Chemistry and Biology of Non-canonical Nucleic Acids. Naoki Sugimoto
Table of Contents
1 Cover
4 Preface
5 1 History for Canonical and Non-canonical Structures of Nucleic Acids 1.1 Introduction 1.2 History of Duplex 1.3 Non-Watson–Crick Base Pair 1.4 Nucleic Acid Structures Including Non-Watson–Crick Base Pairs 1.5 Perspective of the Research for Non-canonical Nucleic Acid Structures 1.6 Conclusion and Perspective References
6 2 Structures of Nucleic Acids Now 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Unusual Base Pairs in a Duplex 2.3 Non-canonical Backbone Shapes in DNA Duplex 2.4 Branched DNA with Junction 2.5 Multi-stranded DNA Helices 2.6 Structures in RNA 2.7 Conclusion References
7 3 Stability of Non-canonical Nucleic Acids 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Factors Influencing Stabilities of the Canonical Duplexes 3.3 Thermodynamic Analysis for the Formation of Duplex 3.4 Factors Influencing Stabilities of the Non-canonical Nucleic Acids 3.5 Thermodynamic Analysis for the Non-canonical Nucleic Acids 3.6 Conclusion References
8 4 Physicochemical Properties of Non-canonical Nucleic Acids 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Spectroscopic Properties of Non-canonical Nucleic Acids 4.3 Chemical Interactions on Non-canonical Nucleic Acids 4.4 Chemical Platform on the Non-canonical Structures 4.5 Physicochemical Property of Non-canonical Nucleic Acids in Cell 4.6 Conclusion References
9 5 Telomere 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Structural Properties of Telomere 5.3 Biological Relevance of Telomere G4 5.4 Other Non-canonical Structures Related to Telomere Region 5.5 Conclusion References
10 6 Transcription 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Transcription Process 6.3 Transcription Process Perturbed by Certain Sequences of DNA and RNA 6.4 Transcription Process Perturbed by Non-canonical Structures of DNA and RNA 6.5 Conclusion References
11 7 Translation 7.1 Introduction 7.2 RNAs Involved in Translation Machinery 7.3 General Process of Translation 7.4 RNA Structures Affecting Translation Reaction 7.5 Conclusion References
12 8 Replication 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Replication Machineries 8.3 Replication Initiation 8.4 DNA Strand Elongation 8.5 Termination of Replication 8.6 Chemistry of the Replication and Its Regulation 8.7 Conclusion References
13 9 Helicase 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Function and Structure of Helicases 9.3 Unwinding of Non-canonical