Mia’s Star Journey. Алексей Сабадырь

Mia’s Star Journey - Алексей Сабадырь

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      Алексей Сабадырь

      Illustrator Leonardo ai

      Illustrator Playground ai

      © Алексей Сабадырь, 2024

      © Leonardo ai, illustrations, 2024

      © Playground ai, illustrations, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0064-2405-0

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Chapter 1: The Fall from the Heavens

      In the tranquil expanse of the night sky, where stars twinkled like a myriad of distant lanterns, there was one star that shone a little differently. Her name was Miya, and unlike the other stars that were content to shimmer from afar, Miya harbored a curious spark within her.

      On this fateful night, as the world below lay blanketed in the hush of winter, Miya’s light flickered erratically. It was as if she was struggling to contain an overwhelming desire to explore the world beyond her celestial home. And then, without warning, Miya"s light burst forth in a brilliant cascade, propelling her across the sky.

      The other stars watched in silent awe as Miya streaked downward, her trail a luminous comet tail against the darkness. The night air rushed past her, cold and exhilarating, as she descended faster and faster, a small beacon of light spiraling towards an unknown destiny.

      Below, the Earth was asleep, covered in a soft quilt of snow that glistened under the moon’s gentle glow. Forests stood still, their branches heavy with white, and the world seemed to hold its breath as Miya approached.

      With a final, graceful arc, Miya descended into the embrace of the Earth, her journey ending in a soft, snow-covered meadow. The impact sent a flurry of snowflakes dancing into the air, sparkling like tiny stars around her.

      As the snow settled, Miya lay there, a small, glowing ember against the vast whiteness. She was no longer a star in the sky but a fallen star, bewildered by the sudden quietness and the chill of the snow.

      It was here, in this serene winter tableau, that Miya’s earthly adventure began, and it was here that she would find friendship in the most unexpected of companions – a fiery-haired dog named Rex and a black-and-white cat known as Baron. Together, they would embark on a quest to return Miya to the heavens, but not before discovering the warmth of friendship that even the coldest winter could not diminish.

      Chapter 2: The first encounter

      As the dawn’s early light began to paint the sky in hues of pink and orange, the world slowly awakened from its slumber. The meadow, blanketed in a pristine layer of snow, glistened as if adorned with millions of diamonds. It was in this tranquil setting that Rex, a spirited dog with a coat as fiery as the rising sun, embarked on his morning patrol.

      Rex loved the crisp winter mornings, the way his breath formed little clouds in the air, and the crunch of snow under his paws. His keen nose, always searching for new scents and adventures, led him to a peculiar spot in the meadow where the snow seemed to shimmer unusually.

      Curiosity piqued, Rex approached the glimmering mound. As he drew closer, he realized that the light was emanating from within the snow itself. With a gentle nudge of his nose, he brushed away the snowflakes, revealing a small, radiant figure nestled in the cold embrace of the winter.

      It was Miya, the fallen star, her glow dimmed but still visible in the light of day. She stirred at Rex’s touch, her eyes blinking open to meet those of her rescuer. In that moment, an unspoken bond formed between the star and the dog, a connection that transcended their different worlds.

      – Hello there, – Rex barked softly, his tail wagging with cautious excitement. -I’m Rex. What’s a star like you doing here on the ground?

      Miya looked up at the friendly face looming over her, feeling a warmth that had nothing to do with her celestial nature. -I… I fell, – she replied, her voice a mere whisper. -I wanted to see the Earth, and now I’m here, but I don’t know how to return.

      Rex sat back on his haunches, considering Miya’s predicament. He had heard stories of stars falling from the sky, but he never imagined he would meet one. «Well, you’re in luck,» he said with a confident bark. -I know this land better than anyone, and if there’s a way to get you home, I’ll help you find it.

      Miya’s heart, if a star could be said to have one, swelled with gratitude. Here on this strange, cold planet, she had found her first friend. Together, they would embark on a journey to return Miya to the sky, a journey that would prove to be filled with wonders and challenges beyond their wildest dreams.

      And so, with the first rays of the sun warming their backs, Miya and Rex set off into the waking world, their spirits united by the promise of adventure and the magic of a friendship that had blossomed in the snow.

      Chapter 3: The Mystery of the Black-and-White Cat

      The morning sun climbed higher, casting a golden light over the land. Miya and Rex, now companions in an unexpected journey, ventured through the frosted meadow, their breaths visible in the crisp air. They spoke of many things – of stars and skies, of scents and sounds, and of the world that Miya found herself in.

      As they approached the edge of the meadow, where the snow gave way to the sheltered nooks of a sleepy forest, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Baron, a black-and-white cat with eyes that seemed to hold the wisdom of the ages. His sleek fur was neatly groomed, and he moved with a grace that was almost regal.

      Baron had watched the star’s descent the night before, his curiosity piqued by the celestial visitor. Now, he stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Miya with an intensity that was both intriguing and unnerving.

      – Good day, – he meowed, his voice smooth and measured. – I am Baron, guardian of these woods. And who might you be, glowing so far from the heavens?

      Miya introduced herself, explaining her fall from the sky and her wish to return. Rex, protective of his new friend, stood close, his ears perked for any sign of danger.

      Baron listened intently, his tail flicking thoughtfully. – A star seeking to climb back to the sky, – he mused. – A challenging quest, indeed. But not impossible.

      The cat’s words sparked a glimmer of hope in Miya’s heart. «You know a way?» she asked eagerly.

      – I may, – Baron replied, his eyes narrowing as he considered their predicament. – But it will require cunning, courage, and perhaps a touch of magic.

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