Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year. Neil Somerville

Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year - Neil  Somerville

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in the driving seat, but you need to decide on your route and set forth. This may require effort, but can offer substantial benefits too. And there will be support, goodwill and good personal times along the way.

      Ox Fortunes in the Year of the Tiger

      There will be many times during the Tiger year when Oxen will look askance at developments and despair of the pace with which they are happening. Tiger years are fast-moving and lack the stability that Oxen favour. But, while this is not an easy year for them, Oxen are made of stern stuff and, with care, can still benefit.

      With the aspects as they are, they should, however, proceed cautiously and, when situations call for it, keep a low profile. Although Oxen are usually forthright, in volatile situations they should consider their responses carefully. ‘A word once spoken cannot be retrieved’, as the Chinese proverb tells us, and Oxen would do well to bear this in mind this year. In addition, while they may have doubts over certain developments, sometimes their initial fears could be misplaced and patience will often be the best approach.

      A feature of Tiger years is that they give rise to ideas and initiatives, and this is particularly evident in the workplace. Often new systems and ways of working will be introduced and Oxen, who favour tradition, could feel uneasy about the changes and the inevitable teething problems they bring. To compound situations, new colleagues and/or the unhelpful attitude of some could be of concern, but amid the challenges, there are important gains to be had. Sometimes training will be available which will not only further the skills of Oxen but also be helpful in their subsequent progress. Also, as workloads increase and staff change, openings can arise. Tiger years can be demanding – and exasperating – but, by being prepared to adapt, learn and make the most of situations, Oxen can make headway.

      With the Tiger year being one of change, some Oxen will seek a position elsewhere and some will decide to take their career in an entirely new direction. For these Oxen, as well as those seeking work, obtaining a new position will require great effort, but with persistence and initiative, they can succeed. Many redoubtable Oxen can triumph this year in spite of often difficult conditions.

      Financially, too, this is a need for care. Not only could there be increased accommodation (and commuting) costs, but equipment could fail, necessitating repair or replacement. With many outgoings likely, Oxen need to manage their situation carefully as well as make advance provision for forthcoming expenses and more substantial purchases.

      A more positive area is personal interests. With all the activity of the year, Oxen will often be glad to spend time on their own pursuits. Sometimes new ideas or equipment will enable them to further what they do. Also, if they would like to introduce a new element into their lifestyle, they should consider taking up different activities. Busy they may be, but recreational interests offer real benefit. For the more creative, Tiger years can be stimulating and inspiring times.

      Oxen will appreciate their home life this year – indeed, some will regard their home as a sanctuary from outside pressures. All will enjoy sharing interests with their loved ones as well as deciding on key plans and purchases, including travel. This is a year favouring collective effort and input.

      Also, in view of the pressures and changes Oxen face this year, it is important they speak of their concerns, so that others can better understand and help. If tired or tense, they should also be careful not to take irritations out on others. Here again, openness and willingness to consult others can be of particular value.

      Oxen would also do well to keep their wits about them in social situations this year. An inadvertent comment or lapse could cause problems. Life may not always be straightforward in Tiger years, but despite the variable aspects, there will be social occasions that Oxen can greatly enjoy and the chance to relax will do them good.

      Overall, Oxen may not welcome the volatility seen in Tiger years, but by making the best of situations, they can discover new strengths, and sometimes new interests too, as well as derive pleasure from their home life and shared activities.

      Tips for the Year

      Be flexible. That way you can gain more from what opens up this year. Also, devote time to your own interests and your home life. They can be valuable in this often pressured and fast-moving year.

      Ox Fortunes in the Year of the Rabbit

      A much-improved year for Oxen. With focus, they can make good headway at work, while on a personal level, there are good times to be had. While the aspects are supportive, Oxen cannot expect instant results – Rabbit years reward patient endeavour – but the steady pace of the year will better suit the Ox temperament.

      Any Oxen who start the year dissatisfied should concentrate on the now rather than feel hindered by what has gone before. With a willingness to move forward, they can take important steps and regain more control over their situation.

      For those whose lifestyle has got out of balance, this is an excellent year to rectify matters. If personal interests have had to be set aside due to other pressures, Oxen should ensure they allow time for them this year. With the accent on learning and culture, they could benefit from study and research, as well as enjoy the social occasions Rabbit years are so famed for.

      Attention to their own well-being can also be of advantage. Some Oxen will give some thought to their appearance and decide to overhaul their wardrobe. Over the year, helpful decisions can be made which have a positive bearing on other aspects of life too.

      Personal relationships are particularly well aspected, and for Oxen enjoying romance or who find it this year, these can be exciting times. In addition, personal interests will bring Oxen into contact with many people and this is an excellent year for them to engage in activities and raise their profile.

      Being on inspired form, they will also busy themselves in the home, often redecorating, tidying up certain areas and making other improvements. With family members also assisting, much can be undertaken. This can be a satisfying year domestically. However, during it, another person could need help with a problem. Here the Ox’s support and considered advice can be of great value.

      In their work, Oxen like to specialize and build up their expertise in certain areas. Over the Rabbit year, many will be able to move their career forward and take on greater responsibilities. However, while this progress will be pleasing, it will also place new demands on the Oxen concerned, and there will be adjustments to make, challenges to address and new procedures to learn. In Rabbit years, the abilities of many Oxen will be tested.

      For Oxen currently dissatisfied with their present position or seeking work, there can be encouraging developments in store. By making enquiries and considering other ways in which they could use their strengths, they can be offered the chance they were hoping for. To make headway, some flexibility will be needed, but what is achieved now can often be to their longer-term advantage. In addition, all Oxen should make the most of any training that is available. Rabbit years encourage self-development and this will help make this both a more successful and personally fulfilling time.

      In money matters, Oxen should manage their situation carefully, ideally budgeting for commitments and being wary if involved in any informal arrangement, including lending to another person. Without care, problems and misunderstandings could arise. Oxen, take note and be vigilant.

      In general, the Rabbit year can be a constructive and pleasing one for Oxen. It encourages progress and the development of skills as well as offers the chance to make some beneficial lifestyle changes. In addition, personal relations can be special and give added meaning (and impetus) to this promising year.

      Tips for the Year

      Be adaptable. With a willingness to consider other possibilities, you can gain a great deal. Also set time aside for your interests and consider making some positive lifestyle changes. Attention to your own self can have an uplifting effect and help in all manner of ways.

      Ox Fortunes in the Year of the Dragon

      Dragon years are bold and dynamic and Oxen are often uncomfortable with their heady pace. This will not necessarily be an easy time, but, despite its frustrations, Oxen can take quiet satisfaction in their achievements.


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