The strongman ant and his great feats. Алексей Сабадырь

The strongman ant and his great feats - Алексей Сабадырь

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eat feats

      Алексей Сабадырь

      Illustrator Leonardo ai

      Illustrator Playground ai

      © Алексей Сабадырь, 2024

      © Leonardo ai, illustrations, 2024

      © Playground ai, illustrations, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0064-2616-0

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Chapter 1: The Birth of a Hero

      In a bustling anthill nestled deep within the heart of the forest, there lived a little ant named Anton. Anton was like any other ant in the colony, small and diligent, always eager to help his fellow ants. However, there was something extraordinary about Anton that neither he nor the other ants had yet discovered.

      One sunny morning, as the ants were busy gathering food and building tunnels, Anton stumbled upon a large, shiny pebble blocking one of the main pathways. The pebble was much too heavy for any ordinary ant to move, and it was causing quite a commotion among the workers.

      Anton, determined to help, approached the pebble and gave it a gentle push. To his astonishment, the pebble rolled away effortlessly. The other ants gasped in amazement. How could such a small ant possess such incredible strength?

      Word of Anton’s feat spread quickly throughout the anthill. The elder ants, wise and experienced, decided to test Anton’s newfound strength. They presented him with various challenges, each more difficult than the last. Anton lifted heavy twigs, carried large leaves, and even moved small stones with ease.

      As Anton’s strength became more apparent, he realized that his incredible power was a gift that could be used for the benefit of the entire colony. He decided to dedicate himself to helping his fellow ants and protecting the anthill from any dangers that might arise.

      The elder ants, impressed by Anton’s determination and selflessness, gathered the colony to celebrate their new hero. They held a grand feast in his honor, and Anton was given a special place among the leaders of the anthill.

      From that day forward, Anton used his strength to perform great deeds and protect his home. He became known as the Strong Ant, a hero whose incredible power and unwavering dedication inspired all who knew him.

      And so, the legend of Anton, the Strong Ant, began. His story would be told and retold for generations, a tale of courage, strength, and the birth of a true hero.

      Chapter 2: The first test

      Anton had quickly become known for his incredible strength, but now it was time for him to face his first real challenge. One morning, as the ants were busy with their daily tasks, a scout ant came rushing into the anthill with exciting news.

      – A huge piece of sugar has been found in the forest! – the scout announced. -But it’s too big for any of us to move. We need Anton’s help!

      The entire colony buzzed with excitement. Sugar was a rare and precious find, and it would provide a great feast for the anthill. Anton, eager to prove himself, stepped forward and volunteered to take on the task.

      The journey to the sugar was not an easy one. The forest was dense and filled with obstacles. Anton led a team of worker ants, and together they navigated through the underbrush, over fallen leaves, and around large rocks. The path was long and arduous, but Anton’s determination never wavered.

      When they finally reached the sugar, the ants were awestruck by its size. It was a massive, glistening chunk, far larger than anything they had ever seen. The worker ants looked at Anton with hopeful eyes, trusting in his strength.

      Anton approached the sugar and took a deep breath. He positioned himself at one end of the sugar and began to push with all his might. The sugar budged slightly, but it was clear that this would be no easy feat.

      – Everyone, help me! Anton called out. The worker ants gathered around and began to push alongside him. With their combined efforts, the sugar started to move slowly but surely.

      The journey back to the anthill was even more challenging. The sugar was heavy, and the path was filled with obstacles. There were moments when the ants thought they might not make it, but Anton’s unwavering determination kept them going.

      At one point, they encountered a steep hill. The sugar seemed impossible to move up the incline, but Anton refused to give up. He encouraged his fellow ants, and together they pushed with all their strength. Inch by inch, they made their way up the hill, until finally, they reached the top.

      As they approached the anthill, the other ants gathered to watch. Cheers erupted as Anton and his team triumphantly brought the sugar into the colony. The elder ants praised Anton for his strength and leadership, and the entire colony celebrated their success.

      Anton had faced his first test and emerged victorious. He had proven that with determination, teamwork, and a strong will, even the greatest challenges could be overcome.

      Chapter 3: Saving friends

      Anton had become a hero in the anthill, known for his incredible strength and bravery. But his greatest challenge was yet to come. One day, as he was helping to gather food, he heard a frantic call for help.

      – Anton! Anton! Come quickly! a scout ant shouted as it rushed towards him. -Our friends are in trouble!

      Without a moment’s hesitation, Anton followed the scout ant through the forest. They soon arrived at a clearing where a group of worker ants was trapped in a sticky, glistening substance. It was a trap set by a cunning spider, and the ants were struggling to free themselves.

      Anton assessed the situation quickly. The spider’s web was strong and sticky, and the more the ants struggled, the more entangled they became. Anton knew he had to act fast before the spider returned.

      – Stay calm, everyone! I’ll get you out of here, – Anton reassured his friends. He approached the web and began to carefully pull at the sticky strands. His strength allowed him to break the web, but he had to be careful not to harm his friends in the process.

      As he worked, Anton noticed the spider lurking nearby, watching its prey. The spider began to move towards them, sensing that its meal was in danger. Anton knew he had to act quickly.

      Using his wits, Anton devised a plan. He instructed the free ants to gather leaves and twigs to create a barrier between the trapped ants and the approaching spider. While they worked on the barrier, Anton continued to break the web and free his friends.

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