How the Girl Guides Won the War. Janie Hampton
How the Girl Guides Won the War
To my mother, who throughout her long life as both
a Guide and a Brown Owl, has demonstrated that keeping to the rules is not nearly as important as Robert Baden-Powell’s maxim:
‘I wouldn’t give tuppence for you if you are not jolly and laughing.’
18 Giant Pandas and Frozen Alligators
19 The City of Polish Children
22 Into the Twenty-First Century
Robert Baden-Powell talking to the first Girl Guides in Brighton, 1910. (© Girlguiding UK)
Guide messengers at the Peace Conference, Versailles, 1919. (© Daily Mail)
Olave Baden-Powell, with Brownies at the Essex County Rally in 1921. (© Girlguiding UK)
Guides enjoying an excursion on the Danube during the Pax Ting International Camp in Hungary, August 1939. (© Girlguiding UK)
Guides helping at a club for evacuees in the Corn Exchange at Bishop’s Stortford in autumn 1939. (© Getty Images)
The 1st Eynsham Brownie Pack on holiday in Swanage in the last week of August 1939. (Private collection)
Guides learning how to use a stirrup pump in 1940. (© Girlguiding UK)
Guides help to run an infant school in Ilford. (© Getty Images)
Guides bathing an evacuee child. (© Girlguiding UK)
The vicar of Claybury Park, Ilford, Essex asked Guides to run a nursery in his church hall, 1940. (© Girlguiding UK)
Olga Malkowska being presented with the Bronze Cross by Queen Elizabeth in December 1939. (© Getty Images)
Brownies of the 21st Glasgow Brownie Pack, at the Glasgow School for the Deaf, meet a real Brown Owl. (© Girlguiding UK)
Cockley Cley Kindertransport Guides in Norfolk, 1940. (© Sir Samuel Roberts)
An Extension Guide taking her fire-lighting test in hospital in 1943. (© Girlguiding UK)
The 1st Littleport Company collecting waste paper in Cambridgeshire in 1940. (© Girlguiding UK)
Maps hidden inside the cotton reels collected by Brownies for MI9. (© Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum, X003-6003/017)
Guides and Rangers roll up their bedding at the end of camp. (© Girlguiding UK)
Guides cleaning their teeth beside the latrine at Luccombe Camp, Isle of Wight, 1944. (© Girlguiding UK)
Guides of the 1st Disley Company near Manchester welcome refugee children from Guernsey on their arrival in June 1940. (© Allied Newspapers Manchester)
A Guide carrying messages gets directions from a policeman. (© Fox/Getty)
Guides salvaging a wheelchair during the London Blitz. (© Wimbledon Borough News)
The 5th Canterbury Company running a soup kitchen after the bombing of Canterbury, 1 June 1942. (© Getty Images)
The 2nd Gloucester Guide Company cooking sausages after an air raid in 1942. (© Girlguiding UK)
The 1st Cockington Company collecting jam pots around Torquay in 1942. (© Girlguiding UK)
Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret sending a message by carrier pigeon on Thinking Day 1943. (© Girlguiding UK)
The Princess