Game Plan. Hector Garcia
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
García, Héctor, 1970-
Game plan : a playbook for developing winning PLCs at Work™ / Héctor García, Katherine
McCluskey, and Shelley Taylor.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-936763-64-1 (perfect bound)
1. Professional learning communities. 2. Teachers--In-service training. 3. School improvement programs. I. Title.
LB1731.G28 2015
Solution Tree
Jeffrey C. Jones, CEO
Edmund M. Ackerman, President
Solution Tree Press
President: Douglas M. Rife
Associate Acquisitions Editor: Kari Gillesse
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Production Editor: Tara Perkins
Copy Editor: Rachel Rosolina
Every year across the United States, students walk across a stage to receive a diploma in recognition of their academic accomplishment. Very similarly, athletes will hoist trophies and medals celebrating their individual or team accomplishments. What is often forgotten during these celebratory moments are the spotlights for the individual leaders and team members who were critical if not essential to these very special moments. While these same individuals are more than happy to go unnoticed, any level of success would not be possible without their unwavering belief and support.
We would like to sincerely thank the publishing staff at Solution Tree and our editor, Tara Perkins. The team has been outstanding and incredibly helpful throughout the process. Claudia Wheatley has been unbelievably encouraging and offered tremendous guidance as well as insight since the onset of the project. Rick DuFour, Becky DuFour, and Bob Eaker have truly transformed education and along the way helped countless individuals, including each one of us, to feel inspired and energized by their support. Yet, the most gratitude goes to the family members who have selflessly been supportive, persevered during challenging times, and continue to serve as the ultimate inspiration for the work.
Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:
Jennette Barker
Henderson Elementary School
St. Charles, Missouri
Shannon Dahlberg
Glyndon-Felton Elementary School
Glyndon, Minnesota
Kelly Glass
Assistant Superintendent
Page Unified School District 8
Page, Arizona
Andrew Grider
Rodney Thompson Middle School
Stafford, Virginia
Ted Horrell
Germantown High School
Germantown, Tennessee
Ashley Kappelmann
Assistant Principal
Liberal High School
Liberal, Kansas
Melissa Sepuka
Esperanza Music Academy
Phoenix, Arizona
Christa Warner
Cold Water Elementary School
Florissant, Missouri
Cindy Wepking
Eisenhower Elementary School
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
Amy Whittle
Hallsville Intermediate School
Hallsville, Texas
Rachel Zaionz
Shady Brook Elementary School
Kannapolis, North Carolina
Table of Contents
How Leadership Teams Develop a Winning Game Plan
Coaching Point 1.1: Establishing Clarity Through a Schoolwide Template