Foreign Intervention in Africa after the Cold War. Elizabeth Schmidt
Foreign Intervention in Africa after the Cold War
Ohio University Research in International Studies
This series of publications on Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Global and Comparative Studies is designed to present significant research, translation, and opinion to area specialists and to a wide community of persons interested in world affairs. The series is distributed worldwide. For more information, consult the Ohio University Press website,
Books in the Ohio University Research in International Studies series are published by Ohio University Press in association with the Center for International Studies. The views expressed in individual volumes are those of the authors and should not be considered to represent the policies or beliefs of the Center for International Studies, Ohio University Press, or Ohio University.
Executive Editor: Gillian Berchowitz
Foreign Intervention in Africa after the Cold War
Elizabeth Schmidt
Foreword by William Minter
Ohio University Research in International Studies
Global and Comparative Studies Series No. 19
Athens, Ohio
Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio 45701
© 2018 by Ohio University Press
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Schmidt, Elizabeth, 1955- author.
Title: Foreign intervention in Africa after the Cold War : sovereignty, responsibility, and the war on terror / Elizabeth Schmidt ; foreword by William Minter.
Other titles: Research in international studies. Global and comparative studies series ; no. 18.
Description: Athens, Ohio : Ohio University Press, 2018. | Series: Ohio University research in international studies. Global and comparative studies series ; no. 18 | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2018031702| ISBN 9780896803206 (hc : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780896803213 (pb : alk. paper) | ISBN 9780896805040 (pdf)
Subjects: LCSH: Africa--Foreign relations--1960- | Africa--Politics and government--1960- | Africa--Foreign economic relations. | Terrorism--Africa--Prevention--History. | Political stability--Africa--History.
Classification: LCC DT31 .S295 2018 | DDC 327.6009049--dc23
LC record available at
Foreword by William Minter
CHAPTER 1: Outsiders and Africa: Political and Military Engagement on the Continent (1991–2017)
CHAPTER 2: The Post–Cold War Context: Shifting Paradigms and Misconceptions
CHAPTER 3: Identifying the Actors: Who Intervened and Why
CHAPTER 4: Somalia: Conflicting Missions and Mixed Results (1991–2017)
CHAPTER 5: Sudan and South Sudan: Conflicting Interests and Inadequate Solutions (1991–2017)
CHAPTER 6: Rwanda: Genocide and the Failure to Respond (1991–94)
CHAPTER 7: The Democratic Republic of Congo: Outside Interests and Africa’s World War (1994–2017)
CHAPTER 8: Liberia and Sierra Leone: Regional War and License to Plunder (1990–2003)
CHAPTER 9: Côte d’Ivoire: Civil War and Regime Change (2002–11)
CHAPTER 11: Mali and Nigeria: Military Intervention and Unforeseen Consequences (2009–17)
CHAPTER 12: US Africa Policy after the Cold War (1991–2017)
CHAPTER 13: Epilogue: Trump and Africa (2017–)
CONCLUSION: Assessing the Impact of Foreign Intervention
Suggested Readings follow chapters 2–12
0.2. North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia, 2018
5.1. Sudan and South Sudan, 2018
6.1. Rwanda, 2018
7.1. Democratic Republic