knowledge of that which is vital to its life-work, and its own life. It takes nourishment, and reproduces itself by increasing in size and then separating. It seems to have a memory, and in other ways manifests mind action. We do not consider it necessary to go deeply into this matter at this point, and merely mention these facts that the reader may understand that these cells are "living things," having mind action.
These cells are built up into organs, parts, tissue, muscle, etc., and form what is known as cell communities, in which their minds seem to combine, in addition to their having independent mental action. In the case of the liver, for instance, the millions of cells composing that organ have a community-mind, which may be called the "liver-mind," and which acts as an "entity"— subject, always, to the control of the Instinctive Mind. This is a most important fact to remember, in connection with psychic healing, for the whole principle of the latter depends upon the fact that these organs, through their minds, are amenable to Mental Control and Direction.
As we have said, each cell belongs to a cell-group; and each group forms a part of a larger group, and so on until the whole forms a great group or whole community of cells, under the control of the Instinctive Mind. And the little minds of the entire cell community combine under the control of that great Instinctive Mind. And, at the same time, there are lesser combinations, and still lesser, until the mind of the single cell is reached. The entire mental organism of the cells is something quite wonderful, and startling.
The control of these cell-communities is one of the duties of the Instinctive Mind, and it usually does its work very well, unless interfered with by the Intellect, which sometimes sends it fearthoughts and demoralizes it. The Intellect insists upon interfering with the established order of the body, and by introducing strange customs and habits, tends to demoralize the cell-communities and to bring disorder into their ranks.
Sometimes something akin to rebellion springs up among these cell-communities or groups, and they revolt at working overtime, or from similar reasons. In this connection we take the liberty of quoting from our book entitled "Hatha Yoga," which gives a clear idea of these cell rebellions. The book says: "At times it seems that some of the smaller groups (and even some of the larger on certain occasions) go ‘on a strike,' rebelling against unaccustomed and improper work forced upon them—working overtime—and similar causes, such as a lack of proper nourishment. These little cells often act just as would men under the same circumstances—the analogy is often startling to the observer and investigator. These rebellions or strikes seem to spread, if matters are not arranged, and even when matters are patched up, the cells seem to return to their work in a sullen manner, and, instead of doing their work the best they know how, they will do as little as possible, and only just when they feel like it. A restoration of normal conditions, resulting from improved nutrition, proper attention, etc., will gradually bring about a return to normal functioning, and matters may be very much expedited by orders from the Will, directed immediately to the cell-groups. It is astonishing how soon order and discipline may be restored in this way."
Science has shown us the truth of the old Yogi teachings that all disease was cell-disease, and it follows that if we can manage to get control of the cell-trouble, we have mastered the entire problem. This control may be acquired in a number of ways, and the explanation of these ways and their method of application, forms the subject of this book.
Chapter V.
The Three Forms of Psychic Healing.
AS WE stated at the close of our last chapter, the control of the cells manifesting physical disease, might be accomplished by the several forms of Psychic Healing, which may be considered in three forms known as:
(1) Pranic Healing, or healing by the sending of Prana or Vital Force to the affected parts, thereby stimulating the cells and tissue to normal activity, the result being that the waste matter is ejected from the system, and normal conditions restored. This form of healing is known in the Western world as "Magnetic Healing," etc., and many cures have been made by reason thereof, although many of the healers have not known the principles underlying the work, although they had acquired a very good working knowledge of the methods to be employed.
(2) Mental Healing, by which is meant the control of the cell-minds, either direct, or through the Instinctive Mind of the sick person. This form of Healing includes what is known in the Western World as Mental Healing, direct and absent; Suggestive Healing; Psychic Healing, etc., etc., etc., and includes many so-called religious forms of healing which are but forms of Mental Healing, disguised under the cover of religious teachings and theories.
(3) Spiritual Healing, by which is meant a high form of healing arising from the Healer possessing a high degree of Spiritual Unfoldment, and allowing the light of his or her, higher mentality to pour forth upon the mind of the patient, bathing him in a wave of high thought and lifting him, temporarily to a higher plane of being. This form of healing is not nearly so common as one might be led to believe from listening to the talk of the healers and their patients. In fact it is very rare, and none but healers of a very high order possess it. Many who think that they have it, are simply using the ordinary methods of Mental Healing, and have not the slightest idea of what true Spiritual Healing consists. But, no harm is done, so long as the results are obtained, and we merely mention the matter here, that the reader may form a clear idea of the entire subject. Each of these forms of Psychic Healing will be considered in turn, as we proceed.
The principal point to be remembered, at this point is that at the last all forms of Psychic Healing are forms of Mental Healing. Even the healing by Prana, is Mental Healing, for the Prana is moved by the Mind, and in fact, is the power of Mind itself, as we shall see presently. The disease or trouble is called "physical," that is, is manifest in the cells of the physical body, and, if we examine it closely we will see that it is really a mental trouble of the particular cells affected. And, consequently the only way a cure may be effected, is by reaching the mental part of the cell, and rousing it to normal activity. This may be accomplished in many ways, but all ways, at the last are Mental Ways, for it is not the "way" that works the cure, but the mind that is aroused by the Way. These points will be brought out as we proceed.
In our next chapter, we shall consider the form of Psychic Healing called Pranic Healing.
Chapter VI.
The Principles of Pranic Healing.
BEFORE WE can understand Pranic Healing, we must understand something about Prana. Prana is the name given by the Yogi philosophers to "Vital Force," or Energy, which is found within the body of every living thing. It may be called the Life Force. At the last, Prana is known to be Mental in its nature, and is the Energy of the Mind of the Universe. But in order to avoid metaphysical distinctions in this book, let us follow the usual custom of treating Prana as an independent thing, just as we do Mind and Matter.
The Yogis teach that Prana is a Universal Principle—a Something pervading all Space, and together with Mind and Matter composing the Threefold Manifestation of the Absolute. Leaving aside the manifestations of Prana in the forms of Force, known as Electricity, Heat, Light, etc., let us consider it in its manifestation of Vital Force, which is the only aspect with which we are concerned in this book. Prana is the Force by which all activity is carried on in the body—by which all bodily movements are possible—by which all functioning is done—by which all signs of life manifest themselves. We have described Prana at considerable length in our other books, and do not desire to repeat ourselves, and to take up space in such repetitions, any more than can be avoided.
Briefly, however, we may say that Prana is that Principle of Life which is found in the air, water, food, etc., from which the living organism absorbs it to use in the work of the body. We advise all students of this book to read either the "Science of Breath," or else "Hatha Yoga" in order to gain a fuller idea of the subject of Prana. In the books named, we