Ghost for Sale. Sandra Cox

Ghost for Sale - Sandra Cox

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      Cover Copy

      Caitlin King can’t believe that her shopaholic cousin actually bought two ghosts off of eBay. But she can’t ignore the truth when she starts seeing sexy Liam O’Reilly, who’s been dead for over a hundred years. He’s a fascinating specter, and the more time Caitlin spends with him, the closer they become—sending them both spiraling into a star-crossed tailspin. No matter how desperately they long for each other, there’s just no future with a guy who’s already stopped breathing. In order to help Liam and his twin sister, Anna, leave their earthly limbo and cross over into the light, Caitlin must find the ghost of Anna’s fiancé. But a malevolent spirit is dead set against Anna moving on. Now Caitlin will have to unravel the mystery surrounding the twins’ past lives in order to keep Liam’s spirit safe—even if it means sacrificing her heart in the process.

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      Books by Sandra Cox

      Mutants Series

      Love, Lattes and Mutants

      Love, Lattes and Danger

      Ghost for Sale

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Ghost For Sale

      Sandra Cox



      Kensington Publishing Corp.


      Lyrical Press books are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2015 by Sandra Cox

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      First Electronic Edition: September 2015

      eISBN-13: 978-1-61650-773-2

      eISBN-10: 1-61650-773-X

      First Print Edition: September 2015

      ISBN-13: 978-1-61650-774-9

      ISBN-10: 1-61650-774-8

      Printed in the United States of America


      For Mike, who always supports my literary efforts,

      And Camille, whose mission has been to fatten me up and change my politics


      As always, thanks to my editor Paige Christian

      Renee Rocco, Managing Director

      And to my agent Joyce Holland

      Chapter 1

      Brring. The shriek of the doorbell caused me to jump, interrupting my first morning jolt of caffeine, as hot liquid sloshed over the sides and burned me. “Crap.” I thumped the cup down and trotted to the door, shaking my stinging fingers.

      My irritation faded when I opened the door.

      A young delivery man dressed in standard tan gave me an appreciative once over. I returned the favor. “Miss VanLier?” He held a box in one hand and a clipboard and pen in the other. Lust turned my brain to mush. I reached for the clipboard and scratched my name.

      “Miss King?”


      “I’m sorry. But I need Miss VanLier’s signature.”

      “Oops. Wait right there.” I held up a finger and walked backward till I was out of sight, then sprinted for my cousin’s bedroom. “HDM at the door, Marcy.”

      “Hot delivery man?” She sat up.

      “Yup. A Mr. Hottie.”

      “What’s he want?”

      “He’s got a box that I can’t sign for. Did you order those red stilettoes?”

      She looked at me and mumbled, “They didn’t have them in my size.” Her eyes widened. “My ghosts!”


      “My ghosts. I bought two on eBay.” She jumped out of bed.


      “Caitlin, you’re repeating yourself. I bought two ghosts on eBay.”

      “No. Really? How much?”

      “Three thousand apiece.” She reached for the robe at the foot of her bed and threw it on.

      Pressure began to build at my temples. “Why would you spend six thousand dollars for ghosts?”

      “Why not?” She trotted out of the room and raced down the hall.

      Good question. Marcy’s parents were richer than God. Spending a few thou on a whim was no big deal. My parents weren’t exactly poor, but their fortunes paled in comparison to my mom’s sister’s family.

      I hauled butt after her. “You don’t really believe that stuff, do you?”

      “Why else would I have bought them?”

      Why indeed?

      We made it to the door in a dead heat.

      “Are you Miss VanLier?” HDM asked.

      “Yes, that’s right.” She reached for the pen and clipboard. His glassy gaze traveled back and forth between the two of us, lingering on my short-shorts.

      “She inherited those legs from her momma. At least that’s what Aunt always tells us,” Marcy put in helpfully as she intercepted the look.

      Mr. HDM reddened, thrust the package at her, and beat a retreat.

      She studied the return address. “It’s my ghosts. But the package is ripped.”

      “I’ll say.” The box was busted, split at the seams. “We should have been paying more attention to the package and less to the delivery boy.”

      “It doesn’t matter. I can’t wait to see my specters.” She clutched it to her breasts like a long lost child and headed to the kitchen, leaving me to shut the door. I watched the HDM drive away, then trotted after her.

      “You opened it,” I said, disappointed I’d missed the reveal.

      “No, the tube was cracked and the cork out. My ghost

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