing fairies, it would only prove they were mad. In fact, the people who don't want to be clairvoyant are probably a majority (but don't tell my publisher, it might make him sad).
So, let's assume you are not one of those people, and that you really would like to be clairvoyant. That raises the following question: What makes you think you are not already clairvoyant?
There are two possible responses. Quite a lot of people have had the occasional weird experience that suggests some sort of psychic ability—a premonition dream, telepathic link or the like. So they get the idea that maybe they have some untapped psychic power, and that thought either scares the shit out of them or else they become curious to find out more—and might buy this book for that reason.
And there are those who find the idea of psychic powers quite fascinating, but have never really experienced anything that could not be explained away. It can range from “I think there's something in it, and would like to see if I can do it myself” to “I don't really believe any of this mumbo jumbo, but who am I to deny it if I've never even tried?”
The idea that there is something weird about clairvoyance and psychic abilities is part of the fascination—it takes us beyond the ordinary and mundane—but it can also be the very thing that stops people having those abilities.
Think about it logically—for the unconscious can be quite logical when it is left to act mechanically. You want to be psychic because there is something weird about it; but if you became psychic it would no longer be so weird, in fact it would become part of your everyday experience. For that reason then, you don't really want to be psychic, so you fail to be psychic even when you try to be, and that makes it really weird. And that makes you want it all the more…
Another take on this process is: you would like to be psychic because that is something that would set you apart from the common herd, because it is different. If you could be psychic, you would be different. But the common herd has a name for people who are different: they are called “mad”. You don't want to be labelled mad, so you don't really want to be psychic even though you think you do and keep trying…
My response to this problem in this book is this: psychic abilities aren't at all weird, they are quite normal. Everyone has them, but many people block them for various reasons, such as the ones I have already suggested. So this book sets out to prove that they are normal by helping you to experience your clairvoyant abilities and to develop those skills.
I apologise for removing the great incentive—the weirdness—but don't worry, because I now offer you something almost as good.
Clairvoyance isn't at all weird, but it can take you to some weird places, should you choose .
Clairvoyance is as natural and normal as walking. Walking can take you to the office—oh how boring—but it can also take you to the scariest mountain top or the wildest scene in town. You can even walk to prison or the insane asylum. It's an ability and it's up to you to use it wisely.
Just in case I've made it all sound a bit too mundane, I invite you now to look at something truly extraordinary.
This amazing picture is a nature deva. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could see and communicate with great beings like this when we walked in nature. What an adventure!
The picture comes from a book called The Kingdom of the Gods (1952) by the theosophist Geoffrey Hodson. I came across this book in Bristol public library in my early teens and thought it was terrific—it has many pages of colour plates like this. I later discovered that Hodson's contact with nature spirits began in Sheepscombe Valley, Gloucestershire, about a mile from my childhood home. And now I live in the Cape Province, where he continued his investigations.