Albert Luthuli. Robert Trent Vinson
Albert Luthuli
This series of Ohio Short Histories of Africa is meant for those who are looking for a brief but lively introduction to a wide range of topics in African history, politics, and biography, written by some of the leading experts in their fields.
Steve Biko
by Lindy Wilson
Spear of the Nation (Umkhonto weSizwe): South Africa’s Liberation Army, 1960s–1990s
by Janet Cherry
Epidemics: The Story of South Africa’s Five Most Lethal Human Diseases
by Howard Phillips
South Africa’s Struggle for Human Rights
by Saul Dubow
San Rock Art
by J.D. Lewis-Williams
Ingrid Jonker: Poet under Apartheid
by Louise Viljoen
The ANC Youth League
by Clive Glaser
Govan Mbeki
by Colin Bundy
The Idea of the ANC
by Anthony Butler
Emperor Haile Selassie
by Bereket Habte Selassie
Thomas Sankara: An African Revolutionary
by Ernest Harsch
Patrice Lumumba
by Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja
Short-changed? South Africa since Apartheid
by Colin Bundy
The ANC Women’s League: Sex, Gender and Politics
by Shireen Hassim
The Soweto Uprising
by Noor Nieftagodien
Frantz Fanon: Toward a Revolutionary Humanism
by Christopher J. Lee
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf
by Pamela Scully
Ken Saro-Wiwa
by Roy Doron and Toyin Falola
South Sudan: A New History for a New Nation
by Douglas H. Johnson
Julius Nyerere
by Paul Bjerk
Thabo Mbeki
by Adekeye Adebajo
Robert Mugabe
by Sue Onslow and Martin Plaut
Albert Luthuli
by Robert Trent Vinson
Albert Luthuli
Robert Trent Vinson
Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio 45701
© 2018 by Ohio University Press
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Ohio University Press books are printed on acid-free paper
28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 5 4 3 2 1
Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8214-2328-8
Electronic ISBN: 978-0-8214-4642-3
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available.
Introduction: Who Was Albert Luthuli?
1. The Education of a Zulu Christian
3. The Nonviolent, Multiracial Politics of Defiance
4. Apartheid Violence and Armed Self-Defense
Class photo, probably Adams College, c. 1920
Luthuli with Congregationalist minister Posselt Gumede and first ANC president John Dube
The original 156 defendants in the South African Treason Trial
Luthuli celebrates his daughter’s wedding, 1958 Multiracial mass meeting, Cape Town, 1959
Albert and Nokuhanya Luthuli feeding their chickens at home, 1961
Albert and Nokukhanya Luthuli feted at Oslo, Norway
Albert Luthuli receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, December 1961
Luthuli at his Groutville grocery shop, 1964
U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy visits Luthuli, monitored by South African security police, June 1966
Funeral of Albert Luthuli, Groutville, 1967