Adventures In Navyland. Joe Psy.D. Callihan
Adventures In Navyland
Joe Callihan
Copyright 2011 Joe Callihan,
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0106-5
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
NOTE: Every incident and story in this book is true. Words used are the actual words of the characters involved. However all names have been changed, to protect both the innocent and the guilty. Expressions of author’s anger was real, author’s humor – is the direct result of the gift of having been born Irish.
Giving birth was easy, though the book had lived within me for over forty years. It took all of two weeks of concentrated writing effort to complete this book about the many adventures I had while serving in the Navy Reserve and on active duty. In the course of revealing things from my distant past, stories came to life once more. It was almost like being there, seeing and hearing each unbelievable character, friend or foe, living again in my mind.
Some of the memories brought warm smiles of endearment, others moments of laughter, tears, or anger. Television today seems to be filled with what are called “Reality” shows; each offering viewers its own spice of life in a particular area. Navyland is kind of my “Reality” show. It represents my life at a period of time in which I attempted to serve to the best of my ability in the U.S. Navy.
Although some officers may choose to disagree with the kind of assessment I have given to my service, I must admit I was then, and still am, a Patriotic American. Never at any time, were my words and actions meant to harm our military. To some, I was as Lieutenant Dummy (whom you will encounter) said, a misplaced “Civilian.” To me, becoming a G.I. brought no concept that I was to give up my right to justice and fair play.
In reading my book you will find one of the greatest problems I seemed to encounter, was being unique enough to stand up for my rights. Being taught from childhood it was my responsibility, and no one else’s to do so, I may have posed a threat to the “system.” However, that was never my intent. I always showed my utmost respect to any and every officer whose words and actions earned and commanded my respect. Those officers whose words and actions did not earn my respect, very little was offered. According to my belief, rank does not equal respect. In my sight, the person wearing the uniform has the obligation to EARN my respect, the same as I do his or hers.
My husband Joe Callihan, God bless him, is perhaps one of the most unusual characters to come along in quite some time. He has his serious side, as well as a very humorous side. One characteristic I have found inbred in him is his willingness to take a stand for what he believes is right.
I did not know Joe during his time of service in the Navy, but I can relate to his telling stories about his many often dramatic experiences. Joe has shared with me that part of his attitudes came from having read about the exploits of boyhood heroes, like David Crockett of Tennessee. Joe said he placed much trust in Davy’s motto, as quoted in his autobiography: “First, be sure you’re right; then go ahead.”
Two more of Joe’s heroes during his teenage years that also influenced his attitude, were General George S. Patton and Colonel John S. Mosby, who had been a neighbor of Patton’s when they were living in Los Angeles. As related by Patton, while growing up Colonel Mosby often spent time with him, using toy soldiers to reenact Civil War battles. Patton wrote of Mosby’s advice, which many times he chose to follow during his brilliant career. “Always do what the enemy believes no one in their right mind would try. They will not be prepared for such tactics.”
As you read Navyland, you will see many times when these attitudes affected Joe’s behavior and decision making process. So you see, not all of Joe’s boldness can be attributed to his being of an Irish Kentuckian background; or having been raised by parents establishing sound values in their boy. Whatever the reason, my Joe is a man to be proud of.
I hope as you enjoy Joe’s Adventures in Navyland. You will become interested in Joe’s other works. Please visit his web site at:
Mrs. Dolores (Dodie) Callihan
Chapter One
The time was 1965 during the Viet Nam war era. Since my 1963 graduation from high school, I had been attending St. Petersburg Junior College. My scholastic deferment nearing an end, a decision needed to be made regarding which branch of the military services I should choose to enter. The word among my fellow students was “Coast Guard.” Why? Stay home defending the coast of America. Sounded smart, but the waiting list to sign up was a million miles long.
I was also working in a hamburger place at night, while attending college classes in the daytime. Mr. Emerson, “M” as he liked to be called, had been a first class gunner’s mate in the Navy during WWII. So I sought his advice as to which branch might be the best to choose. Having been there, I believed he would know first hand if the Navy would be a wise choice. Surely he would know it all, both the good and the bad about the Navy.
He was very kind when I approached and asked him why he had chosen to join the Navy. When he asked why I wanted to know, I explained my decision making dilemma. At this “M” said, “I’ll be happy to tell you why I chose to join the Navy.” Then he gave me his sales pitch. “The Second World War was on, and I knew as a man I had to do my part. Like you, I wanted to make the best choice of branches to join. Observing the Navy I found they served three full meals a day, you did not have to eat rations. I could have a nice warm bunk to sleep in each night; not a wet and muddy trench somewhere.
Also there would be no snipers shooting at me from trees; no land mines to worry about stepping on; there would be movies shown almost nightly; and there was a laundry on board, no having to wear the same stinking clothes for weeks or months at a time. I thought about this and came to the conclusion, if I had to fight in a war, doing it in comfort and style would be a good idea.
What a Salesman! It took me no time at all to go down to the Navy recruiter’s office and sign up for the Navy Reserves. I had been told by fellow students, if you can’t get in the Coast Guard, go for the Reserves. At least you can get some training, and an opportunity to advance in rank, before going on active duty. This too made sense to me. So now I am a Seaman Apprentice in the Navy Reserve. As an immediate reward they furnished me with a couple of those Popeye suits to wear. Here I guess it’s only fair to admit, I always have believed the Marines have the best looking dress uniform of all the services.
But now a taste of reality began to set in. I experienced first hand some of those “benefits” “M” had told me about. I soon discovered there were a few less glamorous things he had left out, most likely as a good salesman - deliberately. The missing descriptions began to become evident in my Navy Reserve life, especially once I was assigned drill duty on board the USS Greenwood.
Yes, there were indeed three full meals a day. But most of the time they tasted like what you would want to feed your worst enemy. I did have a nice warm bunk to sleep in, that is when I could sleep. Unfortunately it was the upper bunk.