Guys around the Globe. Chloe G. Wilde

Guys around the Globe - Chloe G. Wilde

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      “A little sincerity is a dangerous thing,

      and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal”

      G. Wilde

       Welcome to my World!

      Dating is fun as long as it’s fresh. The beginning of a new romantic relationship is always nice, but the outcome often isn’t. But what’s in between can be quite interesting, as this book will demonstrate.

      One thing I want to clarify up front is that this is not meant to be some sort of feminist manifesto in any way, there have already been plenty of those. I am grateful to those women who have paved the way for my generation, and I won’t be melodramatic here and list names the way movie stars like to thank everyone individually when accepting awards, and considering the content of this book, religious folks would want to behead me if I continued my expression of gratitude by also thanking God in movie-star fashion. Feminist movements have made it possible for women to get an education, to be able to work and to express their opinions and beliefs without being burned as witches at the stake. In most cultures, that is. And yes, emancipation has opened up many new possibilities for the “weaker gender”, but in my humble opinion it has not been beneficial when it comes to relationships between men and women.

      Most men certainly feel attracted to this new, emancipated generation of strong, independent women, what a challenge for their hunting male ego to conquer an ‘untamed’ woman! But the sad fact is that in the end, most men simply cannot handle a strong, independent woman who isn’t willing to put up with their crap (pardon my French), who rather walks away and takes care of herself instead of cleaning and cooking for some guy who’s been spoiled by his mamma. Their hunting instinct makes men go for the kill (translation: get that unattainable, strong-willed and self-sufficient woman they want to conquer), and if they don’t kill their prey immediately, they slowly torture it to death. Well, metaphorically speaking, but you get my point.

      Is it that they can’t handle women who don’t need them for survival any longer and are men simply too weak to handle an equal opponent when it comes to relationships? Is it some sort of genetic predisposition they cannot fight against? Have they failed to develop in the same way women have developed? I guess that has yet to be scientifically determined, but by the time men will have adapted to stronger prey, I will probably be out of the dating scene, living as an old lady on a farm with lots of animals and books… and the occasional hot, young and well-built gardener and pool boy. As for now, I have renounced men. I have not turned towards women yet, although I have considered the option a couple of times, but I think it might be even harder to deal with a woman considering all those unpredictable hormonal issues I know quite well from extensive personal experience.

      As opposed to previous generations of women, most women from my generation, i.e. women in their mid-30s at the beginning of the 21st century, know that they can live very well and survive without a man in their lives. Granted, an empty bed is not very appealing, but peace of mind is. Instead of being with a prick who drives me up the wall, I prefer being alone. Don’t get me wrong, not all men are pricks, I get along with and like men, and I prefer male friends to female friends, but only up to the point when romantic notions or sex enter the scene. Once I start to get romantically attached to a guy, some protective mechanism inside of me makes me start running the other way, stampeding over any obstacles (I am a Taurus, after all), including the man I am starting to develop feelings for. I have noticed that certain astrological signs such as Scorpios and Leos are extremely sensitive to such conduct and that they don’t forgive my stampedes easily (or not at all), while some other signs bounce back, which doesn’t mean it necessarily leads to a happy end.

      But let’s not get into astrology or my psychological profile when it comes to dating, the aim of this book is to share some of my encounters with men in an entertaining manner, as simple as that.

      Oh, but there’s another thing I should clarify: contrary to all the catholic beliefs I was brought up with, the experiences presented here should not lead to the assumption that I am some sort of man-eating femme fatale and that this is the diary of a ‘loose woman’. It’s not like I have had a gazillion guys in my life (my ‘experience’ amounts to a two-digit number in the twenties, that’s decently innocent, wouldn’t you agree?), it just happened that the men I shared the ‘experience’ with came from various parts of this world, more precisely, from four continents. I have ‘experienced’ the three main religions, but contrary to my initial idea and since there are only three main religions, I could not base the structure of an entire book on them. There have already been enough wars on the grounds of religion, so why add fuel to the fire and categorize my men based on such a touchy subject?

      So that’s where the idea arose to present my ‘united nations’ in the following manner, by ruminating my experiences by portraying some of my guys in an easy-to-digest manner based on their country of origin. Forgive me for not aiming for the Nobel Prize for Literature (or any other prize) and for not attempting to enlighten the world. As I’ve said before, this book is simply meant to entertain.

      While documenting some of my encounters with men might have served as some sort of catharsis to me, this is not a biography, albeit certain personal information will be discernible. Some of you might remember some of your own experiences while reading this book, some will gulp the book down, while others might hate the book and think that I’m a silly cow, but guess what? C’est la vie, deal with it! I learned long time ago (although it was quite a tough lesson, I must admit) that I cannot be loved by everyone. My needy ego might not be excessively thrilled about this, but there is nothing I can do about it. If you find this book and its approach shallow, go read something more sincere. I prefer to live by my favorite Oscar Wilde quote stated at the beginning of this book, life is serious enough.

      I also have to point out the important role girlfriends have played in my dealings with humanus masculinus. What would I have done without my girlfriends in all those moments when I got more wrinkles around my eyes because I was crying my eyes out over some nitwit moron? I should get botox or hyaluronic acid injections and charge them to some of the bastards who have made me cry. Girlfriend advice such as “He’s a loser.”, “He is so not worth it.” to “He looks like shit in his Facebook profile pic.” and “What goes around, comes around.” has been absolutely priceless and highly cherished! And apart from offering countless bottles of red wine and great psychological support, a couple of friends also served as excellent proofreaders/initial critics of this book, while one friend came up with the title of the book.

      The opinions presented here are highly subjective and are in no way meant to be interpreted as a case study conducted on a representative sample, far from it. Some will agree with my approach and points of view, others won’t, but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles, I suppose.

      Oh, and if any of the men who might be reading this recognize themselves in any of the patients described, get a life! The world does not revolve around you….

       Germany & Co.

      This is where it all began a long time ago. With all the clumsy (quasi)sexual experiences that led to many future disasters. When you are a (female) teenager, you are brainwashed that your first sexual experience should be a special occasion and that your virginity is something that should be sacred to you as it increases your value on the marriage market for some odd reason (and let’s not fool ourselves here, this doesn’t only happen in what some may refer to as ‘backward and undeveloped’ cultures, it applies to many western cultures as well). As a teenage girl you are told that the first time is a special occasion you should share with ‘THE ONE’, preferably the guy you’ll marry one day. Paradoxically enough, if you were a ‘proper’ girl, you shouldn’t even have slept with him before getting married because he might think you’re a slut and never marry you, even if he was the one who ‘deflowered’ you. Go figure.

      But nobody actually tells you how disappointing the first time can be. Maybe I’m not a romantic soul and too much of a realist or simply too sarcastic, but how can this ‘deflowering’ (where did this word come from, anyway?) be anything special?!? Ok, at least it’s better if you

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