A Concise Companion to Visual Culture. Группа авторов
Table of Contents
1 Cover
7 PART I: Scenes from the Institutionalization of the Field Chapter 1: Practices of Visual Culture Pedagogy References Chapter 2: Horizontal Thinking and the Emergence of Visual Culture New Horizons Lawrence Alloway and the Long Front of Culture: From the Hierarchical Pyramid to the Horizontal Line Leo Steinberg and the Emergence of the Flatbed Picture Plane Rosalind Krauss’s Trajectory and the Hatred of Visual Culture References Archival Sources Notes Chapter 3: An Interview References Chapter 4: A Conversation References Chapter 5: A Dialogue References Chapter 6: Scene Selection: Objects Lost and Found References
PART II: Key Concepts
A: Histories
Chapter 7: The Archive
Further Readings
Chapter 8: Observance
Introduction: A Minute’s Silence
Observing, Caring, Following, Obeying
The Shoah, Memory, and Memorialization
To Destroy The Evidence
The Memory Industry: Dark Tourism, Shoah Selfies, and Genealogy Websites
Conclusion: Resilience
Chapter 9: Temporality
80,000 Hours
TV Guide and the Televisual Present
Emergence and Genealogy in the Narrative Presents of Community and The Cosby Show
The Present Tense of Television
Chapter 10: Ephemerality
Restricted Imagery
The Ephemeral Gesture and “Live” Photography
Visibility, Automation, and Autonomy
Becoming an Image
Encoding Bias in Machine Learning
B: Ecologies
Chapter 11: Environment
American Real Estate History
Seeing Real Estate
Real Estate in American Visual Culture
Further Reading
Chapter 12: Architectures
The Materiality of the Arts and Crafts
Resource Barons
The Work of Extraction
Lively Capital
Consolidation of a Global Trade
Global Entanglements
Material Affects
Chapter 13: Sites
Object‐Centered Agencies: What Do the Inuksuit Want?
The Genesis of the Toronto Airport