Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary. Samuel E. Martin

Tuttle Pocket Japanese Dictionary - Samuel E. Martin

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      Samuel E. Martin

      Revised and Updated by

       Sayaka Khan & Fred Perry

      Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd.


      © 2011 by Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd

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      Samuel E. Martin is the author of numerous books and papers on Japanese and Korean, including the definitive A Reference Grammar of Japanese and A Reference Grammar of Korean.

      Sayaka Khan has a BSC (Biology, 2000) from Waseda University. She has worked as a translator and interpreter for companies in various industries, such as patent offices, science think tank, pharmaceutical firm, film production, game company, etc. She has established a translation corporation with her husband, Afaque Khan.

      Fred Perry has a BA (History, 1956) from Yale University as well as an MBA from St Sophia University, Tokyo (1984). He arrived in Japan in 1956, and continues to live there today. He has worked as a market researcher and consultant. Traveling throughout Japan as part of his job has provided the opportunity to learn about the local dialects spoken in different parts of the country.

      PART I



      ā 1. adv ああ like that, that way 2. interj ああ oh; yes 3. interj あ あ hello (on encountering someone)

      á interj あっ oh!

      abakimásu, abaku v 暴きます, 暴く discloses

      abara-ya n あばら屋 hovel

      abaremásu, abareru v 暴れます, 暴れる rages, storms, rampages

      abare-mono n 暴れ者 ruffian, roughneck, wild person

      abékku n アベック young unmarried couple

      abekobe n あべこべ upside down

      abimásu, abiru v 浴びます, 浴びる bathes oneself in; douses, showers

      abisemásu, abiseru v 浴びせます, 浴びせる pours on, showers

      abuku n あぶく bubble; abuku-zéni n あぶく銭 easy money

      abunaí adj 危ない dangerous (= kiken (na) 危険(な)), Watch out!

      abunakkashii adj 危なっかしい is insecure, unsteady

      abunōmaru adj アブノーマル abnormal

      abura n 油 oil, grease

      abura n 脂 fat (= shibø 脂肪)

      aburá(á)ge n 油揚げ deep-fried bean curd

      aburakkói adj 油っこい oily, greasy

      aburakkói adj 脂っこい fatty

      aburimásu, abúru v 炙ります, 炙る grills

      āchi(-gata) n アーチ(形) arch (= yumi-gata 弓形)

      ācherii n アーチェリー archery

      achí-kochi adv あちこち here and there (= achíra-kóchira あちら こちら)

      achira pron あちら 1. that one (of two) over there, the other one (over there) 2. over there, yonder 3. he/him, she/her, they/them

      achira-gawa n あちら側 that (his/her/their) side, other side

      ada adj あだ meaningless

      ada n 仇 [BOOKISH] disservice, foe: ~ o uchimásu 仇を討ちます avenges, revenges

      adana n あだ名 nickname

      adaputā n アダプター (electrical) adapter

      adéyaka adj 艶やか gorgeous, fascinatingly elegant

      adobáisu n アドバイス advice

      adokenai adj あどけない innocent, childlike; adokenai kao n あどけない顔 an innocent face

      adoresu n アドレス address: mëru-~ メールアドレス e-mail address

      adoribu n アドリブ ad-lib

      aegimásu, aégu v 喘ぎます, 喘ぐ gasps, pants (for breath)

      aemásu, aéru v 和えます, 和える dresses (vegetables, etc.)

      aenai adj 敢えない tragic, sad: aénaku mo 敢えなくも tragically enough

      áete v 敢えて: áete … (shimásu) 敢えて…(します)

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