Manual of Equine Lameness. Gary M. Baxter
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Table of Contents
1 Cover
5 Preface
6 Common Terminologies and Abbreviations
8 1 Assessment of the Lame Horse Introduction Adaptive Strategies of Lame Horses Classification of Lameness Anatomic Problem Areas Signalment and Use History Visual Examination at Rest Palpation and Manipulation Flexion Tests/Manipulation Subjective Assessment of Lameness Objective Assessment of Lameness Perineural Anesthesia Intrasynovial Anesthesia Bibliography
9 2 Common Conditions of the Foot Navicular Region and Soft Tissue Injuries of the Foot Fractures of the Navicular (Distal Sesamoid) Bone Injuries to the CLs of the DIP Joint Coffin Joint and Distal Phalanx Miscellaneous Conditions of the Foot Septic Pedal Osteitis (PO) Penetrating Injuries of the Foot Laminitis Foot Care and Farriery Bibliography
3 Common Conditions of the Forelimb
Osteochondrosis (OC) of the PIP Joint
Luxation/Subluxation of the PIP Joint
Fractures of the Middle Phalanx (P2)
Fractures of the Proximal Phalanx (P1)
Desmitis of the Distal Sesamoidean Ligaments (DSLs)
SDFT and DDFT Injuries in the Pastern
Osteochondral (Chip) Fractures of Proximal P1
Fractures of the Proximal Sesamoid Bones
Axial Osteitis/Osteomyelitis of the PSBs
Traumatic OA of the MCP/MTP Joint
Palmar/Plantar Osteochondral Disease
Fetlock Subchondral Cystic Lesions (SCLs)
Traumatic Rupture of the Suspensory Apparatus
Palmar/Plantar Annular Ligament (PAL) Constriction and DFTS Tenosynovitis
Bucked Shin Complex and Stress Fractures of Dorsal MCIII
MCIII/MTIII Condylar Fractures
Complete Fractures of the MCIII/MTIII (Cannon Bone)
Metacarpal/Metatarsal Exostosis (Splints)
Fractures of the Small MC/MT (Splint) Bones
Suspensory Ligament (SL) Desmitis
Degenerative Suspensory Ligament Desmitis (DSLD)
Superficial Digital Flexor (SDF) Tendinitis (Bowed Tendon)
Common Digital Extensor (CDE) Tendon Rupture
Extensor Carpi Radialis (ECR) Tendon Damage
Intra‐Articular (IA) Carpal Fractures
Accessory Carpal Bone Fractures
OA of the Carpus/Carpometacarpal OA
Carpal Sheath Tenosynovitis/Osteochondroma of Radius
Antebrachium, Elbow, and Humerus
Fractures of the Radius
Fractures of the ULNA
Subchondral Cystic Lesions (SCLs) of the Elbow
Bursitis of the Elbow (Olecranon Bursitis)
Fractures of the Humerus
Shoulder and Scapula
Bicipital (Intertubercular Bursa) Bursitis