The Liquidation of Russia. Who Helped the Reds to Win the Civil War?. Николай Стариков

The Liquidation of Russia. Who Helped the Reds to Win the Civil War? - Николай Стариков

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Piter Publishing House Ltd., 2018

      Chapter 1

      Nothing Personal – Just Geopolitics

      War will come again as long as it can be determined by people other than those who fight.

Henri Barbusse

      Almost ninety years have passed since the revolutionary February and October, but until now there hasn't been found any intelligible explanation about how and why the Russian Empire fell off the edge of the earth. One starts to intently examine the events of those years and cannot stop being perpetually surprised about contingencies, astonishing coincidences, strange behaviour of the statesmen…

      Who forced Nicholas II to abdicate from the throne in February 1917? How was it possible that it only took eight months for Kerensky and the Provisional Government to pull down the great empire?

      How on earth could a small group of Lenin's adherers seize the power in this huge country?

      Why did "the Great October" happen in the capital of Russia so easily and practically without any victims?

      There are questions and no answers. Yet, there is a point of departure where one can start to reel off the skein of false facts and criminal omissions. The clue to the riddle regarding the origin of our revolutions is Lenin's arrival from Switzerland in April 1917. The German spy Ulyanov (according to some historians) returned to his homeland with German money.

      The proletarian leader (according to some other historians) returned to his homeland to make the revolution.

      Indeed, nobody can explain why Lenin freely entered Russia instead of secretly getting into Russia using another person's documents. They say that the rousing meeting for Lenin at the railway station was arranged using German money. Another version says that workers and soldiers gave an ecstatic welcome to their leader – the leader who had been away from his homeland for over 10 years and was very little known in Russia. It was in the centre of the Russian capital during the horrible years of World War 1 that the crowd of armed people was solemnly meeting its leader, who publicly encouraged them to overthrow the existing government. He was not arrested, and his party was not banned! Is it possible that Bolsheviks managed to buy over the counterintelligence, the police, the army, and even the Provisional Government "for the German money"?

      At the same time, Trotsky, just like Lenin, was on the way to his homeland, sailing from the USA together with his companions. In Canada, he was forced to get off the ship and was arrested by the British authorities but was very soon released… at the request of the Provisional Government, which Lev Trotsky was going to overthrow!

      And thus, I started to study our revolutions, having thrown away the theories imposed on us from everywhere. The tool of my knowledge is very simple – it is common sense. The fall of the Russian Empire can be investigated in the same way as any investigation would be carried out in the rest of the world in case a powerful and prosperous company has fallen and gone bankrupt overnight.

      Let's not be naive. Let's not consider a surprising coincidence of the important political events timing-wise be a simple freak of chance. Let's look for those who may have gained from it. If we examine all the "mysterious" events, which took place at that time, from such a perspective, the haze will clear away, and some rational answers will be found to the questions regarding the yet unexplained historical facts.

      And the answers are really needed. Otherwise, the behaviour of the Provisional Government looks odd.

      Why didn't the authorities prevented the subversive people propagandizing the soldiers and corrupting the army? Why would they have destroyed the discipline and order in the army during the war? It doesn't matter that the notorious Order Number One, which quickly and efficiently destroyed our army in 1917, was signed by the Petrograd Soviet, and not by the Provisional Government. This document was followed by the Declaration of Soldiers' Rights, and according to General Alexeyev, it was the final nail in the coffin of the Russian Army. And it was Minister for War in the Provisional Government Alexander Kerensky who signed the Declaration…

      Why did the very Kerensky prohibit to disarm Bolsheviks after they had failed to get power in July 1917? Why was the behaviour of the Provisional Government so odd? Why didn't it accomplish the very first function of each power – to protect itself from the encroachment on its rights?

      The answer is surprising: to make it easier for Bolsheviks to get atop of Russia.

      Yet, the answer is surprising just at the first sight. Kerensky and his government play into the hands of Lenin, thus following the wish of a powerful foreign empire, interested in the fall of its opponent. And this empire definitely isn't Germany.

      The destruction of the Russian Empire is the most monumental operation in the history of the Secret Intelligence Service of Great Britain. This is its most monumental success. And this is its most monumental failure…

      The February Revolution corrupts the country, the army, and the nation. It is followed by the October Revolution, when Bolsheviks brought about the breakup and destruction of the Russian state.

      At first, everything went without any complications: Bolsheviks exploded Russia from inside, and it got splintered. The centuries-old empire crashed into unrest and total mess like an old oak tree, which had been cut down. After several years of bloodshed during the Russian Civil War, the outlines of the new state appeared. The outlines of the new Red Russia – the Soviet Union. Unexpectedly for all the parties involved – the "allies," the White movement, and even themselves – Leninists managed to bring Russia together again. These were really the frowns of fortune: those who were supposed to destruct Russia for good had it restored. The survival logic of Bolsheviks forced them to take the actions, which in the end resulted in creation of the USSR. Under a different banner, under a different name, with a new ideology, the former might of Russia will be restored late in 1930s.

      Was our revolution man-made?

      The answer is definitely positive.[1]

      300 pages of my book "1917. Key to the 'Russian Revolution" prove this fact. To repeat their content is practically impossible. But here you have the continuation, my dear reader…

      The most complicated and the most important thing we need to understand looking into the February and the October Revolutions is that these were the "allies " and not the enemies, who had painstakingly and consciously been preparing the internal explosion in Russia.

      A normal human can't believe it, as it just doesn't make sense. A normal human can't imagine that a little child can be raped and strangled. Despite this fact, the maniacs and perverts are still a horrible reality of this world…

      In the fire of World War 1, Germany and Russia crashed each other. One of the opponents of Great Britain disposed of the other, and then broke down into the revolutionary chaos. These were the British authorities that persuaded the German command to let Lenin cross the German territory and allocate funds[2] for Bolsheviks. And later, the "grateful" Bolsheviks helped the "allies" to destroy the Second Reich.[3]

      Two times during the same century, in 1917 and in 1991, the Russian statehood started practically from a scratch. Twice we were on the edge of the abyss, and both times we were strong enough to resist. Yet, the efforts to push us into the abyss didn't stop.

      The way has changed, as well as the slogans – the targets have remained the same. They want to weaken us and to ruin our state. The truth about THAT catastrophe of ours is simple and horrible at the same time. Russia has to realize this. Only this way our people and our state can develop immunity to the new efforts to destruct and dispose of Russia undertaken by the other states.

      Revolutions don't happen for no reason – they are thoroughly prepared, and the actual problems and contradictions are used as fuel. An uncoordinated revolt arises spontaneously. States have their weak points just like people. These weak points may differ: in some of the states it's the multi-ethnic population, in others it's the horrible and bloody history or their vulnerable geographic location. But the common objective

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Read more about the Entente countries, which organized the Russian Revolution. Starikov N. 1917. Key to the "Russian" Revolution. M. Yauza. 2008.


For the details of the behind-the-scenes negotiations between Germany and Great Britain see the same book.


The first Reich – the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation – existed from 962 until 1806, when it was destroyed by Napoleon. The Second Reich was founded by Otto von Bismarck in 1871 and existed until 1918, when the Hohenzollern dynasty came to its end. The Third "millenary" Reich existed from 1933 to 1945.