Teaching Other Subjects Through English. Sheelagh Deller

Teaching Other Subjects Through English - Sheelagh Deller

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      Sheelagh Deller, Christine Price

      Teaching Other Subjects Through English

      Titles in the Resource Books for Teachers series

      Primary Resource Books

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      The many teachers of many subjects we have worked with on different courses. They have been the inspiration and the reason for this book.

      Julia Sallabank for her guidance and perseverance.

      Katie Plumb and Simon Marshall for their pertinent and valuable support and contribution.

      Richard and Sarah for their encouragement and patience.

      Mario Rinvolucri who has always given us his whole-hearted and generous support.

      The authors and publisher are grateful to those who have given permission to reproduce the following extracts and adaptations of copyright material:

      Visnja Anic for permission to adapt an activity from Way To Go – Teacher’s Book (Skolska Knjiga, Zagreb, 2001).

      Paul Davies for permission to adapt ‘Guess My Word’.

      Keith Kelly for permission to adapt ‘Skill areas for CLIL’.

      Christine Frank and Mario Rinvolucri for permission to reproduce ‘One question – many answers’ from Grammar in Action (Pergamon, 1983).

      Mario Rinvolucri for permission to reproduce ‘Oral sentence expansion’ from Humanising Your Coursebook (English Teaching Professional/Delta, 2002).

      www.design-technology.org (1.2).

      Letts GCSE Success Guide: Business Studies © David Frost, 2001 (1.3).

      ‘How Food Preparation Works’ by Marshall Brain from

      http://home.howstuffworks.com/food-preservation (1.6).

      Reeko’s Mad Scientist Lab www.reekoscience.com (1.10).

      Sources of other information or adapted material:

      www.digitalbritain.com (Introduction).

      Pair Work 2 by Peter Watcyn Jones (Penguin, 1997) (3.5).

      Although every effort has been made to trace and contact copyright holders before publication, this has not been possible in some cases. We apologize for any apparent infringement of copyright and if notified, the publisher will be pleased to rectify any errors or omissions at the earliest opportunity.

      We would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce photographs and illustrative material:

      Hardlines, Charlbury, Oxon/OUP (p. 53)

      Bridgeman Art Library (English School/Private collection) (p. 119)

      Food Features (p. 27)

      HarperCollins (p. 116)

      Granada Medai (p. 131–2).

      The authors and series editor

      Sheelagh Deller is an experienced teacher, teacher trainer, trainer trainer, and ELT author. She has worked primarily for Pilgrims and the British Council. She has long experience in training trainers and teachers from all over the world, and is a regular plenary speaker at international conferences. Over the last four years she has run two-week courses at Pilgrims for teachers of other subjects in English (CLIL), and has drawn on this experience to develop this methodology. She has written a number of ELT books, which include a coursebook, some workbooks, teachers’ books, teachers’ resource books, and a book of photocopiable materials. Her latest book, Using the Mother Tongue, with Mario Rinvolucri, was published by Delta in 2002.

      Christine Price is a state qualified teacher with many years of experience in primary and secondary schools in the UK. She has taught English language and literature, history, physical education, biology, commercial subjects, dance and drama at secondary level, and all subjects across the curriculum at primary level. Over the last twelve years she has worked for Pilgrims as a teacher trainer and business trainer. She runs courses for Pilgrims in the UK and abroad, in Business English, British Studies, secondary and primary language, and methodology. She draws on her experience in the ‘real’ classroom situation for a practical, hands-on approach to teacher training.

      Alan Maley worked for the British Council from 1962 to 1988, serving as English Language Officer in Yugoslavia, Ghana, Italy, France, and China, and as Regional Representative in South India (Madras). From 1988 to 1993 he was Director-General of the Bell Educational Trust, Cambridge. From 1993 to 1998 he was Senior Fellow in the Department of English Language and Literature of the National University of Singapore, and from 1998 to 2002 he was Director of the graduate programme at Assumption University, Bangkok. He is currently a freelance consultant. Among his publications are Literature, in this series, Beyond Words, Sounds Interesting, Sounds Intriguing, Words, Variations on a Theme, and Drama Techniques in Language Learning

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