Electrical Safety Engineering of Renewable Energy Systems. Rodolfo Araneo
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Electrical Safety Engineering of Renewable Energy Systems
Rodolfo Araneo
University of RomeRome, Italy
Massimo Mitolo
Irvine Valley College Irvine, California
This edition first published 2022
© 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
© 2022 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Araneo, Rodolfo, author. | Mitolo, Massimo A. G., author. | John
Wiley & Sons, publisher.
Title: Electrical safety engineering of renewable energy systems / Rodolfo
Araneo, Massimo Mitolo.
Description: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2022. | Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021025391 (print) | LCCN 2021025392 (ebook) | ISBN
9781119624981 (hardback) | ISBN 9781119624998 (pdf) | ISBN 9781119625018 (epub)
| ISBN 9781119625056 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Electric apparatus and appliances--Safety measures. |
Renewable energy sources--Safety measures.
Classification: LCC TK152 .A73 2022 (print) | LCC TK152 (ebook) |
DDC 621.3028/9--dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021025391
LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021025392
Cover image: © oxygen/Getty
Cover design by Wiley
Set in 9.5/12.5pt STIXTwoText by Integra Software Services, Pondicherry, India.
1 Cover
4 Preface
6 1 Fundamental Concepts of Electrical Safety Engineering1.1 Introduction1.2 Electric Shock1.2.1 Ventricular Fibrillation1.2.2 The Heart-current Factor1.3 The Electrical Impedance of the Human Body1.3.1 The Internal Resistance of the Human Body1.4 Thermal Shock1.5 Heated Surfaces of Electrical Equipment and Contact Burn Injuries1.6 Ground-Potential and Ground-Resistance1.6.1 Area of Influence of a Ground-electrode1.7 Hemispherical Electrodes in Parallel1.8 Hemispherical Electrodes in Series1.9 Person’s Body Resistance-to-ground and Touch Voltages1.10 Identification of Extraneous-Conductive-Parts1.11 Measuring Touch Voltages
7 2 Safety-by-Design Approach in AC/DC Systems2.1 Introduction2.2 Class I PV Equipment2.3 Class II PV Equipment2.4 Ground Faults and Ground Fault Protection2.5 Functionally Grounded PV Systems2.6 Non-Ground-Referenced PV Systems2.7 Ground-Referenced PV Systems2.8 Fire Hazard in Ground-Referenced PV Systems2.9 Faults at Loads Downstream the PV Inverter in Ground-Referenced PV Systems2.10 Non-Electrically Separated PV System2.11 PV Systems Wiring Methods and Safety2.12 d.c. Currents and Safety2.13 Electrical Safety of PV Systems2.14 Rapid-Shutdown of PV Arrays on Buildings2.15 Hazard and Risk
8 3 Grounding and Bonding3.1 Introduction3.2 Basic Concepts of Grounding Systems: The Ground Rod3.3 The Maxwell Method3.4 Multiple Rods: Mutual Resistance3.5 Ground Rings and Ground Grid3.6 Complex Arrangements: Rings and Ground Grids Combined with Rods and Horizontal Electrodes
9 4 Lightning Protection Systems4.1 Review of Natural Lightning Physics, Modeling and Protection4.2 Lightning Protection of PV Systems4.2.1 Ground-Mounted PV Systems4.2.2 Rooftop Mounted PV Systems4.2.3 Protection against Overvoltage4.2.4 Surge Protective Devices (SPDs)4.3 Lighting Protection of Wind Turbines4.3.1 Lightning Protection System (LPS)4.3.2 Step and Touch Voltages4.3.3 Lightning Exposure Assessment4.3.4 Assessment of the Average Annual Number of Dangerous Events NL Due to Flashes Directly to and near Service Cables4.3.5 Lightning Protection Zones4.4 High-Frequency Grounding Systems 4.4.1 Arrangement of Ground Electrodes4.4.2 Effective Length of a Ground Electrode4.4.3 Frequency-dependent Soil and Ionization
10 5 Renewable Energy System Protection and Coordination5.1 Introduction5.2 Power Collection Systems5.3 Cable Connections5.4 Offshore Wind Farm5.5 Distributed Energy Resources: Battery Energy Storage Systems and Electric Vehicles
11 6