Guardian of the Dream. Oxana Kremleva

Guardian of the Dream - Oxana Kremleva

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rdian of the Dream

      Oxana Kremleva

      Co-author of the idea Svetlana Strinzha

      Cover painter Daria Grunenkova

      © Oxana Kremleva, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0062-2315-8

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system


      I am grateful to all the circumstances that Life has provided me with, both the challenges and the enormous help, so that I could write this book.

      Thanks to my family who always support me.

      My tai chi group. There was a time when I needed to slow down, come to my center and regroup for the next move. I walked into this group and met my friend, master Elena Martynova. Whilst doing energy practices, drinking tea in the traditional Eastern manner and having long discussions, I regained my flow. I started to get ideas for this new book. In a way «Guardian of the Dream» can also be a safe harbor for those, who need to regroup, re-think, re-feel… so to move further towards their dreams. I would like to thank Elena for being what she is. When we are ourselves, we allow others to be themselves: playful selves, weird selves, unique selves.

      Through Elena I also met Svetlana Strinzha, who became like a sister to me. She supported me immensely with her faith, energy and ideas for this book and the characters as well!

      I would also state my appreciation of Daria Grunenkova, who made the painting for the cover of this book.

      A big thanks to all the people who contributed and made this book possible.

      I am ready

      Guardian sat still, with his gaze fixed on the fireplace. He saw the dance of the violet flames, but it seemed as if he looked through it. All his attention was on the words of the Elder. There, in those words, he tried to grasp the answer. He knew it already, he felt it inside – the time had come. The time of the final trial.

      Guardian remembered rising in the light, walking to the edge of the sky, looking far, far beyond, in an attempt to solve that mystery. He smiled. He had learned so much from the Elder. But, there was not a day without thinking about it. It seemed as if his entire life was about finding that one answer. The time had come, but he didn’t have it.

      «You must be ready for whatever comes…»

      Guardian felt his heart beating faster at these words of the Elder. «What if I fail?». With all his knowledge Guardian suddenly felt totally helpless. His heart kept on racing faster. Guardian took a deep breath in and while he was slowly breathing out, he turned his head to the Elder,

      «I am ready.»

      The eyes of the Elder sparkled with joy. His entire figure was radiant. He put his hand on Guardian’s shoulder and Guardian felt the warmth. Relaxing warmth. As if it was enveloping him. Guardian looked around.

      In front of him sat an elderly woman. Her brown eyes watched him calmly, with kindness. She nodded at him and he echoed her nodding. He turned. By his side sat a young lady. Her white clothing covered her as a cloud, radiating light. She looked at him gaily. Guardian felt his heart relaxing. Finally, he smiled. For some moments they looked at each other; then he slowly got up. Others remained seated on the pillows around a small table. One more time Guardian looked each one in the eyes,

      «I’ll keep you in my heart. Let our…» he looked at the young lady and smiled… «This memory, let it support me…» he whispered quietly, then turned and walked out.

      Skies are changing

      Lisa’s grandma listened attentively to the silence. The snowstorm, raging all night, calmed down. Just single big snowflakes swirled in the air, before touching the ground. Silently.

      Grandma squinted. Lisa and her younger friend Sveta looked at her, intrigued. Suddenly a smile lit up Grandma’s face. She nodded as if in confirmation of her premonition. She looked up,

      «Skies are changing…»

      The wind roared through the tops of the pines.

      «New energy is coming!» she turned to the girls.

      Sveta turned her head in excitement as if expecting a miracle to show up any minute. Lisa kept on looking at Grandma, attentively.

      «It’s a huge opportunity!»

      Grandma looked at Lisa with such a warmth as if she wanted to pour on to her all the love of the world. Her eyes radiating as she kept on speaking,

      «Long ago, we used to celebrate these shifts. Letting go of the old and embracing the new.»

      Grandma looked at Sveta. The little girl smiled at her. Their gaze shared the total awareness of the greatness of what was happening.

      Lisa stretched her hand. A snowflake landed on her open palm.

      Grandma looked at her; she watched Lisa observing the snowflake,

      «But energy is just energy. It’s what YOU do with it, that matters.»

      Lisa raised her eyes to Grandma. The elderly woman looked gaily at her, with warmth. Lisa drew a long breath in several passes and breathed out. Grandma hugged her by the shoulder, pulling Sveta closer with the other hand,

      «Let’s go inside. The wind is rising again.»

      By the time they gathered for tea around the huge samovar, the storm was already throwing snow at the window.

      «Hey, listen…» Sveta looked at Grandma, then at Lisa.

      Lisa was just about to pour hot water into her cup. She stopped and looked at Sveta. The little girl had some jam on her chin. Lisa smiled, while Sveta kept on talking,

      «It is Masleniza! What about making a celebration at school?!»

      Lisa tensed a bit. She poured some hot water into her cup.

      «Brilliant idea!» Grandma winked at Sveta.

      The wind roared in the chimney, but around the table it was warm and comfy. Outside, the snowstorm continued. Neither heaven nor earth were to be seen in that white powder. Only flickering light. Light from the windows of that little house.


      Guardian sat silently in a boat, observing softly moving waves. A colorful mist of energies surrounded him. Blissfully, he leaned his head on the edge of the boat, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He knew soon he would need to descend, but he couldn’t help smiling. «What beauty….» He opened his eyes. His gaze relaxed on the soothing, rosy, violet energies around him.

      Out of the corner of his eye he saw a quick movement. A couple of stars, as if dancing, formed a soaring owl. Just for a second. Then the image fell apart. Peaceful colorful mist surrounded him again. Guardian felt warmth in his chest – his necklace illuminated green. Guardian stared into space. Soon, he could distinguish a silhouette of a town, streets covered with snow, a house… and a sleeping boy.

      Denis’s dream

      Denis woke up abruptly and sat on his bed. Breathing heavily, he took a glass of water from the bedside table and took a sip. He wiped sweat from his brow, feeling pain in his heart. Again. Denis took a box of tablets, close to the glass of water, emptied one tablet on his palm, and swallowed it while drinking some water, then leaned back on his pillow.

      For several nights now, he was having the same dream: He swirls in a ring dance holding hands with many people on a huge Masleniza celebration. He laughs and sings along with others. The entire happening is a bright, joyful, colorful mix. Then, a sudden rush of wind. Denis falls off the ring onto the snow. Colors are fading. An eddy of dust rises. Dust is everywhere. Denis waves it away. He jumps up and runs. The streets are covered by dust; it is hard to see. Denis turns around, waving the dust away… and wakes up.

      Denis was lying in his bed. Lights from the window started to sneak into the room. Denis reached for the phone. Loads of SMSs.

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