Falling:. Linn Halton B.

Falling: - Linn Halton B.

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       Angels Among Us

      Linn B. Halton

      A division of HarperCollinsPublishers



       Linn B. Halton



       Chapter One – Being Me

       Chapter Two – A Normal Day

       Chapter Three – Who’s Naughty and Who’s Nice?

       Chapter Four – Bitter-sweet

       Chapter Five – Crystals

       Chapter Six – Baring All

       Chapter Seven – Letting Go

       Chapter Eight – The New Me

       Chapter Nine – The Argument

       Chapter Ten – I Need to Get Away


       Chapter Eleven – Alone

       Chapter Twelve – Life Without Her


       Chapter Thirteen – Going to Pieces

       Chapter Fourteen – Realisation

       Chapter Fifteen – The Circle

       Chapter Sixteen – Reconnecting

       Chapter Seventeen – Fear

       About HarperImpulse


       About the Publisher

       Linn B. Halton

      I live in a small village in Gloucestershire with the man I fell in love with, virtually at first sight. We were at a party and our eyes met across a crowded room! My days are spent with characters who become friends and Mr Tiggs, a feline with catitude. I always knew that one day I would write romantic novels, but I never dreamed they would have a psychic twist! I’ve experienced many ‘unexplainable’ things, but it took a long time for me to accept the reality of what that means. Love, life and beyond…but it’s ALWAYS about the romance!

      I would like to thank Kim, Heidi, Kate, JB, Erin, Susan, Shaz, Charlotte, Dizzy C, Nikki and Tobi for valued feedback and support - love you guys. Also Richard for two amazing Gayatri mantra workshops and answering my many questions - thank you. To Mandy for constant support and advice - my mentor! Last, but not least, to Lawrence for being my rock …


       Chapter One – Being Me

      I have no idea exactly when I began seeing angels, but I can’t seem to remember a time when I couldn’t. It feels like it’s always been a part of my life. It’s as natural as breathing and, yes, there are times when I wish that wasn’t the case. I seriously doubt anyone would choose to get drawn into something they don’t really understand. Why would they?

      I’ve read books of course, and talked to many people who think they know how it all works. When I say ‘it’ I mean life after death, or whatever exists beyond the here and now. What I have found is a very diverse range of opinions, often given out as if they are factual and with a belief so strong that it seems unshakeable. And that’s true whether the person is an adamant sceptic, or a believer. The point is – how can anyone know for sure until it’s their turn to follow the light into what lies beyond?

      As I stir my cappuccino, the heart-shaped chocolate powder begins to melt into a swathe of pale brown trails. It strikes me that it’s a good analogy – when something you see is not what it seems. One moment it appears to be something of substance and in a flash it’s gone. It’s the same with my angels: almost real but not quite. I may be able to see them at times, but it’s always merely seconds before they disappear.

      “Penny for your thoughts.” Seb’s voice breaks my reverie.

      I look up at him. “I’m thinking about angels.”

      “Oh, I’d hoped it was something more… normal.” He closes the conversation before it has even begun and I realise that my wonderful brother is simply out of his depth. It leaves me feeling guilty again. Why do I keep doing this to myself and to other people? Haven’t I been slapped in the face often enough to know that people loathe the word ‘angels’. It reminds them of death: of loved ones lost and another world that only exists in fantasy.

      Except, of course, I know better.

      “So,” I try to keep my voice upbeat and pretend I’m not disappointed he’s failed the test again, “why an autumn wedding?”

      “Anna has found her perfect dress for the day and it’s red. Her heart is set on it and she wants the guys to wear Scottish kilts,” he smirks.

      “But there’s no Scottish blood in our family,” I point out.

      “No, true, although Anna says her great-grandfather’s second cousin was a Laird.” We burst out laughing at exactly the same moment and say in unison, “Mega!” Typical of the link we have as non-identical twins who are in tune on many levels, but so opposite in other ways. I’ve never felt that we struggle to assert our own identities though and I like to think Seb feels the same way.

      “And based on that tenuous link you’ll be seeking someone to pipe you in I suppose?” I can’t resist teasing him, but I’m simply masking my concern. I hate myself for the sense of ‘knowing’ that I can’t shake off. She’s going to

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