Magical Forest Tales. Six Enchanting Stories for Young Readers. Dmitry Dryomov

Magical Forest Tales. Six Enchanting Stories for Young Readers - Dmitry Dryomov

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gical Forest Tales

      Six Enchanting Stories for Young Readers

      Dmitry Dryomov

      © Dmitry Dryomov, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0059-8189-9

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      The Clever Squirrel’s Nutty Adventure

      Once upon a time, deep in the heart of the Magical Forest, lived a clever squirrel named Sasha. Her favorite pastime was collecting magical nuts that were said to grant wishes when consumed. Sasha had spent years gathering these nuts, storing them carefully in a hidden tree hollow.

      One day, Sasha awoke to find her precious collection missing. She searched high and low but found no trace of her magical nuts. Distraught, she sought the help of her friends in the forest. After asking around, she learned that a mischievous fairy named Faye had stolen her treasure.

      Sasha knew that Faye lived in the enchanted part of the forest, a place filled with wonders and dangers alike. With a heavy heart, she decided to venture into this mysterious realm to retrieve her stolen nuts. Before leaving, she gathered a few essential items for her journey: a map of the enchanted forest, a small knife for protection, and a magical charm given to her by a wise old owl named Ophelia.

      As Sasha entered the enchanted forest, she marveled at the beauty around her. The trees shimmered with iridescent leaves, and glowing flowers illuminated the forest floor. However, she knew that this beautiful world was full of challenges and puzzles that she would need to overcome.

      Her first challenge came in the form of a rickety bridge crossing a deep chasm. As she carefully crossed, the bridge shifted and swayed. Drawing upon her agility and balance, Sasha managed to make it across safely. She continued her journey, feeling more confident with each step.

      Further, into the forest, Sasha encountered a group of talking animals who demanded she solve their riddles to pass. The first animal, a wise-looking fox, asked, «What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees, up, up it goes, and yet never grows?»

      Sasha thought for a moment and then replied, «A mountain!»

      The fox nodded, impressed, and allowed her to continue. Next, a grinning cat asked, «What has a heart that doesn’t beat?»

      Sasha pondered the riddle and then answered, «An artichoke!»

      The cat, delighted with her answer, granted her passage. Finally, a wise old tortoise posed the last riddle: «What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?»

      After some thought, Sasha replied, «The letter „M“!»

      The tortoise smiled approvingly and allowed her to pass. With the riddles solved, Sasha continued deeper into the enchanted forest.

      The path grew darker as Sasha ventured on, and soon she found herself in a part of the forest where the trees loomed menacingly overhead. Suddenly, she was confronted by a ferocious, snarling wolf. It bared its teeth, ready to attack. Sasha, remembering the magical charm Ophelia had given her, quickly grabbed it from her bag and held it out in front of her.

      The charm began to glow brightly, casting a warm, golden light on the wolf. In an instant, the wolf’s snarl transformed into a friendly smile. Sasha realized that the charm had the power to tame wild creatures. Grateful for Ophelia’s gift, she continued on her journey, now accompanied by her new wolf friend, whom she named Willow.

      At last, Sasha arrived at Faye’s lair, a small, glittering cottage nestled among the trees.

      As Sasha approached the cottage, she could see her magical nuts piled high through the window. She knew she had to confront Faye and reclaim her stolen treasure.

      With Willow by her side, Sasha cautiously entered the cottage. Inside, the walls were adorned with trinkets and treasures, and the air was filled with the scent of enchantment. There, in the center of the room, stood Faye, the mischievous fairy, with a playful grin on her face.

      «Ah, Sasha, I’ve been expecting you,» Faye said with a chuckle. «I heard you’ve been quite the clever squirrel, solving riddles and making friends in my enchanted forest.»

      Sasha, filled with determination, replied, «Faye, you’ve stolen my magical nuts, and I’ve come to get them back. You have no right to take what doesn’t belong to you.»

      Faye smirked and said, «Very well, Sasha. I’ll give you a chance to win your nuts back. But first, you must solve one final riddle.»

      Sasha, her courage renewed by her journey, agreed to the challenge.

      Faye asked, «What is so delicate that saying its name breaks it?»

      Sasha thought long and hard, and then, with a triumphant smile, she answered, «Silence!»

      Faye, taken aback by Sasha’s cleverness, sighed and said, «Very well, Sasha, you’ve won. You may take your magical nuts.»

      With Faye’s permission, Sasha gathered her nuts and carefully placed them in her bag. She thanked Faye for the challenge and turned to leave.

      As she was about to exit the cottage, Faye stopped her. «Wait, Sasha. Your cleverness and determination have impressed me. I would like to offer you a gift as an apology for my mischief.»

      Faye handed Sasha a small, golden acorn. «This acorn contains a powerful magic that will protect you and your magical nuts from any harm or theft. Use it wisely,» she said with a genuine smile.

      Sasha thanked Faye for the gift and, with Willow by her side, began her journey back to her home in the Magical Forest. Along the way, she used the golden acorn’s magic to protect her beloved nut collection. When she finally arrived home, Sasha stored her magical nuts in their hidden tree hollow, now safe from any would-be thieves.

      From that day on, Sasha continued her adventures in the Magical Forest, always using her cleverness and wit to overcome any obstacles she faced. And the friendship between Sasha, Willow, and even Faye, the mischievous fairy, grew stronger with each passing day, as they shared many more adventures in the enchanted forest.

      Penny the Porcupine’s Magical Quills

      In a cozy burrow at the edge of the Magical Forest, there lived a kind and gentle porcupine named Penny. Penny was well-loved by the forest creatures for her warm heart and willingness to help others in need. She had a unique gift: her quills had magical properties that could heal wounds and cure illnesses.

      One day, as Penny was strolling through the forest, she overheard a group of animals discussing a terrible sickness that was spreading throughout the land. Many creatures had fallen ill, and the forest’s magical healers were struggling to find a cure.

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