The Lock keeper of Kiev. Larry B. Ritter
The Lock keeper of Kiev
1. Auflage, erschienen 02-2021
Umschlaggestaltung: Romeon Verlag
Text: Larry B. Ritter
Layout: Romeon Verlag
ISBN (E-Book): 978-3-96229-846-3
Copyright © Romeon Verlag, Kaarst
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Larry B. Ritter
Ukraine in Spring 2014
Freezing the financial assets of the Ukrainian Oligarchs in the West is a two-sided sword. It does not only hit the rich but also the employees and suppliers of the companies and – in case of bankruptcy – the whole economy. The banks need to size the opening of the money faucets so that the companies and the economy stay healthy.
Scene 3: The Week after the Disaster
Scene 4: Ice Time in the Ukraine
Scene 8: The Fish Pond gets Bigger
Scene 9: Dinner at the Oligarch
Scene 1: Vacation in the Mountains
Scene 2: The End of the Vacations
Scene 3: Just a Matter of Nerves!
Scene 1: Search in a Hay Stack
Scene 4: A Story with three Chapter
Scene 3: An Almost Normal Life
This book was written during the first months of 2014 when the story of the new Ukraine emerged phase by phase. An end was not visible yet for a long time – especially not one which could satisfy the Ukrainian people.
Whereas the persons of this thriller are all absolute fictitious, even those related to the institutions of different countries, the financial frames as for instance the blocked accounts or the massive flight of capital out of the Ukraine and Russia into the West are absolute correct – as in all the books of this series. The same is true for the huge losses of value of the Ukrainian money, the Griwna, and of the Ruble. At the end of March 2014, Russia had lost the financial war already: eighty billion Euros had left the country at steadily falling exchange rates and the trend continued. The national wealth of Russia had lost incredible amounts of value. How should the country recover from that?
Another financial factor was that investments into Russia would strongly be reduced for a long time and – if at all – it could only be compensated by China. In 2014, it did not seem to go this way, either. On top, one could ask whether the Russian nationalists would appreciate a stronger dependency on China or whether the Chinese would appreciate an unpredictable partner with financial problems of huge dimensions.
After decades of monumental corruption in the Ukraine (and in Russia for that matter), one can only hope that the newly elected government will be able to stifle this economical cancer step-by-step. The ethnic diversity of the Ukraine is already quite a challenge in itself; the post-Putin renaissance of a peaceful Russia will be another one.
Eastern 2014 Larry B. Ritter
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