I am Earthman. Джора Байрамов

I am Earthman - Джора Байрамов

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      The intergalactic ship rapidly entered the Solar system of the galaxy, called the "Milky Way". The commander of the ship gave the order;

      – Slow down. Wake up the earthman, he has been in the bio-chamber for more than three hundred years. We are approaching the planet Earth. Let him admire his planet. This was his wish before going to bed.

      The humanoids immediately obeyed the order of the ship's commander and brought the man to the observation cabin of the ship. At the same moment, the man leaned greedily against the porthole. He wanted to see the blue, beautiful, familiar home planet. But behind the porthole, I saw a dark gray, sometimes black, as if charred by a vast, large-scale fire, perhaps even already lifeless, dead planet. Where the blue oceans and seas are located, grayish-dark clouds covered in places. The continents have lost their former shape, have repeatedly decreased in size, we can say they have turned into many large and small islands. He was horrified and numb, began to mutter "it can't be, it can't be, this planet is not Earth", Slowed down after a long and forced artificial sleep, his memory was gradually restored. He really wanted to remember his first and last name, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do it. He only remembered that he was a citizen of the Russian state, as a cosmonaut, together with astronauts from other countries, whose names he could not remember now, as part of five people, an international space crew, he did not remember the exact year, somewhere in the first half of the twenty-first century, they flew to the international space station (ISS) and replaced the previous crew. They worked together on the ISS, conducted scientific experiments, joked, had fun, discussed their upcoming, future flight on a manned interplanetary ship to the planet Mars. The crew had already been on the ISS for four months and they were soon to be replaced by another international crew. Nothing foreshadowed trouble, everything went according to a pre-planned plan. And so, being on the ISS in near-Earth orbit, in an instant they became the only unwitting witnesses of the catastrophe and the destruction of the Earth's civilization. Whether as a result of a fatal mistake of the human factor, or as a result of a successful terrorist attack by hackers on the system of early detection and prevention of an enemy missile attack, followed by hacking the lock and provoking a simulated nuclear missile attack, or because of the geopolitical ambitions of the leaders of the nuclear superpowers, a global thermonuclear war suddenly began between the nuclear superpowers. Of course, over the past decades, interstate relations between the world's leading nuclear powers have been strained and strained to the limit due to many problems and contradictions, mainly over spheres of influence in the world of a geopolitical, territorial and economic nature. In various hot spots of the Earth, undeclared wars of the leading powers of the world have been going on for a long time, in the form of their indirect participation in regional skirmishes, in coups d'etat, in which, defending their economic and geopolitical interests, the nuclear powers of the world supported one or another opposing side, providing them with assistance in the field of weapons, information and support in the UN. In addition, in order to win in the confrontation, the warring parties and their allies have long waged undeclared hybrid wars of an economic and informational nature among themselves, cyber attacks were carried out aimed at undermining the economic basis of the state and at weakening the political institutions of state power and other fundamental foundations of statehood. In an effort to dominate the world, some powerful powers, under the guise of "democratizing the world" or under the guise of "protecting the economic interests of their state" in a particular region of the world, resorting to various sophisticated methods to damage the opposite side, did not disdain anything to achieve their goals. They constantly violated the fundamental principles of the Charter of the United Nations and violated other international rules of relations between States developed in the 20th century and established for years. Double standards, economic blockades and other various restrictive measures were widely applied to those who did not agree with the policies of the superpowers. When resolving certain geopolitical or geo-economic disputes, conflict situations in hot spots of the world, even the opinions of some economically undeveloped and militarily powerful states located in that region, whose interests were directly affected there, were not taken into account, and the preservation of their statehood depended entirely on objective solutions to these problems. This, in turn, led to protracted civil wars and the complete ruin of these states in economic and humanitarian terms and the mass migration of their citizens to other countries of the world. Against the background of the confrontations of the nuclear superpowers, skillfully taking advantage of their irreconcilable differences, in addition to this, they were also financially fueled by third forces from outside, international terrorism was also growing everywhere in the world. In a word, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, because of the gross mistakes made, or the deliberate actions of some leading politicians of the world elite aimed at creating so-called "controlled chaos" in certain regions of the world, everything and everything changed in the world. This led to a deep diplomatic crisis in the relations between the leading powers of the world. Another feature of this period of time was that in the relations of states, in solving various international problems, peace politicians, in order to tilt the thicket of scales in their direction, increasingly resorted to the services of brazen provocation and false propaganda. As a result, the world became such that it was as if truth and falsehood had changed places in people's minds, and the truth as such, as if it no longer existed in the world. And it seemed that along with the rapid scientific and technological growth of the world economy in all its directions, people, and in some cases even high-ranking politicians, relying entirely on information distributed by the media or on the Internet, taking various biased, custom-made fake news for the truth, forgot how to see the truth and therefore, as if only lies began to rule the world. But everyone believed, based on the predominance of high human reason, that the leaders of the nuclear powers, knowing what a global thermonuclear war would turn out for the planet, would refrain from a military solution by force with the use of nuclear weapons in solving any acute issues in interstate relations and would agree, as during the Caribbean crisis in the sixties of the twentieth century. In any case, humanity will never know what was the reason for the beginning of a global nuclear war. So, from various points of the Earth, from land, from ocean and sea surfaces and depths, short-and medium-range ballistic missiles and huge intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads were launched in an instant. The vaunted anti-missile, anti-aircraft missile systems of the opponents, although they shot down several missiles that had just launched, were not corrected by streams of thousands of missiles flying at huge hypersonic speeds at the target, filled with nuclear warheads that split when approaching the target. It seemed that the parties used all their nuclear arsenals accumulated during the years of confrontation to defeat the enemy and used all means of delivering them to the targets for this purpose. In addition to ballistic missiles and other means, recently invented, secret, automatically self-loading, super-powerful electromagnetic guns, that is, the so-called railguns, stationary-mine-based, were used to deliver destructive strike nuclear arsenals. Previously, only a few of these electromagnetic guns, and then with the strictest secrecy, were previously used by the military to secretly launch small, barely noticeable for radars, military reconnaissance satellites into near-Earth orbit. With their trunks almost vertically pointing into the sky, these super-powerful electromagnetic guns, with their lightning-fast, sharply repulsive shots, gave an unthinkably high speed to a metal capsule designed and made specifically from particularly strong metal alloys, inside which small-sized, high-precision, so-called "smart" cruise missiles stuffed with thermonuclear warheads were placed, working on tiny nuclear installations. With the shots of electromagnetic cannons, these capsules in the blink of an eye, that is, in a few seconds, overcoming the Earth's gravity at unimaginably high speeds, were directly launched into the low Earth orbit of the planet and continuing to fly at hypersonic speeds in the near-Earth orbit, these capsules were automatically opened and the rockets inside them were separated from them. The missiles immediately at the command of the operators or automatically according to the programs laid down in advance in them, tuning in to the target and in flight sharply and very difficult maneuvering like small swifts, thereby effectively confusing ABOUT the enemy, flew at unthinkably huge hypersonic speeds towards the enemy. When approaching the target, these ultra-precise, small-sized, smart missiles, while still in low Earth orbit, made a sharp turn over the target and as a result of this maneuver, from top to bottom, almost vertically-perpendicular flight to the Ground, without even having time to get particularly heated by the oncoming air resistance, overcoming the lower, dense layers of the atmosphere, vertically and accurately hit the targets.

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