The Secret Life Of Bryan. Lori Foster

The Secret Life Of Bryan - Lori Foster

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      He was a damn good bounty hunter because, despite the sob stories he always heard, he could stay untouched. He had a keen sense of right and wrong, of his own terms of justice, and he never confused the issues.

      At the moment, he was lost in confusion.

      He knew only one way to make women feel better, but he doubted that would work in this instance.

      Then she turned her face up to him, drawing in a slow, shuddering breath. Her gaze was soft and liquid, her lips open.

      And somehow, despite his intelligence and cynicism, despite his loyalty to his brother and everything he knew to be right and wrong, he let her kiss him.

      And damn it, he even kissed her back.

      Lori Foster’s Books

      Too Much Temptation

      Never Too Much


      Say No To Joe?

      The Secret Life of Bryan

      When Bruce Met Cyn

      Just a Hint—Clint


      Murphy’s Law

      Jude’s Law


      All Through the Night

      I Brake for Bad Boys

      Bad Boys on Board

      I Love Bad Boys

      Jingle Bell Rock

      Bad Boys to Go

      I’m Your Santa

      A Very Merry Christmas

      Bad Boys of Summer

      When Good Things Happen to Bad Boys

      The Night Before Christmas

      Star Quality

      Perfect for the Beach

      Bad Boys in Black Tie

      Truth or Dare

      The Watson Brothers

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      The Secret Life of Bryan

      Lori Foster




      To Barb, Patti, and Morgan.

      Good people, good friends,

      and obviously, good sports.

      Happy hooking!


      Chapter One

      Chapter Two

      Chapter Three

      Chapter Four

      Chapter Five

      Chapter Six

      Chapter Seven

      Chapter Eight

      Chapter Nine

      Chapter Ten

      Chapter Eleven

      Chapter Twelve

      Chapter Thirteen

      Chapter Fourteen

      Chapter Fifteen


      ZEBRA BOOKS are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp.

      119 West 40th Street

      New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2004 by Lori Foster

      This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

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      First Brava Books Trade Paperback Printing: March 2004

      First Zebra Books Mass-Market Paperback Printing: October 2009

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4201-4949-4

      ISBN-10: 1-4201-4949-0

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4201-1288-7 (eBook)

      ISBN-10: 1-4201-1288-0 (eBook)

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      Chapter One

      “Nasty, nasty weather.”

      Shay Sommers sent her best friend, Dawn, an impatient look. She’d been commenting on the weather for the past ten minutes. Probably her idea of a subtle hint to go. The weather was furious, but then, so was Shay. And she wasn’t ready to leave. Not by a long shot.

      Dawn pushed back her chipped coffee cup and got right to the point. “Come on, Shay. It’s getting dark outside. And I’m cold. There’s no point in hanging out here any longer. Leigh’s on her way to the clinic, and you know Dr. Martin will take good care of her.”

      “Of course she will.”

      “Shay,” she said, dragging her name out. “The guy is long gone.”

      “Probably.” Shay drummed her fingers on the scarred countertop. “You should go. Make sure Leigh is taken care of. Tell Eve to send the bill to me. I’ll check in with you later.”

      Dawn’s deep black eyes narrowed. “And what will you do in the meantime? Hang around here all night, terrorizing the neighborhood with your frowns? Plotting revenge?”

      No answer was answer enough.

      Dawn groaned. “Damn it, Shay. She’ll be all right now, thanks to you. At least she’ll be better than she would have been if you hadn’t decided to take up this project.”

      Shay made a sound of disgust. “Project.” Her fingers continued to drum and her frown grew fierce. “It always seems like such a ridiculous word when it’s applied to real people.”

      Dawn squeezed Shay’s hand, and her voice gentled. “I know you want to help, Shay. But you can only do so much.”


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