Fairy Fingers. Anna Cora Ogden Mowatt Ritchie

Fairy Fingers - Anna Cora Ogden Mowatt Ritchie

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of the marchioness seemed only to be looking, with the most complimentary expression of interest, into the face of her new acquaintance, while, in reality, she was scanning Bertha's picturesque attire, and longing to discover by what tasteful fingers it had been contrived; examining the polished ivy intertwined among her bright ringlets, and the half-blown roses just bursting their sheaths in a glossy covert of amber tresses; and wondering that a coiffure with such poetic taste could have existed unknown in Brittany. As the marchioness stood, dropping sweet, meaningless words from her dewy lips, Bertha's hand was claimed by the Duke de Montauban, and she was led to the dance.

      She was moving through the quadrille with a languid, unelastic motion, very unlike her usual springing step, when she caught sight of M. de Bois, standing at a short distance, with his face turned toward her. The smile that accompanied her bow of greeting drew him nearer. As the dance ended, and her partner was reconducting her to the countess, M. de Bois overcame his timidity sufficiently to join her.

      "Where is Mademoiselle Mad—ad—adeleine?" he inquired. "I have not seen her."

      "She is not here. She would not come," sighed Bertha, stopping abruptly, though they had not quite reached her chaperone's side.

      "Is she ill? She told me this morning that she would certainly be here. Has anything happened?" asked M. de Bois, speaking as distinctly as though he had never stammered in his life, and throwing off, in his growing excitement, all the awkwardness of his constitutional diffidence.

      Bertha could not but remark his anxious expression, and a suspicion, which she had essayed to banish, once more took possession of her mind. But she loved Madeleine with such absolute devotion, that this vague, uncomfortable sensation was quickly displaced by a purer emotion. Glancing at the countess to see that she was not within hearing distance, she disengaged her arm from that of the duke, with a bow which he interpreted into a dismissal, and then, turning eagerly to M. de Bois, recounted to him, in a low, hurried tone, the occurrences of the morning. She fancied she heard words which sounded very like muttered imprecations. He was perhaps putting into practice his new method of loosening his tongue, and doubtless imagined that the emphatic utterances were inaudible.

      Bertha went on. "It was a terrible blow to Maurice! He felt so sure until then that Madeleine loved him; so did I. But we were both mistaken. It is plain enough now that she does not."

      "What makes it plain? How can you be sure?" asked M. de Bois, becoming more and more disturbed.

      "Her own declaration has placed the fact beyond doubt. She even confessed that she loved another."

      Her listener did not attempt to conceal his consternation at these words.

      "Mademoiselle Madeleine said she loved another! She, who would not stoop to breathe a word which was not the strictest truth—she told you so? You heard it yourself? You are certain, very certain, Mademoiselle Bertha?"

      "I dare say that I ought not to have repeated this to you," replied Bertha, who now experienced some self-reproach at betraying her friend's secret to one whom it, perhaps, so deeply concerned; "but I am very certain that Madeleine distinctly rejected Maurice, and, when he attributed her refusal to his grandmother's and his father's disapproval of his suit, she denied that she was influenced by them, and confessed that her heart was not free—that she had bestowed it upon another."

      "By all that is heroic, she is a noble woman!" exclaimed M. de Bois, fervently. "She has the grandest nature! She is incom-com-com"—

      "Incomparable," said Bertha, finishing his sentence, and checking a sigh. "Yes, I never knew any one like her. She has no equal."

      "I don't exactly say that. I don't mean that. She is not su-su-superior—to"—

      Bertha did not assist him by completing this disjointed phrase, even if she suspected what he desired to say.

      At that moment Count Damoreau approached, accompanied by a gaunt, overdressed lady, with harsh and forbidding features.

      "Lady Vivian is looking for Mademoiselle de Gramont. Did she not accompany you?" inquired the count.

      "She intended to do so, but changed her mind."

      "She received a letter from me to-day—did she not?" continued Count Damoreau.

      "Yes, I remember delivering one to her myself, which Baptiste said was brought by your valet."

      "Did she not apprise you of its contents?"

      "No. I was not present when she opened the letter."

      "Then you do not know how she received my proposition?" remarked Lady Vivian, in a grating voice. "I begin to be a little doubtful myself how it will do. Is your cousin as handsome as they say she is?"

      "In my eyes she is the most beautiful person in the world," answered Bertha, in a tone of admiration the sincerity of which could not be mistaken.

      Lady Vivian looked vexed, and replied, "That's a pity. Beauty is a decided objection in such a position."

      "I beg your ladyship's pardon," returned Bertha, with spirit; "but I cannot perceive that my cousin's position renders her beauty objectionable."

      "Beauty is very suitable to you, my dear; but for an humble companion"—

      "An humble companion? Madeleine is not my aunt's humble companion, nor mine. She is"—

      "To become mine, I believe!" rejoined Lady Vivian, brusquely. "And I already begin to regret that I acceded to Count Damoreau's wishes."

      "Madeleine your ladyship's humble companion? That she shall never be. O Count Damoreau! how could you have suggested such an idea? I would go on my knees to implore her not to consent! I am sure your ladyship will find yourself mistaken."

      Bertha, as she said these words, bowed with a degree of hauteur which no one had ever seen her assume, and, taking M. de Bois's arm, approached her aunt with a troubled countenance. Before the Countess de Gramont could ask the cause of her evident disquietude, she said—

      "I wish we could go home, aunt: I am wearied to death. I cannot enjoy anything to-night. And that horrid Lady Vivian has made me so angry, talking of Madeleine as her humble companion! Such impertinence! Surely you would never permit anything of the kind?"

      "Never! I do not wonder you were indignant. But do you really wish to go?"

      "Oh, yes. I am stifling here. I never was at such a dull ball. Pray, pray take me home!"

      Her aunt could not refuse a request so vehemently urged, and begged M. de Bois to seek Maurice. Fearing that Madame de Tremazan would be mortified by their early departure, the countess took an opportunity to leave the ballroom, accompanied by her niece and son, without attracting the observation of the hostess. M. de Bois joined them in the antechamber, with the intelligence that Maurice was nowhere to be found. After a second search, and half an hour's delay, the carriage started without him.

      As soon as they reached the château, Bertha bade her aunt good-night, and hastened to Madeleine's chamber. Madeleine, who did not anticipate her speedy return, and had not heard her light foot upon the floor, was sitting beside a small table, her head supported by her hands, and bent over some object which she contemplated with intense interest. At the sound of Bertha's voice she hastily closed the lids of a couple of ancient-looking caskets, which stood before her, and rose from her seat.

      "Is it you, Bertha? How soon you have returned!"

      "Yes; I was glad to get away. The ball was wretchedly stupid; and, after that disagreeable Lady Vivian irritated me by talking of you, I could not stay. She seemed to have the audacity to expect that you would become her humble companion. You! our noble, doubly noble Madeleine, the humble companion of any one, but especially of such a coarse person as Lady Vivian! It was unendurable."

      "It is very possible that Count Damoreau assured her I would accept the proposition she made me through him," was Madeleine's calm reply.


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