The black magician and the magical prophecy. Алексей Сабадырь

The black magician and the magical prophecy - Алексей Сабадырь

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ical prophecy

      Алексей Сабадырь

      Illustrator Leonardo ai


      © Алексей Сабадырь, 2024

      © Leonardo ai, illustrations, 2024

      ©, illustrations, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0064-2678-8

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Chapter 1: Mysterious Prophecy

      In a small, peaceful village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, life was simple and serene. The villagers went about their daily routines, tending to their gardens, caring for their animals, and sharing stories by the warm glow of the evening fire.

      One sunny morning, as the village children played near the edge of the forest, they stumbled upon something unusual. Hidden beneath a pile of leaves and twigs was an old, dusty scroll. The children, curious and excited, carefully picked it up and ran to show it to the village elder, a wise and kind-hearted woman named Granny Willow.

      Granny Willow unrolled the scroll with trembling hands. Her eyes widened as she read the ancient, faded words. The scroll spoke of a great event that would soon take place in the village, an event that would change their lives forever. It was a prophecy, predicting the arrival of a powerful force that could bring either great joy or terrible sorrow.

      Word of the mysterious prophecy spread quickly through the village. The villagers gathered in the town square, their faces filled with a mix of fear and excitement. Some whispered about the possible dangers, while others dreamed of the wonderful things that might come to pass.

      As the sun set and the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Granny Willow stood before the anxious crowd. -We must prepare for whatever may come, – she said, her voice steady and reassuring. -Together, we will face this prophecy and protect our village.

      The villagers nodded in agreement, their hearts filled with determination. They knew that whatever the future held, they would face it together, united by their courage and the bonds of friendship.

      Chapter 2: The Appearance of the Black Magician

      Far away from the peaceful village, in a dark and shadowy forest, lived a black magician named Malakar. Malakar was known far and wide for his dark powers and his ability to cast powerful spells. He lived alone in a tall, twisted tower that seemed to touch the sky, surrounded by thick, thorny bushes and eerie silence.

      One evening, as Malakar was studying his ancient books of magic, a raven flew into his tower and landed on his shoulder. The raven whispered in Malakar’s ear about the mysterious prophecy that had been discovered in the small village. The prophecy spoke of a great event that could bring immense power to whoever possessed the scroll.

      Malakar’s eyes gleamed with excitement and greed. -If I can find this scroll, – he thought, -I can use its power to become the most powerful magician in the world!

      Without wasting any time, Malakar gathered his magical tools and set off towards the village. He traveled through the dark forest, his cloak billowing behind him like a shadow. The animals of the forest hid in fear as he passed by, for they knew of his dark reputation.

      As Malakar approached the village, he used his magic to cloak himself in invisibility. He watched from the shadows as the villagers went about their preparations, unaware of the danger that was creeping closer.

      Malakar knew he had to find the scroll before anyone else could use its power. He decided to wait until nightfall, when the village would be quiet and the scroll would be easier to steal.

      As the sun set and the village lights dimmed, Malakar crept closer to the town square where the scroll was being kept. His heart pounded with anticipation as he prepared to seize the prophecy and use it for his own dark purposes.

      But little did Malakar know, the villagers were not as defenseless as they seemed. They had their own plans to protect the scroll and their village from any harm that might come their way.

      Chapter 3: Friends to the Rescue

      In the small village, there lived a brave little boy named Thomas. Thomas had a heart full of courage and a spirit of adventure. His best friend was a clever and loyal girl named Lily. Together, they were always ready to help anyone in need.

      When Thomas and Lily heard about the Black Magician Malakar and his plan to steal the mysterious scroll, they knew they had to do something to protect their village. They couldn’t let Malakar use the prophecy for his dark purposes.

      – We have to stop him, Lily, – Thomas said with determination in his eyes. -We can’t let him take the scroll.

      Lily nodded in agreement. -But how can we stop a powerful magician like Malakar? she asked.

      Thomas thought for a moment and then smiled. -We may be small, but we have something Malakar doesn’t have – the power of friendship and bravery. Together, we can do anything!

      With that, Thomas and Lily packed their bags with supplies and set off on their dangerous journey. They knew it wouldn’t be easy, but they were determined to save their village.

      As they traveled through the dark forest, they encountered many challenges. They had to cross a rickety old bridge over a deep ravine, navigate through a maze of thorny bushes, and avoid the watchful eyes of Malakar’s magical creatures.

      But no matter how difficult the journey became, Thomas and Lily never gave up. They encouraged each other and worked together to overcome every obstacle.

      Finally, they reached the edge of the village, where they saw Malakar sneaking towards the town square. Thomas and Lily knew they had to act quickly.

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