History of the Philippine Islands (Vol. 1&2). Joaquín Martínez De Zúñiga

History of the Philippine Islands (Vol. 1&2) - Joaquín Martínez De Zúñiga

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       Joaquín Martínez de Zúñiga

      History of the Philippine Islands (Vol. 1&2)

      Their Discovery, Population, Language, Government, Manners, Customs, Productions and Commerce (Complete Edition)

      e-artnow, 2020

       Contact: [email protected]

      EAN 4064066399405

       Volume 1

       Volume 2

      Volume 1

       Table of Contents


       CHAPTER I.

       CHAPTER II.

       CHAPTER III. ANNO DOM. 1519 to 1564.

       CHAPTER IV. ANNO DOM. 1564 to 1565.

       CHAPTER V. ANNO DOM. 1565.

       CHAPTER VI. ANNO DOM. 1569 to 1571.


       CHAPTER VIII. ANNO DOM. 1575.

       CHAPTER IX. ANNO DOM. 1580.

       CHAPTER X. ANNO DOM. 1584.

       CHAPTER XI. ANNO DOM. 1590.

       CHAPTER XII. ANNO DOM. 1596.

       CHAPTER XIII. ANNO DOM. 1602.

       CHAPTER XIV. ANNO DOM. 1609.

       CHAPTER XV. ANNO DOM. 1618.

       CHAPTER XVI. ANNO DOM. 1626.

       CHAPTER XVII. ANNO DOM. 1635.


       CHAPTER XIX. ANNO DOM. 1653.

       CHAPTER XX. ANNO DOM. 1663.



       Table of Contents

      The original, of which the following translation is offered to the English reader, is, probably, the only copy which has yet reached this country. Whether the chance which threw it in the way of the translator may be deemed fortunate or otherwise must be left to the decision of the candid public; but it appeared to him that the information it contains respecting a Spanish colony, the most interesting of any other to a British subject, supplies that desideratum so much wanted in our language;—a correct view down to a very late period of the Spanish establishments in the Philippines.

      The position of these islands, and, indeed, that of the eastern Archipelago generally, whether considered in a political or commercial point of view, is sufficiently important. They form the entrepôt of Europe, India, China, the immensely extended regions of Spanish America, the north-western coasts of the new, and north-eastern coasts of the old world; and in the storms which at present convulse the political atmosphere of Europe, as well as that of both the Americas, it is not easy even to conjecture what may be their fate.

      The productions of these islands are various, and of a value and importance unquestionably high. In the hands of an industrious population, and under a fostering government, there is scarcely any vegetable substance which, by slender exertion, they may not be made to yield, whilst the choicest treasures of the mineral kingdom, lodged beneath their irregular surface, minister largely to the cupidity, and furnish materials for the more enterprising labours of man.

      Gold is in abundance; iron, steel, copper, lead, pitch and tar, hemp, cotton, indigo, sugar, cocoa, pepper, betel, cowries, tortoiseshell, mother of pearl and pearls, hides, coyar, tobacco, corn and rice excellent and abundant, with a variety of other productions, contribute to the wants of commerce; while in this enumeration will be found all the articles which, with the aid of the finest building timber in the world, are requisite for the construction and complete equipment of ships of every description.

      The established intercourse of these islands with Japan and China offers a ready transit for manufactures; and although it is understood that the East India Company furnishes an adequate supply of our woollen staple to the China market, we may yet fairly expect that British enterprize will not overlook the advantages which the opening of the India trade holds out in this quarter; nor will the introduction of British manufactures into these islands, either with an ultimate view to the above markets, or to those of Spanish America, in any material degree interfere with the staple trade of the Company: there is full scope for adventure in this new vineyard, and labourers will not be wanting.

      The political jealousy, and the national and religious prejudices of the Spaniards, have till lately opposed a bar to an extended intercourse with the Philippines; but the tide which hitherto has flowed in that direction seems of late to have commenced its ebb. The events of the last twenty years have been in their nature so extraordinary, and in their effects so powerful a solvent of all the prejudices, fostered by ignorance and superstition, that the dawn of a new day seems to open upon mankind. Let us hope that while these clouds vanish before the morning sun, the great bonds of society will remain unbroken, and that the liberties of Europe, and consequently those of the world, will be fixed on a permanent foundation.

      The well-wisher to the temporal and eternal felicity of the human race will hail, with becoming exultation, the opportunity which it is hoped will now be offered of spreading the Christian faith, and amicably and peaceably lending the reformed religion in aid of the Catholic missions, to civilize the population of this extensive portion of the eastern hemisphere.

      As a literary production, the original has probably little claim to merit, the author

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