Different Schools for a Different World. Dean Shareski

Different Schools for a Different World - Dean Shareski

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       Solutions for Creating the Learning Spaces Students Deserve

      Different Schools for a Different World

      Scott McLeod Dean Shareski

      Copyright © 2018 by Solution Tree Press

      All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction of this book in whole or in part in any form.

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      Printed in the United States of America

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      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Names: McLeod, Scott, 1968- author. | Shareski, Dean, author.

      Title: Different schools for a different world / Scott McLeod and Dean Shareski.

      Description: Bloomington, IN : Solution Tree Press, 2017. | Series: Solutions series | Includes bibliographical references.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2017016974 | ISBN 9781943874101 (perfect bound)

      Subjects: LCSH: Educational change--United States. | Education--Aims and objectives--United States. | Educational accountability--United States. | Comparative education.

      Classification: LCC LA217.2 .M3996 2017 | DDC 370.973--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017016974

       Solution Tree

      Jeffrey C. Jones, CEO

      Edmund M. Ackerman, President

       Solution Tree Press

      President and Publisher: Douglas M. Rife

      Editorial Director: Sarah Payne-Mills

      Managing Production Editor: Caroline Cascio

      Senior Production Editor: Tara Perkins

      Senior Editor: Amy Rubenstein

      Proofreader: Evie Madsen

      Text Designer: Rian Anderson

      Compositor: Laura Cox

      Cover Designer: Laura Cox

      Editorial Assistants: Jessi Finn and Kendra Slayton

      To Betsy, Isabel, Lucas, and Colin, who put up with my shenanigans and without whom everything would be meaningless.


      To Paula and all those kids and their mates, who still don’t know exactly what their husband and father does for a living.



      Solution Tree Press would like to thank the following reviewers:

      Kevin Doerfler

      Assistant Principal

      Portage West Middle School

      Portage, Michigan

      Michael Roberts


      Desert View Elementary School

      Hermiston, Oregon

      Bo Ryan


      Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts Magnet Middle School

      Hartford, Connecticut

      Kristy Venne

      Assistant Principal

      Dublin Jerome High School

      Dublin, Ohio

      Table of Contents

       About the Authors



       The Relevance Gap

       Arguments for Why Schools Need to Be Different

       Four Big Shifts and Ten Building Blocks

       Our Message

       Chapter 1: The Information Literacy Argument

       New Ways of Communicating and Accessing Information

       Opportunities for Collaboration

       Chapter 2: The Economic Argument

       Disappearing Manufacturing Jobs in Developed Countries

       Automation’s Influence on High- and Low-Skill Jobs

       Chapter 3: The Learning Argument

       Evolution of Instructional Roles

       Technology Use

       Chapter 4: The Boredom Argument

       Influence of Teaching Materials and Assignments

       Influence of Cognitive Demand on Engagement

       Chapter 5: The Innovation Argument

       Key Skills for Innovation

       Environments That Foster Innovation

       Teachers’ Lack of Choice and Flexibility

       Chapter 6: The Equity Argument

       Demographic Discrepancies in Academic Achievement and Technology Usage

       Discrepancies in Ways Students Utilize Technology in School

       Chapter 7: The Alternative

       Iowa BIG, Cedar Rapids, Iowa

       New Village Girls Academy, Los Angeles, California


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