The Haunting Hour at Moonlight Manor: Tales of Midnight Shadows. Шокирджон Назаров

The Haunting Hour at Moonlight Manor: Tales of Midnight Shadows - Шокирджон Назаров

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Manor: Tales of Midnight Shadows

      Шокирджон Назаров

      © Шокирджон Назаров, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0060-5882-8

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      “The Haunting Hour at Moonlight Manor: Tales of Midnight Shadows” is a spooky children’s book that takes place at a mysterious manor during the dark hours of the night. The story revolves around a group of courageous children who find themselves trapped within Moonlight Manor, a place rumored to be haunted by restless spirits and plagued by eerie shadows.

      The Gateway Beyond

      In a town named Ravensbrook, three friends so brave,

      Alex, Lily, and Max, their courage they’d crave.

      With maps and lanterns, they gathered that night,

      To seek out Moonlight Manor, a place of great fright.

      Through woods they rode, on bicycles fast,

      Their hearts full of wonder, their fears from the past.

      The legends spoke of shadows that’d creep,

      Dancing and whispering when the world was asleep.

      Under the moon’s glow, they reached the manor’s old gate,

      Pushing it open, they couldn’t hesitate.

      An eerie feeling washed over their skin,

      As they stepped in the grounds of the mansion so grim.

      The manor stood tall, a sight to behold,

      Its walls telling stories of mysteries untold.

      They ventured inside, their lanterns aglow,

      Guided by curiosity, they continued to go.

      With each creak of the floor and each gust of the breeze,

      They couldn’t help but feel like they were not alone, but with entities.

      Shadows danced on the walls, a dance so surreal,

      The children couldn’t shake the feeling they could feel.

      Yet, undeterred by the darkness they faced,

      They ventured further, through halls interlaced.

      Portraits stared down with eyes that gleamed,

      As if telling the secrets the mansion redeemed.

      At the stroke of midnight, they found the heart of the place,

      A room dimly lit, an unsettling embrace.

      Shadows gathered ‘round, as if alive,

      Playing tricks on their minds, making them strive.

      “Do you think they’re here, those spirits unknown?”

      Lily asked quietly, her fear slightly shown.

      Alex nodded, a gleam in his eye,

      “We’ve come this far, we can’t just say goodbye.”

      So onward they pressed, through the eerie unknown,

      Discovering secrets that had long been overthrown.

      The haunting hour had only just begun,

      And tales of midnight shadows were yet to be spun.

      With courage and friendship, they ventured ahead,

      Through the darkness and shadows, no longer misled.

      In Moonlight Manor, they sought the truth,

      Their journey had just started, a daring pursuit.

      Whispers in the Dark

      In Moonlight Manor, they ventured with care,

      Chapter Two began with whispers in the air.

      Through halls and rooms, they stepped in sync,

      Encountering strange sounds that made them think.

      The floorboards creaked, as if footsteps approached,

      But when they turned, there was no one encroached.

      Whispers echoed softly, their origin unclear,

      Yet the children pressed on, undeterred by fear.

      In a cobwebbed corner, they found an old note,

      Faded words, a tale from days remote.

      It spoke of a family, haunted by woe,

      A history of sadness, a sorrowful show.

      They pieced together hints, like a puzzle unsolved,

      Learning secrets the manor had revolved.

      A lost love, a betrayal, and an untimely demise,

      Moonlight Manor held stories that made tears arise.

      As they delved deeper into the mansion’s abyss,

      Shadows seemed to dance, a deceptive twist.

      Playing tricks on their senses, making them doubt,

      Yet the children stood tall, refusing to flout.

      A painting on the wall seemed to follow their gaze,

      Eyes that watched them, through time’s endless maze.

      The children exchanged glances, feeling the chill,

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