Aviation in Peace and War. Sir Frederick Hugh Sykes

Aviation in Peace and War - Sir Frederick Hugh Sykes

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       Sir Frederick Hugh Sykes

      Aviation in Peace and War

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066224523


       CHAPTER I


       Early Thoughts on Flight.

       The Invention of the Balloon.

       First Experiments in Gliders and Aeroplanes.

       The Wright Brothers and their Successors in Europe.

       The First Airships.

       The Beginnings of Aviation in England.

       The Inception and Development of Aircraft as Part of the Forces of the Crown.

       Tactics and the Machine.




       General Remarks on War Development.

       Co-operation with the Army.

       Co-operation with the Navy.

       Home Defence.

       The Machine and Engine.

       Tactics and the Strategic Air Offensive.




       The Future of Aerial Defence.

       Civil Aviation as a Factor in National Security.

       Civil Aviation as an Instrument of Imperial Progress.

       Financial and Economic Problems.

       Weather Conditions and Night Flying.


       The Machine and Engine.

       Air Services: British, Continental and Imperial.


       Table of Contents

      Since the earliest communities of human beings first struggled for supremacy and protection, the principles of warfare have remained unchanged. New methods have been evolved and adopted with the progress of science, but no discovery, save perhaps that of gunpowder, has done so much in so short a time to revolutionize the conduct of war as aviation, the youngest, yet destined perhaps to be the most effective fighting-arm. Yet to-day we are only on the threshold of our knowledge, and, striking as was the impetus given to every branch of aeronautics during the four years of war, its future power can only dimly be seen.

      We may indeed feel anxious about this great addition of aviation to the destructive power of modern scientific warfare. Bearing its terrors in mind, we may even impotently seek to check its advance, but the appeal of flying is too deep, its elimination is now impossible, and granted that war is inevitable, it must be accepted for good or ill. Fortunately, although with the other great scientific additions, chemical warfare and the submarine, its potentialities for destruction are very great, yet aircraft, unlike the submarine, can be utilized not only in the conduct of war but in the interests of peace, and it is here that we can guide and strengthen it for good. Just as the naval supremacy of Britain was won because commercially we were the greatest seafaring people in the world, so will air supremacy be achieved by that country which, making aviation a part of its everyday life, becomes an airfaring community.

      Our nation as a whole has been educated, owing to its geographical situation and by tradition, to interest itself in the broader aspects of marine policy and development. It requires to take the same interest in aviation, a comparatively new subject, unhampered to a great extent by preconceived notions and therefore offering greater scope for individual thought.

      I propose first briefly to trace the history of aviation from its beginnings to the outbreak of war; next to describe the evolution of aircraft and of air strategy during the war; and last to estimate the present position and to look into the future.


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