The Measurement of Intelligence. Lewis M. Terman

The Measurement of Intelligence - Lewis M. Terman

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href="#u810a2417-5822-4732-9694-05c70a5330a2">Comparison of lines 151

      2 Discrimination of forms 152

      3 Counting four pennies 154

      4 Copying a square 155

      5 Comprehension, first degree 157

      6 Repeating four digits 159

      7 Alternative test: Repeating twelve to thirteen syllables 160


       Instructions for Year V

      1 Comparison of weights 161

      2 Naming colors 163

      3 Æsthetic comparison 165

      4 Giving definitions in terms of use 167

      5 The game of patience 169

      6 Three commissions 172

      7 Alternative test: Giving age 173


       Instructions for Year VI

      1 Distinguishing right and left 175

      2 Finding omissions in pictures 178

      3 Counting thirteen pennies 180

      4 Comprehension, second degree 181

      5 Naming four coins 184

      6 Repeating sixteen to eighteen syllables 185

      7 Alternative test: Forenoon and afternoon 187


       Instructions for Year VII

      1 Giving the number of fingers 189

      2 Description of pictures 190

      3 Repeating five digits 193

      4 Tying a bow-knot 196

      5 Giving differences from memory 199

      6 Copying a diamond 204

      7 Alternative test 1: Naming the days of the week 205

      8 Alternative test 2: Repeating three digits reversed 207


       Instructions for Year VIII

      1 The ball-and-field test 210

      2 Counting backwards from 20 to 1 213

      3 Comprehension, third degree 215

      4 Giving similarities, two things 217

      5 Giving definitions superior to use 221

      6 Vocabulary (20 definitions, 3600 words) 224

      7 Alternative test 1: Naming six coins 231

      8 Alternative test 2: Writing from dictation 231


       Instructions for Year IX

      1 Giving the date 234

      2 Arranging five weights 236

      3 Making change 240

      4 Repeating four digits reversed 242

      5 Using three words in a sentence 242

      6 Finding rhymes 248

      7 Alternative test 1: Naming the months 251

      8 Alternative test 2: Counting the value of stamps 252


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