The History of the Roman Empire: 27 B.C. – 180 A.D.. John Bagnell Bury

The History of the Roman Empire: 27 B.C. – 180 A.D. - John Bagnell Bury

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       John Bagnell Bury

      The History of the Roman Empire: 27 B.C. – 180 A.D.

      The Account of of Rome History from its Foundation to the Death of Marcus Aurelius

      Published by


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      Table of Contents

       Chapter I. From the Battle of Actium to the Foundation of the Principate

       Chapter II. The Principate

       Chapter III. The Joint Government of the Princeps and Senate

       Chapter IV. The Family of Augustus and His Plans to Found a Dynasty

       Chapter V. Administration of Augustus in Rome and Italy — Organisation of the Army

       Chapter VI. Provincial Administration Under Augustus — The Western Provinces

       Chapter VII. Provincial Administration Under Augustus — The Eastern Provinces and Egypt

       Chapter VIII. Rome and Parthia — Expeditions to Arabia and Ethiopia

       Chapter IX. The Winning and Losing of Germany — Death of Augustus

       Chapter X. Rome Under Augustus — His Buildings

       Chapter XI. Literature of the Augustan Age

       Chapter XII. The Principate of Tiberius (14-37 A.D.)

       Chapter XIII. Chapter XIII. Principate of Tiberius (Continued)

       Chapter XIV. The Principate of Gaius (Caligula) (37-41 A.D.)

       Chapter XV. The Principate of Claudius (41-54 A.D.)

       Chapter XVI. The Conquest of Britain

       Chapter XVII. The Principate of Nero (54-68 A.D.)

       Chapter XVIII. The Wars for Armenia, Under Claudius and Nero

       Chapter XIX. The Principate of Galba and the Year of the Four Emperors (68-69 A.D.)

       Chapter XX. Rebellions in Germany and Judea

       Chapter XXI. The Flavian Emperors — Vespasian, Titus and Domitian (69-96 A.D.)

       Chapter XXII. Britain and Germany Under the Flavians — Dacian War

       Chapter XXIII. Nerva and Trajan — The Conquest of Dacia

       Chapter XXIV. Trajan's Principate (Continued) — Administration and Eastern Conquests

       Chapter XXV. Literature From the Death of Tiberius to Trajan

       Chapter XXVI. The Principate of Hadrian (117-138 A.D.)

       Chapter XXVII. The Principate of Antoninus Pius (138-161 A.D.)

       Chapter XXVIII. The Principate of Marcus Aurelius (161-180 A.D.)

       Chapter XXIX. Literature Under Hadrian and the Antonines

       Chapter XXX. The Roman World Under the Empire — Politics, Philosophy, Religion and Art

       Chapter XXXI. Roman Life and Manners

      Chapter I.

       From the Battle of Actium to the Foundation of the Principate

       Table of Contents

      C. Julius Cesar, the triumvir and the founder of the Roman Empire, was the grandnephew of C. Julius Caesar, the dictator, his adoptive father. Originally named, like his true father, C. Octavius, he entered the Julian family after the dictator’s death, and, according to the usual practice of adopted sons, called himself C. Julius Caesar Octavianus. But the name Octavianus soon fell into disuse, and by his contemporaries he was commonly spoken of as Caesar, just as Scipio Aemilianus was commonly called Scipio.

      The victory of Actium (Sept. 2, 31 B.C.), and the death of Marcus Antonius (Aug. 1, 30 B.C.) placed the supreme power in the hands of Caesar, for so we may best call him until he becomes Augustus. The Roman world lay at his feet and he had no rival. He was not a man of genius and his success had perhaps been chiefly due to his imperturbable self-control. He was no general; he was hardly a soldier, though not devoid of personal courage, as he had shown in his campaign in Illyricum. As a statesman he was able, but not creative or original, and he would never have succeeded informing a permanent constitution but for the example of the great dictator. In temper he was cool, without ardor or enthusiasm. His mind was logical and he aimed at precision in thought and expression. His culture was wide, if superficial; his knowledge of Greek imperfect. In literary style he affected simplicity and correctness; and he was an acute critic. Like many educated men of his time, he was not free from superstition. His habits were always simple, his food plain, and his surroundings modest. His family affections were strong and sometimes misled him into weakness. His presence was imposing, though he was not tall, and his features were marked by symmetrical beauty; but the pallor of his complexion showed that his health was naturally delicate. It was

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