WALK BY FAITH & NOT BY SIGHT. Chiara Yvonda Lafrance

WALK BY FAITH & NOT BY SIGHT - Chiara Yvonda Lafrance

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      I was born in Braithwaite, La.. Years later my family and, I've moved to New Orleans,La. My mother had 6 children, I was the 5th child.For many years I lived in the country. That country life as an child,was the best life to lived. Country life,very peaceful,family orientating. Everybody had each other back. As,an child I used to run straight out the door.Soon as my mother would open the door.At a very young age. My family had given me the nick-name crazy Kee. As ,I've gotten older and, people still was calling me by that nick-name. I was wondering why,still today I'am. My family always showed love to each other back then. You can go to one house and to someone's else house. Everyone would treat you the same. I remember back than the older people would grow their own crops. And, would make sure that everyone in their lane would have some. I used to love to walk down the road.To go and see my family. At, the age of 4 years old. My, family and I moved to New Orleans, La. I remember it like it was yesterday.It happened exactly on my birthday. Growning up in the Florida Project Devoplments. It was an place , where you saw but, you didn't see.I was always the type of person that used to love to stay inside. When my brother used to leave the house. I would always go and sit in his room. And,would just look outside of his window,just peak. I've always was the type that had very few friends.People used to call me mean.Some would say that I was stuck up. That I thought that I was to much. I just wasn't the type of person that would just sit or wanted to be apart of everybody's company. People has their own way and feelings about an person. Trust me , I'm the sweetest person that you will ever meet. Growning up, in the pj's. We had alot of fun.Alot, of good times and bad times. Our good out weight our bad days.It also was and, place full of entertainments.It was also, an place where everyone were family. If, you have done anything wrong. Any adult who saw you. They had the right to fuss with you. Some will hit you. Than will go and, tell your parents on you. Than your parents will deal with you after.. It wasn't no easy way out. I remember how we used to get together and play cards in the hallways. One of my best friends ,she used to always try to get me to come outside. We used to go and,take our lil walk. But, I was the one who always wanted to come right back inside. I remember my mother had put and, jerry curled in my head. Just pictured when the summer time camed. The juice used to be running down my face. Those were the days. Our house, used to be the fun house. Where everybody used to come and hang out. One of my brothers, used to cutt hair there. Then sometimes my other siblings had their friends come over. Now, let me indroduce you to my family. My mother, one of the strongest black queen that I knows.I thank God, for allowing me to be part of her life.My mother, had taught me about life at and very early age.What to expect out of life. Different things that will go on in life. She taught me how to be an younger lady. My mother always worked two jobs,until she retired. My mother always kept our family together. She worked her butt of so, that she can provide for her faimily and others. My mother also, helped raised some of her love ones. My mother, would take anybody in and help them out.Every week my mother would take us shopping,would by me what I've wanted. Mymother always told me that you never settle for less. In nothing that you does in life. Or, whomever u may end uo with. My father, he was the best father that any lil girl will love to have. My father was the best provider. He was, an good father, also my best friend.I can talk to this man about anything. I remember every since that I was an child.My father used to catch rides every Friday or Sat.My father would make sure that either he camed and gotten my sister and,I,for the weekends. Or,he would come and bring us some money. Any time he was thereb for us. I remember those crazy days. My oldest brother, I'm going to say Mr.Ready for anything. I remember when I was and young girl. My brother used to work for this ice cream company. I used to be happy when he had gotten off work. I used to be waiting for my ice cream. When the Fourth of July and New Years Holidays would come around. My brother used to bring us to go and get fired works. He always spent alot of time with us.As, and child my brother was very protected of us. My second to the oldest brother.He was more like and father figure/brother.Whatever he said it goes.When he used to watch us while or mother went to work. I would go in the bathroom. Hollow out the window,cry my lil heart out behind my mom. I know that I was about to be in booth camp. Meaning we couldn't get over on him. Like we used to do with our mom.I remember that he used ton put on my younger brother clothes. He would play like he was preaching. My brother would tell us to have our change to put up in his collection plate.His collection plate was his hat,lol. Than he would put on our younger brother jacket. Burst it wide open,like he was the halk.As, I looked back on my life.I thought that my brother didn't love me.He was the type of person that will barely tell you that he loves you. But, he will show it.My brother only wanted the best for me.Sometimes, I wished that in many ways that I would've listened to him. My brother, just didn't wanted me to make any mistakes in my life. I loves him for everything that he has done and still doing.He's still our protector,provider and the one who still sets us staright. I have some amazing brothers. Who I loves dearly, with all of my heart. My third to the oldest brother. He's more like the one who youn wouldn't be afraid to come to about anything.My brother had me so spoiled. He's also and good man and good provider for our family very humble. I remember back then,my brother usedto take cover and place it over an fan.Something like an tent,he would make.We used to get under it.He would take an flash light and tell us scary stories.We would eat cookies and drink milk.My brother used to comb my sister and I hair when we was younger.My brother started cutting hair when I was very young.He used to be like do you want to make a couple of dollars.I would be like yes. He would say start an list for me. the list would be his hair cutting list. For whomever wanted to get hair cutt.He's very talented, never caused any troubled. A family man and who help anybody. My baby brother, was one spoiled child. He was his own army. The type of person that would defend his family for anything.When he was growning up the children used to mess with him because,of his height.He was very short for his age. My poor lil brother used to try to get out there to play basket ball and could'nt make the shot. He used to hang with alot of boys who were taller than him.But,he was the badest one out the bunch.Their parents used to come and knock on our door. Tell what he used to do to their child/children. The trip part about it. Their kids used to be so scared of him. He used to mmake donuts, the home-made ones.They uesed to be so good.One time I've tired to climb on the shade in the project. I was the only one who didn't knew how to get on topped of the shade.My brother was like look, I have an idea. Let me tied an rope around youra teeth.So ,that I can get you up here.So,me, I just wanted to get on topped of the shaded.I just let him place the rope around my teeth.As my brother was pulling me up. The rope had broken.My teeth was pulled all th way out.I dropped and felt to the ground.When I've looked I've saw blood was dripping everywhere.My brother was so bad.But, he would puthis life on the line for you.Last,of our family my sister.My baby sisiter/big sister.What I mean by that.She's the youngest of the bunch.Has an mind like she ws oldest of all of us.I've always wanted an sister.I thank God,for blessing me with an sisiter.Even though we are different in many ways.But,somwtimes we even think alike. That's the crazy part.As,an child we both had different friends.My sister was the type of person who loved outside.She,was more friendly than me.She more of the fun person,I'm very dull.One thing about her she was about her business. Never back down from anybody or nothing.My sister was the first person who taught me how to drive an car.I've couldn't believe that my baby sister had taught me how to drive.I've asked her how did she learned how to drive.She stated;that she had learned from our ex-step father. By taking his car when he went too sleep. Than she taught herself.She always was like sis you needs to loosing up. Enjoy your life and have fun.When I've first learned how to do hair.She ws my first client.I love her to death,wouldn't trade her for nothing.We as family might doesn't all the times agree on everything.Our mother taught us how to always love each other. Be there for each other. As,an young child growning up. Our mother and grandmother made sure that we went to church. Every Sunday my mother used to walk us to church at New Salam B.C, in New Orleans.Our grandmother was the queen of our family.She was the one who had kept our family together.Not just on an holiday but, all the times.Those were the days.She was the baker of our family.But, cooking wasn't her skill.One time I was like maw maw do u knows how to cook. My grandma said, child I boiols everything,all I can do is laugh.I've asked her why she said because, she was trying to keep her weight down. She was trying to stay sexy and pretty.We all couldn't wait until Thanksgiving and Christmas. She would have the best pies and cakes.When my grandmother had passed.Our family gotten broken. That was one bond that shouldv'e never had gotten broken.Back then, the older people used to keep families together no matter what.awhen the

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