Andy Kaufman. Bob Zmuda
Praise for Andy Kaufman
“Bob Zmuda connects on so many levels with this gripping yet hilarious inside industry chronicle. A great story of unconditional friendship and love framed in a studied portrait of a fascinatingly complex, brilliant, unduplicable anti-performance artist who may well resurrect to blow our minds again.”
—Dan Aykroyd
“Danger. What would’ve or WILL Andy do next???? We wondered every time we saw him on TV or live on stage. I still wonder. We still laugh. The definition of an enigma, LIKE NO OTHER.”
—Kathy Griffin
“I never worked with Andy Kaufman and I never even watched Taxi. I do like the name Andy, if that’s any help.”
—Paula Poundstone
“Bob Zmuda was (is?) Andy Kaufman’s partner in all of Andy’s reality-bending adventures. Is Andy’s death yet another elaborate hoax by the ultimate performance artist? An absolutely astonishing read, Andy Kaufman: The Truth, Finally reveals all. Prepare to be amazed!”
—John Landis
“I was so fascinated by the melding of Andy’s and Zmuda’s mind that I spent two years of my life making a movie about it.”
—Milos Forman
The Truth, Finally
Bob Zmuda
Lynne Margulies
BenBella Books, Inc.
Dallas, Texas
The events, locations, and conversations in this book, while true, are recreated from the author’s memory. However, the essence of the story and the feelings and emotions evoked are intended to be accurate representations. In certain instances, names, persons, organizations, and places have been changed to protect an individual’s privacy.
Copyright © 2014 by Bob Zmuda and Lynne Margulies
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
BenBella Books, Inc.
10300 N. Central Expressway
Suite #530
Dallas, TX 75231
Send feedback to [email protected]
First e-book edition: October 2014
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Zmuda, Bob, 1949-
Andy Kaufman: the Truth, Finally / Bob Zmuda, Lynne Margulies.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-940363-05-9 (hardback)—ISBN 978-1-940363-06-6 (electronic) 1. Kaufman, Andy, 1949-1984. 2. Comedians—United States—Biography. 3. Television actors and actresses—United States—Biography. I. Margulies, Lynne Elaine, 1957- II. Title.
PN2287.K28Z74 2014
Editing by Glenn Yeffeth and Katie Kennedy Copyediting by Brian Buchanan Text design by Publishers’ Design and Production Services, Inc. | Proofreading by James Fraleigh and Jenny Bridges Cover design by Sarah Dombrowsky Text composition by Integra Software Services Pvt. Ltd Printed by Lake Book Manufacturing |
Distributed by Perseus Distribution
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Dedicated to
Stanley Kaufman
Chester Zmuda
Two fathers who created two troublemakers
Sneaking into the Playboy Mansion
Don’t Ever Leave Me Alone with People
Andy’s Secret
Andy at SNL
Faking Death
The Bombing Routine
Andy Will Be Back
Other Kaufman Books
About the Authors
It is an honor to write the foreword to this book for my good friend Bob Zmuda. Not many people know this, probably because they don’t care, but I got my first job in show business from Bob Zmuda. In 1986, I was a freshman at the University of Southern California where I was studying screenwriting. One day I was watching a show like Entertainment Tonight and saw Bob Zmuda holding a press conference where he was announcing the formation of Comic Relief, an organization which was about to put on a Live Aid–type event starring the world’s greatest comedians to benefit homeless health care centers across America.
At the time I had no interest in charity but I was obsessed with comedy, so I called the offices of Comic Relief immediately and told them I would love to volunteer and be a part of their new organization. I think they just recently got phones and didn’t really have an infrastructure, so they kind of blew me off. I was bummed because I could feel that this was going to be special. I had just watched Live Aid the year before while bussing tables at El Torito on Long Island, and the idea that all of my idols would be performing on one show was almost more than I could handle.