There Is Life After Death. Tom Harpur

There Is Life After Death - Tom Harpur

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       There Is Life After Death


       Harpur’s Heaven and Hell

       Always on Sunday

       For Christ’s Sake

       Life After Death

       God Help Us

       The Uncommon Touch

       Would You Believe?

       Prayer: The Hidden Fire

       Finding the Still Point

       The Pagan Christ

       The Spirituality of Wine

       Living Waters

       Water into Wine

       Born Again



      THERE IS



      Thomas Allen Publishers


      Copyright © 2011 Tom Harpur

      Revised from Life After Death © Tom Harpur 1991 (hardcover), 1992 (trade paperback), and 1996 (paperback)

      All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means—graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems—without the prior written permission of the publisher, or in the case of photocopying or other reprographic copying, a licence from the Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency.

       Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

      Harpur, Tom

       There is life after death / Tom Harpur.

      Rev. ed. of: Life after death.

      ISBN 978-0-88762-740-8

      1. Immortality. I. Title.

      BL530.H37 2011 202'.3 C2010-907343-6

      Editor: Patrick Crean

       Cover and text design: Gordon Robertson

       Cover image: Benjamin Rondel / First Light

      Published by Thomas Allen Publishers,

       a division of Thomas Allen & Son Limited,

      390 Steelcase Road East,

       Markham, Ontario L3R 1G2 Canada


      The publisher gratefully acknowledges the support of

       The Ontario Arts Council for its publishing program.

      We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which

      last year invested $20.1 million in writing and publishing throughout Canada.

      We acknowledge the Government of Ontario through the

       Ontario Media Development Corporation’s Ontario Book Initiative.

      We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada

       through the Canada Book Fund for our publishing activities.

      1 2 3 4 5 15 14 13 12 11

      Printed and bound in Canada

       Text printed on a 100% PCW recycled stock

      To all those dear ones

       whom we have “loved long

       since and lost awhile”


       4 Reincarnation

       5 Dreams of Death and Dying

       6 New Light from Science


      7 Christianity:

       8 Hell, Purgatory and End Times

      9 Other World Faiths and Three Christian Sects:

       10 Personal Reflections and Conclusions


       Selected Bibliography


       An Urgent Question

      WHEN IN THE SPRING of 2004 The Pagan Christ was launched onto the Canadian scene and quickly became a major controversial bestseller, what initially captured most of the headlines was the way the book cast doubt on the actual existence of a historical Jesus. However, those who read the book soon realized that this was not its main message. Their overwhelmingly positive response was to its real message—the reality of the spiritual presence of the Divine spark (for Christians, the Inner Christ) within us all. Still, because my whole approach to and understanding of my own faith has publicly evolved into something to me and to many thousands of others so much more intellectually and spiritually satisfying than what it was when I was first ordained, or even since Life After Death was first published in 1991, I am repeatedly asked today whether I still believe in a future life. Do I today believe in a life beyond the grave, one that transcends this present sphere of being, one that offers a lively hope for oneself and for loved ones—everyone, in fact, on the “other side”? Answering that insistent and ultimate query with a resounding, reasoned “yes” is the major reason for this new fully revised and much enriched version of the original work. With that said, we can begin the story.

       The Fountain of Youth

      In 1513 when the Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon made landfall at what is today St. Augustine, Florida, North America’s oldest city, he believed he had discovered the spring of eternal life. Thousands of visitors visit the site annually and sip from this slightly sulphuric-tasting would-be elixir. However, like everybody else on this planet, all those who have ever drunk from that source

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