Go Green Or Go Home. Logan J. Davisson
Go Green Or Go Home:
Plastic-Free Life And Microplastic Avoidance - Instructions And Tips For A Sustainable Lifestyle
(Guide To Living With Less Plastic)
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Copyright © 2019 - Logan J. Davisson
All rights reserved.
How dangerous is plastic waste?
What can the individual do against plastic waste?
Regional and seasonal shopping
Gentle all-purpose cleaner
Making your own toothpaste (basic recipe as a basis)
Sodium bicarbonate against heartburn
Bioplastics as an alternative to plastics
Are there any possible health risks?
How can bioplastics be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way?
Introductory remarks
Plastic-free living - is that even possible these days? This is an important question that many people are concerned with. Plastic does not only harm our environment, but ultimately also ourselves. Accordingly, many people have been dealing with the subject of how they can reasonably live plastic-free for years. In this book you will find explanations of the dangers of plastic and a brief outline of the history of plastics.
It will also show you how to start saving and replacing plastic. Ultimately, however, it is important that everyone does something about it. The easiest way, of course, is to do without plastic as much as possible. You will see that this step with the right tips and tricks is not that difficult. Yes, what is plastic anyway?
Plastic is synonymous with petroleum-based plastics. These have influenced and penetrated our everyday life in the last 70 years like probably no 2nd product.
The controversial discussion that has recently arisen about the
"Microplastics" in our environment and floating "garbage islands" in our oceans, the topic of plastics has increasingly moved into the public focus.
This book aims to provide background information on plastics, how plastic affects our daily lives, and how we can avoid plastic. The goal should be a life without plastic or at least to live largely plastic-free, in order to also leave a livable, unpolluted "blue planet" to the following generations.
What is plastic?
Plastic is a colloquial term. A better term that describes this substance class is plastic. Plastic mainly stands for three different plastics. These are polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE) or polyethylene terephthalate (PET). In addition, there are many other types of plastics. The question you should ask yourself accordingly is rather what plastic is at all.
Plastics are substances which are produced chemically. One also uses the term synthesized for it. They consist of so-called macromolecules. Molecules are atomic compounds and atoms are the smallest building blocks that make up everything in our universe. Complicated chemical processes are used to produce plastics. In most cases, the raw material for these processes is so-called crude oil. Most people will be familiar with petroleum. The basic structure of