The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology. Группа авторов

The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology - Группа авторов

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Chris. 1993. “Knowledge and Meaning: The AIDS Education Campaign in Rural Northeast Thailand.” Social Science & Medicine 38: 135–146.

      59 Malinowski, Bronislaw. 1944. A Scientific Theory of Culture and Other Essays. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

      60 Mandelblatt, Jeanne S, K. Gold, A. S. O’Malley, K. Taylor, K. Cagney, J. S. Hopkins, and J. Kerner. 1999. “Breast and Cervix Cancer Screening Among Multiethnic Women: Role of Age, Health and Source of Care.” Preventive Medicine 28: 418–425.

      61 Manson, Spero M. 2003. “Extending the Boundaries, Bridging the Gaps: Crafting Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity, a Supplement to the Surgeon General’s Report on Mental Health.” Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 27: 395–408.

      62 McKelvy, Robert S, David L Sang, and Cam Tu Hoang. 1997. “Is There a Role for Child Psychiatry in Vietnam?” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 31: 114–119.

      63 Mead, Margaret. 1956. “Understanding Cultural Patterns.” Nursing Outlook 4: 260–262.

      64 Mechanic, David. 1978. Medical Sociology. 2nd Ed. New York: The Free Press.

      65 Miguel, Cynthia A., V. L. Tallo, L. Manderson, and M. A. Lansong. 1999. “Local Knowledge and Treatment of Malaria in Agusan del Sur, The Philippines.” Social Science & Medicine 48: 607–618.

      66 Miller, Brittany C., Jennifer M. Bowers, Jackelyn B. Payne, and Anne Moyer. 2019. “Barriers to Mammography Screening Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Women.” Social Science & Medicine 239: 112494.

      67 Nelson, Sarah E., and K. Wilson. 2017. “The Mental Health of Indigenous Peoples in Canada: A critical Review of Research.” Social Science & Medicine 176: 93–112.

      68 Nitcher, Mark. 1994. “Illness Semantics and International Health: The Weak Lung/TB Complex in the Philippines.” Social Science & Medicine 38: 649–663.

      69 Norheim, Arne Johan, and Vinjar Fonnebo. 1998. “Doctors’ Attitudes to Accupuncture – A Norwegian Study.” Social Science & Medicine 47: 519–523.

      70 Parsons, Talcott. 1951. The Social System. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.

      71 Parsons, Talcott, and Renée Fox. 1952a. “Introduction.” Journal of Social Issues 8: 2–3.

      72 Parsons, Talcott, and Renée Fox. 1952b. “Illness, Therapy, and the Modern Urban Family.” Journal of Social Issues 8: 31–44.

      73 Parsons, Talcott. 1970. Social Structure and Personality. New York: Free Press.

      74 Paul, Benjamin. 1963. “Anthropological Perspectives on Medicine and Public Health.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 346: 34–43.

      75 Perry, B.L., E. Pullen, and Bernice A. Pescosolido. 2016. “At the Intersection of Lay and Professional Social Networks: How Community Ties Shape Perceptions of Mental Health Treatment Providers.” Global Mental Health 3: 1–17.

      76 Press, Irwin. 1980. “Problems of Definition and Classification of Medical Systems.” Social Science & Medicine 14B: 45–57.

      77 Quah, Stella R. 1985. “Self-Medication in Singapore.” Singapore Medical Journal 26:123–129.

      78 Quah, Stella R. 1989a. “The Triumph of Practicality.” Pp. 1–18 in The Triumph of Practicality. Tradition and Modernity in Health Care Utilization in Selected Asian Countries, edited by S R Quah. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

      79 Quah, Stella R. 1989b. “The Social Position and Internal Organization of the Medical Profession in the Third World: The case of Singapore.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 30(4): 450–466.

      80 Quah, Stella R. 1993. “Ethnicity, Health Behavior, and Modernization: The Case of Singapore.” Pp. 78–107 in Health and Health Care in Developing Countries: Sociological Perspectives, edited by Peter Conrad and Eugene B. Gallagher. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.

      81 Quah, Stella R. 2003. “Traditional Healing Systems and the Ethos of Science.” Social Science & Medicine 57: 1997–2012.

      82 Quah, Stella R. 2008. “In Pursuit of Health: Pragmatic Acculturation in Everyday Life.” Health Sociology Review 17(4): 419–421.

      83 Quah, Stella R. 2018. “Disability, Illness and Health Risks: Public Health and Epidemiology Approaches.” Elsevier Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences 1–11.

      84 Quah, Stella R, and Jing-Wei Li. 1989. “Marriage of Convenience: Traditional and Modern Medicine in the People’s Republic of China.” Pp. 19–42 in The Triumph of Practicality. Tradition and Modernity in Health Care Utilization in Selected Asian Countries, edited by Stella R. Quah. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

      85 Reed, Geertsen, Melville R. Klauber, Mark Rindflesh, Robert L. Kane, and Robert Gray. 1975. “A Re-Examination of Suchman’s Views on Social Factors in Health Care Utilization.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 16: 226–237.

      86 Robertson, Leon, and M. Heagarty. 1975. Medical Sociology: A General Systems Approach. New York: Nelson Hall.

      87 Robertson, Olivia, S. J. Robinson, and R. Stephens. 2017. “Swearing as a Response to Pain: A Cross-cultural Comparison of British and Japanese Participants.” Scandinavian Journal of Pain 17: 267–272.

      88 Sanborn, K. O., and M. M. Katz. 1977. “Perception of Symptoms Behavior Across Ethnic Groups.” Pp. 236–240 in Basic Problems in Cross-Cultural Psychology, edited by Y. H. Poortinga. Amsterdam: International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.

      89 Sanders, D., N. Schaay, and S. Mohamed. 2017. “Primary Health Care.” Pp. 5–14 in International Encyclopedia of Public Health, edited by Stella R. Quah and William C. Cockerham, 2ndEd. Vol. 6.

      90 Saunders, Lyle. 1954. Cultural Differences and Medical Care. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

      91 Scambler, Graham. 1984. “Perceiving and Coping with Stigmatizing Illness.” Pp. 35–43 in The Experience of Illness, edited by Ray Fitzpatrick et al. London: Tavistock.

      92 Selzler, Bonnie Kay. 1996. “The Health Experiences of Dakota Sioux and Their Perceptions of Culturally Congruent Nursing Care.” Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation. Denver, CO: University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.

      93 Sharma, Ursula M. 1990. “Using Alternative Therapies: Marginal Medicine and Central Concerns.” Pp. 127–139 in New Directions in the Sociology of Health, edited by Pamela Abbot and Geoff Payne. London: Falmer Press.

      94 Shellae, Versey, H, Courtney C Cogburn, Clara L Wilkins, and Nakita Joseph. 2019. “Appropriated racial oppression: Implications for mental health in Whites and Blacks.” Social Science & Medicine 230: 295–302.

      95 Singh, Gurpreet, C., Newton, K. O’Sullivan, A. Soundy, and N.R. Heneghan. 2018. “Exploring the lived experience and chronic low back pain beliefs of English-speaking Punjabi and white British people: A qualitative study within the NHS.” BMJ Open 8: 1–11.

      96 Starr, Paul. 1982. The Social Transformation of American Medicine. New York: Basic Books.

      97 Strauss, Anselm L. 1965. “Social Patterns of Illness and Medical Care.” Journal of Health and Human Behavior 6: 2–16.

      98 Strauss, Anselm L. 1975. Chronic Illness and the Quality of Life. St Louis, MI: Mosby.

      99 Suchman, Edward. 1964. “Socio-Medical Variations Among Ethnic Groups.” American Journal of Sociology 70:319–331.

      100 Taylor, Steve, and Clive Ashworth. 1987. “Durkheim and Social Realism: An Approach to Health and Illness.” Pp. 37–58 in Sociological Theory & Medical Sociology, edited by Graham Scambler.

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